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Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.


Well-Known Member
God asked us to love another. We are made in the image of God and God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. I don't agree with you assessment that homosexuals are born that way. By doing so, you imply that God creates gay individuals which would make Him out to be a liar based on His stance towards homosexuality. I think everyone makes a choice regarding their sexual preference. I may not agree with that lifestyle, but that is one's choice and I will love them in spite of my disagreement with it.

I really have to disagree with you on this, the members of my family whom I love and trust did not wake up one day and think "Hey I'm gonna be gay", thats like saying I woke up one day and thought "Hey I'm gonna be straight". Point being I am who I am and have always been, and my family members are the way they are and have always been. Before they "came out" they were unhappy living a lie. (I'm not too great on PC so hopefully I dont offend anyone as I really dont mean to). To answer your point on God creating gay individuals, yes he did as he created us all. We are all born sinners and I know that in the bible there are passages that implies homosexuality is a sin, but there are also many passages that highlight sins that we commit on a daily basis, but do these sins get blown out of proportion in the media etc. :no: as these are seen as "minor" and "can be fixed". And yes, the bible says we should love one and other, but it does also say that we shouldnt judge, correct?


Umm...no. Leviticus is from the Torah, you Christians call it the Old Testament. There is no Jesus there. So no, Jesus did say anything. Next time try using the NT for anything Jesus says quotes.

Jesus Christ declared that God’s Word is truth. (John 17:17) That means that he endorsed God’s view of homosexuality as described at Leviticus 18:22, which reads: “You must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing.” Moreover, Jesus listed fornication and adultery among the “wicked things that issue forth from within and defile a man.” (Mark 7:21-23) The Greek word for fornication is a broader term than that for adultery. It describes all forms of sexual relations outside lawful marriage, including homosexuality. (Jude 7) Jesus Christ also warned his followers not to tolerate any professed Christian teacher who minimizes the seriousness of fornication.—Revelation 1:1; 2:14, 20.
Also, Jesus often quoted from the Hebrew scriptures.
I have often questioned if Adam and Eve were homosexuals. They were not able to multiply and reproduce, until they partook of something that was forbidden, in the sight of God. Maybe one of them had intercourse with a female, then they took her child. This makes more sense to me.


God's Warrior
I really have to disagree with you on this, the members of my family whom I love and trust did not wake up one day and think "Hey I'm gonna be gay", thats like saying I woke up one day and thought "Hey I'm gonna be straight". Point being I am who I am and have always been, and my family members are the way they are and have always been. Before they "came out" they were unhappy living a lie. (I'm not too great on PC so hopefully I dont offend anyone as I really dont mean to). To answer your point on God creating gay individuals, yes he did as he created us all. We are all born sinners and I know that in the bible there are passages that implies homosexuality is a sin, but there are also many passages that highlight sins that we commit on a daily basis, but do these sins get blown out of proportion in the media etc. :no: as these are seen as "minor" and "can be fixed". And yes, the bible says we should love one and other, but it does also say that we shouldnt judge, correct?
God did not create a person that way. We just will respectfully disagree. I think people do make a choice and at the end of the day, it really comes down to obedience to God in all areas of our life. God never condoned homosexuality, which implies that it is a choice in His eyes.


Well-Known Member
God did not create a person that way. We just will respectfully disagree. I think people do make a choice and at the end of the day, it really comes down to obedience to God in all areas of our life. God never condoned homosexuality, which implies that it is a choice in His eyes.

He created us all did He not, therefore He created us as we are. If God did not create a person "that way" as you put it then how can you be so sure that He created you "your way". I'm just trying to make a point that if He didnt create a person "that way" then who did?

There are many things that God would never condone. :D


He created us all did He not, therefore He created us as we are. If God did not create a person "that way" as you put it then how can you be so sure that He created you "your way". I'm just trying to make a point that if He didnt create a person "that way" then who did?

There are many things that God would never condone. :D
However you are created,we all have sinned or have sin ,it is up to us to go to Jesus and ask Him to help us overcome.


