As I said, it's the singular focus on demonizing Republicans which is the problem.
It amounts to distortion precisely because there is no balance. It's propaganda
because of the silence about outrageous things said by Dems. It's no wonder that
conversing about the issues & candidates is so difficult these days.
I I completely misunderstand what the forum is about? Should political discourse
become a duel....starting an alternative thread which is limited to racist, sexist, thieving & other
evil things said by Dems? That seems contrary to goals here, but it might be appropriate after all.
It has me wondering if perhaps I don't belong here.
All this stuff about abortion and rape represents their actual platform, and these quotes provide context and illumination regarding the mentality of the men who wrote that platform. All the quotes I've posted are complete and accurately represent the views of those who are being quoted.
I see you've started your own thread. If I see anything as crazy as this collection coming out of a prominent democrat's mouth, I promise I'll add it. So far, though it hasn't happened.
I don't consider the current crop of loons to be republicans at all. I call them Teapublicans. Also, I think you might be insulting loons.
Good point. I apologize to the noble loon.
If that's the case, he's not doing a very good job of it.
Seems to me that the spirit of the thread is accountability.
Yes, accountability for their own statements and opinions, clarification of some of the policies and ideologies that have been obscured during the campaign, and peace of mind, for me. Every week it seems I read a new jaw-droppingly ignorant / disturbing / outrageous comment by a Republican. After a while, I started to wonder, is this just one or two nutcases who keep getting in the news, or is this the new normal for the Republican party? Having one place to archive all the outrageous quotes I read about helps me answer that question.