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Some of the most interesting answers have been OFF TOPIC


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hello! If anyone wants their thread to stay true to the original post and not to be having a passel* of posts privy* to the cardinal* meaning of the first question (who can do that anyway, geesh) have a one on one, you know, debate. OK?

* Oh God I love the internet. Happy New Year!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK people. The thread is for when you feel you need to say something but you just know you will be whacked with accusations of hijacking and all kinds of evil things. For anyone paying attention it should be obvious what the ranting and or superior wisdom is about. That is if you are from this planet and know how to read English.


Spiritual Seeker
What we know about Earth is it is in cycles. Weather for instance. But many other things are too. How can anyone rightly conclude that because we are in a non miracle cycle that miracles have never existed?

First, I find your assertion that supernatural occurrences may occur in a cyclical fashion FASCINATING. Many religious traditions including Buddhism and Wicca argue for a cyclical worldview.

Second, who is to say that miracles don't currently happen? Would a parent not view it as a miracle if their child responded to a cancer treatment in a better than expected fashion? Would an aboriginal tribe in the midst of a drought not view a rainstorm as a miracle? I think Hollywood has maybe distorted the expectations that some have as to what constitutes a supernatural encounter or event. If you're expecting feathery wings or a ghostly touch, then yes that tends to be a rarer occurrence in most, dare I say, first world cultures. On the other hand, if you view miracles as an extension of a desired outcome, one could argue that they are all around us.

Many people who have had near death experiences think that being alive is a miracle in itself. :angel2:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
First, I find your assertion that supernatural occurrences may occur in a cyclical fashion FASCINATING. Many religious traditions including Buddhism and Wicca argue for a cyclical worldview.

Second, who is to say that miracles don't currently happen? Would a parent not view it as a miracle if their child responded to a cancer treatment in a better than expected fashion? Would an aboriginal tribe in the midst of a drought not view a rainstorm as a miracle? I think Hollywood has maybe distorted the expectations that some have as to what constitutes a supernatural encounter or event. If you're expecting feathery wings or a ghostly touch, then yes that tends to be a rarer occurrence in most, dare I say, first world cultures. On the other hand, if you view miracles as an extension of a desired outcome, one could argue that they are all around us.

Many people who have had near death experiences think that being alive is a miracle in itself. :angel2:

I agree life is a miracle. And I think miracles, which are accomplishments for good which come from grace. "no one is good except one, God" says The Lord so all that comes from grace comes from God.

Why don't earth altering wonderful good things happen anymore? Say some. Things like the parting of the Red Sea. It is because obvious supernatural deeds don't happen any more that many people say tauntingly "where is you're god?" These same people who do not believe in supernatural occurrences believe that the first spark of life was not a miracle but a mundane happenstance caused by a very correct meeting of many specialized fragments of stuff.

Do I have a point? Yes, I think I do. It is that they believe the setting was just right for that to happen. It does not happen any more. I think it does not. I'm not sure. So how can they also believe that miracles that people say they have experienced did not occur because of a JUST RIGHT situation?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Someone someday might wonder why I started this dumb thread. It is because from the start of posting here I have comprehended that I am on most people's ignore list here. So if I start a thread which gets very little interest and participation I feel slighted. But here I do not. I can say what I want and not feel like a displaced person. Because it's dumb even when it isn't.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Or even when I think it isn't.

Also who really knows if the way I write is easier or harder to translate.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I shall have twins today. That is because I can not think of anything witty or interesting to say.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Also it is very much harder on me to be brushed off by a so called believer than it is to be brushed off by an unbeliever. It is why I dread going to "church". Church to me means the collection of bodies. I am more than my body. I have a mind too.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This one is about Luke 2:52. Some people grow up to be strong and feisty because of a bad childhood. Stressful you know. Luke 2:52 and Jesus was advancing in wisdom, and in stature, and in favour with God and men. I am sure, and being always right.... means his childhood was a pleasant one. His choice to serve God came from a commission, not an overwhelming desire to fix things like yours truly.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If it is true that because I have questions about the validity of the teachings of JWs I have "an ax to grind" is it also true that the early Bible Students who became the Jehovah's Witnesses had their own "ax to grind"?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The difference between "good" people and "good" parents. People is not a verb. But parent can be be an action and you can learn to do it well.