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Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
“There are Neanderthals, there are Republicans, there is Terri Schiavo, and then there are Biblical Literalists”

But none of these facts excuses the Neumanns or should give us pause about their being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The simple fact is that literalism, especially biblical literalism, kills.
For God's Sake: Biblical Literalism Kills -- Literally - On Faith at washingtonpost.com

Interesting article that illustrates the consequences of free spirit's ideas....
Of course there are other commands in the bible, arguably free is advocating stoning people to death and plucking people's eye balls out....

the article continues below (follow the link to the full article)

This case is not about who is, or is not a Fundamentalist. It is about people hiding behind a claim of reading the Bible literally, which nobody does anyway. A great example can be found among those who claim to follow every word of the Bible and use that claim to explain their rejection of homosexuality and witchcraft, but have no problem violating equally biblical bans on pork or cooking on the Sabbath.

Of course, they will point to a new scripture which extends the prohibition on the first two, and frees them from the second set of proscriptions. But that is an interpretive move and that means that they are no longer literalists who are freed from the consequences of their actions simply by invoking the Free Exercise clause.

The case of Kara Neumann and the parents who allowed her to die, is about the dangers of any group of people, of any faith, refusing to admit that they too are part of an interpretive tradition, making decisions about the meaning of the text which they revere. When they fail to acknowledge their role in interpreting the text, they are creating an excuse to check their consciences at the door, and end up deeply hypocritical at best and murderous at worst.

Be it Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Pagan or anything else, any insistence on the literal reading of any ancient holy book, in contemporary times, quickly devolves into ugly and dangerous behavior. In fact, the reason that both early Christians and the first rabbinic Jews were able to create new communities was because the literal reading of the Hebrew Bible had ceased to be a functional approach to that text.

On a final note, the IRONIC thing, if the following extract is correct, is well, that Free spirit's assertions are just plain nonsensical, but I think that has already become clear to most:

Much of the conflict between science and religion is the result of literal interpretations of the sacred text of the Christian and Jewish faiths known as the Bible. A literalist view of the Bible is actually an outgrowth of the philosophy and time period from which modern science arose (called the "Enlightenment"—the 18th century) that identified truth with factuality and that truth must be verifiable as fact. Therefore, it is a relatively recent view that does not go back to the original community of Christians that wrote the materials collected together in what Christians call the "New Testament" (and, therefore, not even further back to the communities of the Hebrew Bible, the "Old Testament").

Truth of Metaphor


Biblical Literalism is the most common form of schizophrenia as of yet discovered in humans. It is usually diagnosed from the sufferer's belief that the Bible, in its entirety, is an accurate account of actual events which have taken place since the world was created by God, in 6 days, 6000 years ago.
As many as 80% of Christians suffer from Biblical Literalism, and it is furthermore thought that Biblical Literalism is a pre-cursory symptom of kiddy fiddling.
If you think you or someone you know may be a Biblical Literalist, there is help. Most hospitals offer powerful euthanasia for any Biblical Literalist seeking help. If you can't afford medical bills or you don't dig hospital treatments, a bit of music from Gary's Gang will also do the trick.

Biblical Literalism - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

You got me all wrong; I am not a biblical literalist, for I can tell you about the gospel in one sentence, like "you should be holy for I am holy" so direct your walk of life toward that then do what you like, and i hope to see you on the other side.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
You got me all wrong; I am not a biblical literalist, for I can tell you about the gospel in one sentence, like "you should be holy for I am holy" so direct your walk of life toward that then do what you like, and i hope to see you on the other side.

literalist, 3rd day sun chewing goat herding wombat licker....


You are a FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, hell bound teaching, bigot.

That is the bottom line.

Sadly you are far from alone in advocating Jesus' message was one of hate

At least that is my opinion, I understand you are doing this through some sense of "love and compassion" and warning others that they may go to hell and stuff with hot pokey bits....

Settle in solitude,

and you will come upon Him

In yourself.​

–st teresa​
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Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Well I have to ask, why are you interested in this threat? You know that this is a religious forum, so you can expect the quoting of scriptures.
I am not interested in what the Muslim religion has to say about God, so I do not go on their threat.

