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Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.


Well-Known Member
Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins James 5:20

My family members do go to church so in doing so I would say they ask for forgiveness as much as the rest of us.:D


Well-Known Member
Hey, I know we all dont agree 100% with everything in our religions but I have been thinking really long and hard about something that was discussed in church on Sunday, here is the news story: BBC NEWS | Scotland | North East/N Isles | Kirk votes to back gay minister

According to the bible it is a sin for to be gay (I struggle with this as I dont believe people "choose" to be gay, I think it is the way they are and they would live a lie if they pretended not to be): Romans, Chapter 1 (King James Bible) - ChristianAnswers® WebBible™

Another reason I am struggling with this as I have a few cousins of mine who are openly gay (and I must say I am close to them so dont want to offend them in anyway by posing this question to them) and they attend church but according to my church they are living a lie, then again maybe I should just come right out and ask what their thoughts are.....

Anyway I would be interested to know what both christians and non-christians think about this dilema (well to me it is a dilema), does this mean that I am sinning as I'm not opposing my family members? As you will gather, although I have been thinking about it long and hard, I still havent drawn my conclusion yet as I dont feel it is my place to judge someone because of their sexuality as I am not judged on mine (well not that I know of).
God is clear about how the faithful are to treat homosexuals. He commands the death penalty.
  • Leviticus 20:13
    " 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."


Well-Known Member
[*]their blood will be on their own heads."

I know before you say I have only taken part of what you posted, but this is the part I feel most relevant to my thought... on their own heads. Its not up to us a society to put further difficulties or blockades in peoples lives, is it?


Well-Known Member
I know before you say I have only taken part of what you posted, but this is the part I feel most relevant to my thought... on their own heads. Its not up to us a society to put further difficulties or blockades in peoples lives, is it?

I totally agree. I believe homosexuals should get no special treatment, neither positively nor negatively. They should be entitled to every benefit the rest of society gets, including the benefits of marriage. But that is not what the Bible says.

I understand your dilemma. I have resolved it by no longer believing the Bible is anything more than a book written by men who expressed the morality of the day, much of which does not apply today.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. I believe homosexuals should get no special treatment, neither positively nor negatively. They should be entitled to every benefit the rest of society gets, including the benefits of marriage. But that is not what the Bible says.

I understand your dilemma. I have resolved it by no longer believing the Bible is anything more than a book written by men who expressed the morality of the day, much of which does not apply today.

And nor do I think they want special treament for that matter, so I don't feel that those (the one's who originally gave me the talking to) who were thinking we should set out to forceably change someone have any right to make any comment on people's way of lives, we should love everyone for who they are (whether it is our way or not).

I still continue my faith in God and I do believe in the word the bible teaches us (although as I'm not well read, I do try, I must say I sometimes doubt my own understanding so this is where I rely on "ask and ye shall receive"), its my faith in humanity and kindness that comes into question these days with the way I said in one of my ealier posts that I was basically told to choose between family and faith.


God's Warrior
We are all born sinners though, so is this God's image? Everyone's journey with God is different so I don't see that my journey with Him is better than anyone elses and vice versa for that matter as its a personal experience, and Yes before you say we should all encourage one and other as Christians in faith and experiences, but I dont think it is my place or anyone elses for that matter to tell anyone else what God will accept and condone, after all, It's up the Him and Him alone at time of judgement. So why cant we let people who (in my opinion before we get into all that again) are born as homosexual just get on with their lives and have equality in the world if that's what they want as does it really have a massive impact on your life personally if 2 men or 2 women wed or have the same rights as a man and wife would? It really wouldnt impact my life at all. I know I kinda went off topic a bit there but it got me thinking about other posts I have read.
Sin is not a part of God's nature. Sin came into the world through man's disobedience (choice) to not follow God's will. The central part of my arguement is that we are not born homosexual, just as we are not born murderers or child molesters, etc. We were born in sin and that's why we needed a savior in Jesus Christ. Man chooses to sin, but it's God's desire as part of a relationship with Him that we overcome these strongholds and desires to follow sin perpetually. Repentance is the act of asking for forgiveness and working towards turning away and not being in bondage to that worldly desire.


Well-Known Member
Sin is not a part of God's nature. Sin came into the world through man's disobedience (choice) to not follow God's will. The central part of my arguement is that we are not born homosexual, just as we are not born murderers or child molesters, etc. We were born in sin and that's why we needed a savior in Jesus Christ. Man chooses to sin, but it's God's desire as part of a relationship with Him that we overcome these strongholds and desires to follow sin perpetually. Repentance is the act of asking for forgiveness and working towards turning away and not being in bondage to that worldly desire.

We all sin though, well I do and I'm assuming you do also, but I am a child of God as you are, so why cant everyone ask for the same forgiveness as we do?


My family members do go to church so in doing so I would say they ask for forgiveness as much as the rest of us.:D
this is good. but I was writing cause Enlighten said its not our place to tell someone what God will accept or condone, this verse and many others tell us to spread the word.


God's Warrior
We all sin though, well I do and I'm assuming you do also, but I am a child of God as you are, so why cant everyone ask for the same forgiveness as we do?
You're missing my point. It's God's desire for us to change our ways at some point. It's called spiritual growth. It does not mean we don't sin, but there are things you did before you accepted Christ that you don't do anymore. If we know that God's view is that homosexuality is an abomination, at some point would we not want to strive to obedience and following His will and turn away from the desire? There are consequences for our sin and God, because He's our heavenly Father will discipline us in some way through life circumstances and even tradegy through death. Our hearts need to be conditioned to serve and obey Him is all aspects of our life. He wants you to grow and not be stagnant.


