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Stuff Republicans say.


Not Religious
Time for a refreshing perspective from a 'republican'

Skip to 1:40 for the speech.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Time for a refreshing perspective from a 'republican'

Skip to 1:40 for the speech.

This is just priceless. It's been a while since I've listened to that speech. Republicans come out flaunting the name Reagan all the time as if they truly knew him or what he stood for. This is one of the reasons to this day I link his quote about closing ("unproductive loopholes and deductions).....These (tea party/republican) types knew of him. They knew him in name only. Many of them are oblivious to history and tend to want to rewrite it on the fly. Fortunately recorded speeches tell a different story than the narrative some of them put forth. Even the ones on this board will tend to ignore this since it goes against their talking points. This might be the reason many of them haven't a clue that Paul Ryan loves insurance exchanges but when confronted with it they put their fingers in their ears and shift the conversation. Reagan was, IMO, a conservative democrat....He was far from a republican.......:clap


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Reagan did a far better job acting as president than he did as an actor, and it's just amazing at how gullible the Republicans who made him a saint were/are both then and now. He mouthed the words but often did the opposite.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
"The more carbon dioxide you put into the atmosphere, the more you are helping all living things on the planet and of course that makes you a better person." -- 2008

"Any politician who has stated a belief in global warming is either a cynical opportunist or an easily deluded fool." -- 2014

"There's a large push towards global warming and regulation, carbon taxes, that's completely unnecessary and wholly destructive of course. There should be some people looking at the potential for global cooling other than people like myself." -- 2014

"The climate models that were supposed to project 'climate change' (global warming) on the basis of manmade carbon dioxide emissions have failed. The Climategate scandal gave us a glimpse of a corrupt scientific establishment scrambling to cover up that failure." -- 2014

"[C]arbon dioxide's heating effect is minuscule and everything would be better with more of it in the atmosphere. But there is still plenty to worry about because we are at the beginning of a severe cold period." -- 2013

"We have to be thankful to the anthropogenic global warming proponents for one thing. If it weren't for them and their voodoo science, climate science wouldn't have attracted the attention of non-climate scientists, and we would be sleepwalking into the rather disruptive cooling that is coming next decade." -- 2008
-- David Archibald

So who is this clueless buffoon? You guessed it..... Fox's new go-to climate "scientist" expert..... :facepalm:
Meet David Archibald: The Fringe "Scientist" Predicting An Ice Age | Blog | Media Matters for America


Not Religious
Not sure if this classifies as republican or libertarian, but both are the same anyways. Seems the "Welfare Rancher" just went on a racial tirade. I keep hearing that the republican party aren't racists, but things just pop up way too often.

This is the tea party.

Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.
“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”
Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'
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Not sure if this classifies as republican or libertarian, but both are the same anyways. Seems the "Welfare Rancher" just went on a racial tirade. I keep hearing that the republican party aren't racists, but things just pop up way too often.

This is the tea party.

Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'

I tried to find a fox source but didn't find anything.
Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'

What a nutcase. He's on a government subsidy too, as I understand it. He'd probably rather be a slave.

Just read the link, the guy is publicly supported by the likes of Rand Paul and other extremist Republitards, so I think it fits in this thread just fine.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Not sure if this classifies as republican or libertarian, but both are the same anyways. Seems the "Welfare Rancher" just went on a racial tirade. I keep hearing that the republican party aren't racists, but things just pop up way too often.

This is the tea party.

Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'

Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves' Than 'Under Government Subsidy?'

Holy monkey peanuts batman....!!!!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
GOP Lawmaker: Women Get Paid Less Because 'Men Are More Motivated' (VIDEO)
"Men, by and large, make more because of some of the things they do," state Rep. Will Infantine (R)

"Their jobs are, by and large, riskier. They don’t mind working nights and weekends. They don’t mind working overtime or outdoors."

"Men work on average more than six hours a week longer than women do,"

"Women make half of what men do because of flexibility of work, men are more motivated by money than women are."
These people suffer from (foot in mouth disease).....:foot:


Not Religious
LA CLippers Owner goes on racist rant!

Sterling says he has nothing against minorities, but doesn’t want her to publicly “broadcast that you’re associating with black people.” He shouts, “In your lousy ******* Instagrams you don’t have to have yourself with––walking with black people.”
Report: Clippers Owner Caught In Racist Rant Is A Democratic Donor - Fox Nation


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I sort of heard about that..WOW..!!!
You might be in the wrong thread.
He might be a Democrat....
Don Lemon Blasts Fellow Democrat Donald Sterling’s Racist Rant: ‘Felt Like I Was Listening To Someone From The 1930s’ « Pat Dollard
Democrat Clippers Owner: Gossip Site Exposes Racist Rant | Conservative Byte
Report: Clippers Owner Caught In Racist Rant Is A Democratic Donor - Fox Nation
Consider that the NAACP was going to honor him with a lifetime achievement award.
Would they do that for a Republican?

Some disagree about his party affiliation though....
Donald Sterling Is a Registered Republican | Mother Jones

Even though he might appear to swing both ways, it seems
everyone is trying to pass him off to the other side.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony

I was mainly commenting on his overt racist comments......

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
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