Ironically, this is NOT a Christian thread

maybe it IS a christian threat:flirt:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Well I have to ask, why are you interested in this threat? You know that this is a religious forum, so you can expect the quoting of scriptures.

Quoting scripture is pointless without reasoning behind it. It should be used as corroboration, among other things, for your argument.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You got me all wrong; I am not a biblical literalist, for I can tell you about the gospel in one sentence, like "you should be holy for I am holy" so direct your walk of life toward that then do what you like, and i hope to see you on the other side.

That's not what Jesus said is the summery.

"Love God with all your heart and all your soul, and love thy enemy as thy neighbor."

free spirit

Well-Known Member
to mr. Cheese
literalist, 3rd day sun chewing goat herding wombat licker....


you are a fire and brimstone, hell bound teaching, bigot.

That is the bottom line.

Sadly you are far from alone in advocating jesus' message was one of hate
i must apologize to you if i give you that impression, for the message is one of correction, no of hate, for god is father and the father correct the children in love, for their own good.

at least that is my opinion, i understand you are doing this through some sense of "love and compassion" and warning others that they may go to hell and stuff with hot pokey bits....
no i never said to anyone they are going to hell, i am not the judge, as a matter of fact nor even god judges you, but you will be judged by your own conscience, and it is the most strict in its judgment.

settle in solitude,​

and you will come upon him​

in yourself.​

–st teresa​


Resident Liberal Hippie
Please read the title of this thread.

Title-Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.

Religious Topics / Religious Debates
"A forum to debate all topics of a general religious nature"

Forum-Religious Education Forum

Nope, not a Christian thread.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should probably clear this up as I created the thread, I posted this where I have as I like to hear from everyone on anything I post so I am careful (or try to be) not to exlude anyone from my threads. :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member

Yes that is the summery of Matthew chapter 5, in which he said; "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect."

The entire lesson which this verse concludes is about love: love everybody unconditionally. This is one half of the Golden Rule, found in all religions. It does not contain the teaching that the same unconditional love must be extended to God, as well.


Active Member
i mean as a Muslim compareitive religious student i feel that you ban polygamy but prophets have done that and even in thousands of wives, the more natural thing is banned but something which the prophets never were homosexuals and as far as i know Sodom and gomorah was destroyed for homosexuality


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i mean as a Muslim compareitive religious student i feel that you ban polygamy but prophets have done that and even in thousands of wives, the more natural thing is banned but something which the prophets never were homosexuals and as far as i know Sodom and gomorah was destroyed for homosexuality


They were destroyed because the cities were filled with unrighteous unrighteous people who constantly committed acts of violence, gave neither respect nor hospitality to each other, and were just full of hate. There was neither love nor compassion to be found in any of the inhabitants of those two cities.

They were going to rape the angels. It doesn't matter if the angels were male or female; they were going to rape them. I'd be willing to bet that many of the men who were going to do that were heterosexuals.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Title-Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.

Thread- Religious Topics / Religious Debates

"A forum to debate all topics of a general religious nature"

Forum-Religious Education Forum

Nope, not a Christian thread.

The word bible is to do with Christianity, if the title had mention the Koran then I would expect a Muslim to answer.


Resident Liberal Hippie
The word bible is to do with Christianity, if the title had mention the Koran then I would expect a Muslim to answer.

Too bad you didn't start the thread, then you may have a point. And you could have put it in the Christian Forum.

I guess I should probably clear this up as I created the thread, I posted this where I have as I like to hear from everyone on anything I post so I am careful (or try to be) not to exlude anyone from my threads. :)


free spirit

Well-Known Member
The entire lesson which this verse concludes is about love: love everybody unconditionally. This is one half of the Golden Rule, found in all religions. It does not contain the teaching that the same unconditional love must be extended to God, as well.
Do what you have said and you shall live in eternity, because if you give your agape love to everybody, you are in fact loving God.