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Some conservatives soil their pants over spooky Grammy performance.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I LOVED the tribute to Motown as I've been a fan of them for around six decades now. My wife surprised and literally shocked me when she took me to see Diana Ross as I had no clue where we were even going.

What a performance from someone who grew up not too far from where I grew up-- or at least I tried to.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Calling them artists seems rather generous.
Calling evil good and good evil is what our society has come to.

Do they have to align with specific political or religious beliefs in order to earn the "artist" designation?

There are many performers I recognize as artists whose work and politics I find repellent. That doesn't mean they're not artists.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Which brings me right back to my question, why show stuff that they know is going to offend millions of people?

Do you oppose "cancel culture" or not? If you do, then it follows that these performers shouldn't be "canceled" just for offending a subset of conservatives even if we assume that they did it on purpose.

People can just avoid watching the Grammy performances. They can't avoid conservative-led legislation that has been shoved down their throats such as abortion bans and restrictions on LGBT rights. I find the latter far more offensive and harmful.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
It was stridently in-your-face and provocative in its pandering to leftist libertine bohemianism. But even worse it was boring. Being strident can be overlooked easier than being uninteresting.

It seems that some conservatives (e.g., Megyn Kelly) are upset that it didn't abide by or pander to their religious and political sensibilities.

Freedom of speech and religion is a two-way street. Just as evangelical conservatives can publicly announce their beliefs that offend and demonize certain groups, artists can also perform segments that offend evangelical conservatives.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The Satanism is old hat. They've been pushing that crap for years.

I have never been a fan of reactionary "Satanism." In my opinion, it makes a mockery of people who genuinely follow Left-Hand Path beliefs and thrives on edginess, attention-seeking, and reactionism to Christianity.

I have never watched a Grammy performance either. My issue isn't that people find such performances tacky or intentionally provocative; some of them indeed are. My issue is that some people seem to be advocating for "canceling" these peformers or saying that they should avoid offending when they have criticized instances of "cancel culture" that affected them or people they support despite the latter also saying or doing offensive things. They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they want others to just switch channels when they get offended, they should reciprocate and let others do whatever they want as long as they harm no one.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Another classically awful Grammy show. They somehow manage to top themselves in terrible music and performances year after year. Then about once every five years or so someone will give a shockingly good performance.

Not this year, though. This year it was all just hours of classically awful stuff. I must have gone to the toilet during that devil worshippers, as I have no recollection of seeing those. Or they didn't actually happen, which is equally plausible. In any case it was completely inane and derivative, I'm sure. And heads exploding in outrage among the MAGA nuts is hardly an unusual occurrence, now is it. So it's all just more capitalism turning everything it touches to excrement, as per usual.
The Grammys are garbage, but not because of "satanic" performances.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I just love how so many on the Left expect me to be all outraged over this when I already listen to Slayer, Emperor, Opeth, and Perturbator.

I mean can’t an “evil far-right fascist” appreciate some awesome black/ death/ thrash and darksynth just like anybody else…?

Why would "the left" or anyone else expect you to be outraged unless you were a Christian fundamentalist? And even if you were, it's still silly to engage in hysteria over some cheesy performance.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Given their history, they're certainly not entitled to have others tiptoe around them.
There's freedom of thought, freedom of artistic expression. Which has to be respected.
But the Christian majority will draw their own conclusions...about Hollywood or the entertainment industry, in general.
That is: that Satanism is strangely widespread.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
If the "performers" themselves purposefully try to be over-the-top it is probably understandable that their detractors would be so too.

At some level they satisfy each other's psychological needs and being outrageous and in-your-face is a classic approach.

There was next to no coverage of entire genres such as Classical, Bluegrass, Tejano, a capella, New Age and world music.

At home we have zero interest in watching award shows and you've identified one real issue.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
There's freedom of thought, freedom of artistic expression. Which has to be respected.
But the Christian majority will draw their own conclusions...about Hollywood or the entertainment industry, in general.
That is: that Satanism is strangely widespread.
Of course they're going to create wild fantasies and wacky hysteria, and it will be rightfully dismissed as irrational, unsubstantiated garbage (such as the notion that satanism is widespread).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I LOVED the tribute to Motown as I've been a fan of them for around six decades now. My wife surprised and literally shocked me when she took me to see Diana Ross as I had no clue where we were even going.

What a performance from someone who grew up not too far from where I grew up-- or at least I tried to.
There was a tribute to Motown? :confused: