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Stuff Republicans say.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I begin to wonder if there is some concerted effort on the left to dismiss any recognition
that both sides have sin as an attempt to say they're "equal". This is a specious straw man.
It is so frequent here that it cannot be mere coincidence.
You might have a point if I hadn't been saying they all suck for weeks, it's just that the GOP is worse.

There are better alternatives to presenting criticisms. Of all people I would expect you to know that. Making a thread that is nothing but a circle jerk demonizing "the other side" achieves nothing.
Well, of course it looks like demonization if you "don't give two ***** about the validity of the quotes." Me, I happen to think that's pretty important.


If you say so. But I am not buying it. I know too much about the general attitude towards conservatives/republicans on RF to ignore that animosity is going to play just as big a role, if not more, than accountability for most posters.

I honestly don't understand this reaction at all. Of course I think these things they are saying are completely outrageous, but these are completely accurate representations of their views. There's no quote mining or misrepresentation going on, no scandal-mongering. I am doing my best faithfully present direct, complete quotes that are accurate representations of the views of some of these guys. Not only that, but their views on rape and abortion are extremely relevant issues. They have penned EIGHTY pieces of legislation this year alone to try to restrict women's reproductive rights. Their platform explicitly promises a constitutional amendment that guarantees full legal personhood and all 14th amendment rights from the moment of conception - an amendment which would not only be a TOTAL de facto abortion ban, but also a ban on IVF, some forms of contraception and stem cell research. These are not a few fringe nutters who made a tactical mistake. These are modern Republican politicians expressing their actual, honest, and consistent opinions in their own words.

Also, are we supposed to pretend that Mourdock's comment that God wants rape babies didn't play a large role in costing him the election? Since making that comment he's fallen from a dead heat with his Democrat challenger to trailing by eleven points.

If you don't think any of this stuff really matters, then why bother commenting at all? There is absolutely NO chance that women in particular are going to stop calling attention to these outrageous statements on abortion, incest, female biology and rape, ever. If you don't like to see it, then I recommend you don't look.

Really? Which one is that?

Oh, that wasn't you? I saw it there and jumped to conclusions. Mea culpa.

There are better alternatives to presenting criticisms. Of all people I would expect you to know that. Making a thread that is nothing but a circle jerk demonizing "the other side" achieves nothing.

If I take what you just wrote, and repeat it back verbatim, would you feel like I was "demonizing" you?

Your reaction to reading direct quotes by Republicans is incomprehensible to me.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
There are better alternatives to presenting criticisms. Of all people I would expect you to know that. Making a thread that is nothing but a circle jerk demonizing "the other side" achieves nothing.

It is both interesting and extremely telling that you have nothing to say about the accuracy of the quotes in this thread. These Republicans damn themselves with their own words.


Somewhere Around Nothing
It is both interesting and extremely telling that you have nothing to say about the accuracy of the quotes in this thread. These Republicans damn themselves with their own words.
Of course it is.


It is both interesting and extremely telling that you have nothing to say about the accuracy of the quotes in this thread. These Republicans damn themselves with their own words.

That's what's so incomprehensible. If anybody wants to talk about these quotes, what they mean, the context, etc, or the persuasiveness of the opinions expressed, I'm totally up for it, but Romney supporters only come here to bash the whole concept of actually listening to or repeating things Republicans say. What the hell?

Just for contrast, every single one of these quotes would be career-destroying for a politician in my country, and just about every other Western country. We had one MP imply that he thought creationism was a valid opinion a few years ago (a science minister), and there was such controversy over it he immediately had to come out and retract his statement.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Here's two solid minutes of solid, non-stop crazy from the absolute BEST that the GOP feels they have to offer. Mull that one over for a while.
What I think is crazy is how any news commentator could think that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a legitimate topic of conversation to bring up in an interview with a political candidate.


What I think is crazy is how any news commentator could think that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a legitimate topic of conversation to bring up in an interview with a political candidate.