To answer your point on God creating gay individuals, yes he did as he created us all. We are all born sinners and I know that in the bible there are passages that implies homosexuality is a sin, but there are also many passages that highlight sins that we commit on a daily basis, but do these sins get blown out of proportion in the media etc. :no: as these are seen as "minor" and "can be fixed". And yes, the bible says we should love one and other, but it does also say that we shouldnt judge, correct?
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]According to the Bible book of Genesis, God himself created the differences between males and females. The record states: “God proceeded to create the man in his image . . . Male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.’—Genesis 1:27, 28.[/FONT]​
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God created humans with free will and provided opportunities for them to enjoy their freedom. (Psalm 115:16) However, when it came to issues of sexuality, God gave specific guidelines.—Genesis 2:24.
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Because of Adam’s disobedience, we have all inherited imperfection. We must therefore battle fleshly weaknesses and strong desires that are out of harmony with God’s original purpose. Thus, in the laws given through Moses, God specified sexual practices that were not in harmony with his standards—namely, adultery, incest, homosexuality, and bestiality. (Leviticus 18:6-23) God also specifically forbade portraying oneself as a member of the opposite sex for immoral purposes. (Deuteronomy 22:5) The Bible consistently teaches that the only sexual relations approved by God are with a member of the opposite sex within the marriage arrangement. (Genesis 20:1-5, 14; 39:7-9; Proverbs 5:15-19; Hebrews 13:4) Are such standards reasonable? It is obvious from the way God made men and women that it is natural for them to be sexually attracted to one another. Sexual attraction to a member of the same sex, to an animal, or to a child is therefore unnatural.—Romans 1:26, 27, 32. But, as already posted, God is the one who determines a person's righteous standing before him.


God's Warrior
I really have to disagree with you on this, the members of my family whom I love and trust did not wake up one day and think "Hey I'm gonna be gay", thats like saying I woke up one day and thought "Hey I'm gonna be straight". Point being I am who I am and have always been, and my family members are the way they are and have always been. Before they "came out" they were unhappy living a lie. (I'm not too great on PC so hopefully I dont offend anyone as I really dont mean to). To answer your point on God creating gay individuals, yes he did as he created us all. We are all born sinners and I know that in the bible there are passages that implies homosexuality is a sin, but there are also many passages that highlight sins that we commit on a daily basis, but do these sins get blown out of proportion in the media etc. :no: as these are seen as "minor" and "can be fixed". And yes, the bible says we should love one and other, but it does also say that we shouldnt judge, correct?
I am not judging anyone, but reinforcing what the Word of God says about the issue. Yes, we all sin, but God's Word also asked us to repent of our sins and begin the process of turning away. It's a process of discipline which leads to santification, but it does not represent perfection in any way. We strive to be like Christ and move closer to God through fellowship in the Word, through prayer and through fellowshipping with the body of Christ (The Church). This is what helps us to grow spiritually and as we do, God continues to work on our heart and change our personality, which impacts the way we think, speak and behave. Luke 9:23 says that we have to "deny ourselves", take up our cross and follow Him". We have to get self out of the way and put God's agenda first and just cannot be relegated to accepting the rationale that "this is the way I am" with no inclination to change that is in alignment with God's will and purpose.


I have often questioned if Adam and Eve were homosexuals. They were not able to multiply and reproduce, until they partook of something that was forbidden, in the sight of God. Maybe one of them had intercourse with a female, then they took her child. This makes more sense to me.

Who would it have been since there wasn't anyone else around until their children were born?


Well-Known Member
I am not judging anyone, but reinforcing what the Word of God says about the issue. Yes, we all sin, but God's Word also asked us to repent of our sins and begin the process of turning away. It's a process of discipline which leads to santification, but it does not represent perfection in any way. We strive to be like Christ and move closer to God through fellowship in the Word, through prayer and through fellowshipping with the body of Christ (The Church). This is what helps us to grow spiritually and as we do, God continues to work on our heart and change our personality, which impacts the way we think, speak and behave. Luke 9:23 says that we have to "deny ourselves", take up our cross and follow Him". We have to get self out of the way and put God's agenda first and just cannot be relegated to accepting the rationale that "this is the way I am" with no inclination to change that is in alignment with God's will and purpose.