Little Old Heathen Lady
You're missing my point. It's God's desire for us to change our ways at some point. It's called spiritual growth. It does not mean we don't sin, but there are things you did before you accepted Christ that you don't do anymore. If we know that God's view is that homosexuality is an abomination, at some point would we not want to strive to obedience and following His will and turn away from the desire? There are consequences for our sin and God, because He's our heavenly Father will discipline us in some way through life circumstances and even tradegy through death. Our hearts need to be conditioned to serve and obey Him is all aspects of our life. He wants you to grow and not be stagnant.

The problem with that is not everyone is Christian. My religion doesn't believe in abominations or sins; what's important is a person's deeds. As I have told others, I didn't choose to be bisexual, but I can chose to express it or not. My relationship with the gods is not based on servant/master type. I, as a Heathen, believe the gods are our Elder Kin. The Aesir and Vanir do not want slaves.

I have no problems with Christians saying what they believe. My problem is when they act on those beliefs in a way which will hurt other people.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I would very much like to see where in the NT Paul was given the authority to decide what is and isn't a sin.

Jesus never said a word about homosexuality, and if you're going to fall back on the OT, there's a long list of other "abominations" that for some reason no one seems to be objecting to anymore.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I would very much like to see where in the NT Paul was given the authority to decide what is and isn't a sin.

Jesus never said a word about homosexuality, and if you're going to fall back on the OT, there's a long list of other "abominations" that for some reason no one seems to be objecting to anymore.

Yes, Jesus never said anything on the subject, but if one were to take into account his Jewish upbringing, it is likely that he viewed homosexuality as a sin.

However, I'd wager that if Jesus (the man, not the Christ) were born today, he'd not be against the legalizing of it; in fact, he'd probably be indifferent to it.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, Jesus never said anything on the subject, but if one were to take into account his Jewish upbringing, it is likely that he viewed homosexuality as a sin.

Jesus formed his own opinions, interpretations, and applications of the Law as a whole. that's why we're still talking about him.


Admiral Obvious
Yes, Jesus never said anything on the subject, but if one were to take into account his Jewish upbringing, it is likely that he viewed homosexuality as a sin.
Interesting, is it not, that Jesus did not feel it important enough to mention...
I mean, think about it, if Jesus is God and God knows everything about everything, yet does not mention a specific point...

However, I'd wager that if Jesus (the man, not the Christ) were born today, he'd not be against the legalizing of it;
I agree, though I wonder about your particular wording here...

in fact, he'd probably be indifferent to it.
I disagree.
I'd bet he would be highly upset.
Upset at all the hypocrisy his alleged followers are promoting in his name.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Interesting, is it not, that Jesus did not feel it important enough to mention...
I mean, think about it, if Jesus is God and God knows everything about everything, yet does not mention a specific point...

That's dependent on Jesus being God. ;)

I disagree.
I'd bet he would be highly upset.
Upset at all the hypocrisy his alleged followers are promoting in his name.

Yes, he'd be upset at THAT. Not at whether or not homosexual marriage is legalized or not. "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's."

I think he'd personally disagree with homosexuality, but if he's in line with many other Sages, he'd probably believe that chastity was essential for the highest spiritual growth.


Well-Known Member
ryynänen47;1572756 said:
The problem with that is not everyone is Christian. My religion doesn't believe in abominations or sins; what's important is a person's deeds. As I have told others, I didn't choose to be bisexual, but I can chose to express it or not. My relationship with the gods is not based on servant/master type. I, as a Heathen, believe the gods are our Elder Kin. The Aesir and Vanir do not want slaves.

I have no problems with Christians saying what they believe. My problem is when they act on those beliefs in a way which will hurt other people.

Yes, I totally agree, that is where I had the problem with being asked to act upon my belief as my family members who go to church have accepted Christ into their lives and although they have "chosen" to continue with their way of life it doesnt mean that they haven't changed in other ways. And as you say not everyone is Christian so I dont really feel it is my place to act upon the "issue" as it would definately be very hurtful and no doubt would lead to me losing the closeness I have with them.


Well-Known Member
I would very much like to see where in the NT Paul was given the authority to decide what is and isn't a sin.

Jesus never said a word about homosexuality, and if you're going to fall back on the OT, there's a long list of other "abominations" that for some reason no one seems to be objecting to anymore.

Yep totally - I made this point (obv not in these words) earlier, as the BIG focus seems to be on homosexuality these days, what about all the other sins or "abominations"?


God's Warrior
ryynänen47;1572756 said:
The problem with that is not everyone is Christian. My religion doesn't believe in abominations or sins; what's important is a person's deeds. As I have told others, I didn't choose to be bisexual, but I can chose to express it or not. My relationship with the gods is not based on servant/master type. I, as a Heathen, believe the gods are our Elder Kin. The Aesir and Vanir do not want slaves.

I have no problems with Christians saying what they believe. My problem is when they act on those beliefs in a way which will hurt other people.
I agree that no belief system should hurt or opress people in any way, but to respectfully lay out any differences that one may have. We differ in our belief systems, because there is no way we can earn our salvation. That is the primary reason why God sacrificed the righteous one Jesus Christ on our behalf. Our sins our redeemed, past, present, and future. But that does not give us a license to sin. We need to draw closer to God through His Word, prayer and fellowship. Through those resources, God gives us the tools to carry out His Purpose. Much love to you.
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I would very much like to see where in the NT Paul was given the authority to decide what is and isn't a sin.

Jesus never said a word about homosexuality, and if you're going to fall back on the OT, there's a long list of other "abominations" that for some reason no one seems to be objecting to anymore.
1 corinthians 14:37 paul says what he writes are the lords commanments. The 7th chapter of 1 corinthians tells what marriage is.