You don't think it might be a problem if a political candidate can't help but go on a tirade on the subject if it happens to come up?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
If you say so. But I am not buying it. I know too much about the general attitude towards conservatives/republicans on RF to ignore that animosity is going to play just as big a role, if not more, than accountability for most posters.

Then what is the proper way to address these legislators foul utterances?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Making a thread that is nothing but a circle jerk demonizing "the other side" achieves nothing.

How is exposing their nature "demonizing"? No one has explained that one, yet. I think those who are complaining are simply embarrassed by it and would prefer it be brushed under the rug. Like storm said, it's about being held accountable for ones own words.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I begin to wonder if there is some concerted effort on the left to dismiss any recognition
that both sides have sin as an attempt to say they're "equal". This is a specious straw man.
It is so frequent here that it cannot be mere coincidence.

Of course both sides have dirty hands, but again let's look at the proportion.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
You don't think it might be a problem if a political candidate can't help but go on a tirade on the subject if it happens to come up?
If it "happens to come up"? :rolleyes: Kind of like "accidentally"? :facepalm: Personally, I don't blame Romney for his response, and I'm not even voting for him.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If it "happens to come up"? :rolleyes: Kind of like "accidentally"? :facepalm:
No, honest, Kathryn. It wasn't a setup.

Personally, I don't blame Romney for his response, and I'm not even voting for him.
I liked his answer. The man has passion. Who knew? (... and I don't even believe in the second romp business... ... just sayin'...) (I thought it was a better articulation than the plastic "faith" espoused by the Greatest Living Orator.)
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Here's two solid minutes of solid, non-stop crazy from the absolute BEST that the GOP feels they have to offer. Mull that one over for a while.
On balance, I respect what Romney said in that video. He said he's not running as a Mormon. Obama isn't running as a Christian and I wouldn't want a candidate to run as an atheist, either. We're on the same page as far as that goes.


If it "happens to come up"? :rolleyes: Kind of like "accidentally"? :facepalm: Personally, I don't blame Romney for his response, and I'm not even voting for him.

To provide some context, that whole tirade was off the air. We don't know what the question was that provoked it, but we do see the interviewer repeatedly trying to reassure Romney that he actually agrees with his ethics and policy, and is genuinely trying to understand whether the information he is going on is wrong or not.

Do you actually know what the question was? I am simply assuming it was a normal innocuous question because I've seen other videos of Mittens kicking of in a similarly testy fashion when a reporter challenged his assertion that there are no lobbyists running his campaign.
Revoltingest said:
I question how appropriate it is to have a thread which solicits quote mining for the purpose of demonizing one side ...
Show, don't tell. I quoted Romney and I stand by it, I did not misrepresent him or take words out of context.


On balance, I respect what Romney said in that video. He said he's not running as a Mormon. Obama isn't running as a Christian and I wouldn't want a candidate to run as an atheist, either. We're on the same page as far as that goes.

That's not all he said, though, is it? He also said he is faithful to his church doctrines, which prohibit him from any action that might encourage or enable anyone to seek an abortion. He called his religiously based pro-life views a "secular position", and claimed that he had consistently adhered to the anti-abortion position of his church in every instance where he had an opportunity to make a difference.

Women's reproductive rights are certainly not an issue I would consider to be "off limits" during a political campaign, regardless of whether or not they're buried in a bunch of bizarre religious rantings I personally find... unconvincing

There's also the testy, confrontational, condescending, preachy tone, which is totally incomprehensible given the fact that he's on camera, he's talking to someone who is receptive to his views, even agrees with them, is asking to be corrected if he's wrong, and HELLO running for political office. Have you ever seen any other politician caught on tape behaving this way, regardless of their religious beliefs?


Proportion has more to do with the person examining.
We each notice that which offends us personally.
(My offense meter is pegged for both parties.)

Yes, because you are so very impartial and non-partisan that to your clear eyes, mixing up ones billions and trillions in a speech by accident is exactly the same as honestly expressing your genuine personal opinion that women can't get pregnant by rape, or that incest is rare, or that God wants women to have rape babies, or that black people contribute nothing to society, or that evolution is a lie from the pit of hell.