You have not answered my question, did God create us all? (Yes He did) Therefore He created us all the way we are? The bible also tells us "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." to put it in simpler terms.
How do you know there wasn't anyone else around? This is the only logical explanation that I have found, to this puzzle. The tree could have been an untouchable family tree. There is a reasonabee explanation to this story. If is is some type of history, as I have heard some people say, then either the history is not right, or people don't understand what they are reading. It must make sense. The way it has been told to me, can't be right. I am trying to find what is right.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
How do you know there wasn't anyone else around? This is the only logical explanation that I have found, to this puzzle. The tree could have been an untouchable family tree. There is a reasonabee explanation to this story. If is is some type of history, as I have heard some people say, then either the history is not right, or people don't understand what they are reading. It must make sense. The way it has been told to me, can't be right. I am trying to find what is right.

The story of Adam and Eve has been compared to the "fall" of man from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies, and it is likely that the story is meant to be an allegory for that.


God's Warrior
You have not answered my question, did God create us all? (Yes He did) Therefore He created us all the way we are? The bible also tells us "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." to put it in simpler terms.
We are not talking about salvation, we are discussing God's views towards homosexuality. God made us in His own image and that image did not represent homosexuality. The person makes the choice, God did'nt make it for them. I have family and friends who are gay as well, but that does not mean I have to agree with the lifestyle. I love them anyway. Yes, God loves everyone and will save all who seek His face and accepts His Son Jesus Christ, but there is an expectation that we grow in Him and overcome our strongholds and homosexuality is a stronghold. Satan, the father of all lies would like one to believe that this is the way God created me. Let's not lay that at God's feet.


Well-Known Member
We are not talking about salvation, we are discussing God's views towards homosexuality. God made us in His own image and that image did not represent homosexuality. The person makes the choice, God did'nt make it for them. I have family and friends who are gay as well, but that does not mean I have to agree with the lifestyle. I love them anyway. Yes, God loves everyone and will save all who seek His face and accepts His Son Jesus Christ, but there is an expectation that we grow in Him and overcome our strongholds and homosexuality is a stronghold. Satan, the father of all lies would like one to believe that this is the way God created me. Let's not lay that at God's feet.

We are all born sinners though, so is this God's image? Everyone's journey with God is different so I don't see that my journey with Him is better than anyone elses and vice versa for that matter as its a personal experience, and Yes before you say we should all encourage one and other as Christians in faith and experiences, but I dont think it is my place or anyone elses for that matter to tell anyone else what God will accept and condone, after all, It's up the Him and Him alone at time of judgement. So why cant we let people who (in my opinion before we get into all that again) are born as homosexual just get on with their lives and have equality in the world if that's what they want as does it really have a massive impact on your life personally if 2 men or 2 women wed or have the same rights as a man and wife would? It really wouldnt impact my life at all. I know I kinda went off topic a bit there but it got me thinking about other posts I have read.


We are all born sinners though, so is this God's image? Everyone's journey with God is different so I don't see that my journey with Him is better than anyone elses and vice versa for that matter as its a personal experience, and Yes before you say we should all encourage one and other as Christians in faith and experiences, but I dont think it is my place or anyone elses for that matter to tell anyone else what God will accept and condone, after all, It's up the Him and Him alone at time of judgement. So why cant we let people who (in my opinion before we get into all that again) are born as homosexual just get on with their lives and have equality in the world if that's what they want as does it really have a massive impact on your life personally if 2 men or 2 women wed or have the same rights as a man and wife would? It really wouldnt impact my life at all. I know I kinda went off topic a bit there but it got me thinking about other posts I have read.
Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins James 5:20