If you say so. But I am not buying it. I know too much about the general attitude towards conservatives/republicans on RF to ignore that animosity is going to play just as big a role, if not more, than accountability for most posters.
I honestly don't understand this reaction at all. Of course I think these things they are saying are completely outrageous, but these are completely accurate representations of their views. There's no quote mining or misrepresentation going on, no scandal-mongering. I am doing my best faithfully present direct, complete quotes that are accurate representations of the views of some of these guys. Not only that, but their views on rape and abortion are extremely relevant issues. They have penned EIGHTY pieces of legislation this year alone to try to restrict women's reproductive rights. Their platform explicitly promises a constitutional amendment that guarantees full legal personhood and all 14th amendment rights from the moment of conception - an amendment which would not only be a TOTAL de facto abortion ban, but also a ban on IVF, some forms of contraception and stem cell research. These are not a few fringe nutters who made a tactical mistake. These are modern Republican politicians expressing their actual, honest, and consistent opinions in their own words.
Also, are we supposed to pretend that Mourdock's comment that God wants rape babies
didn't play a large role in costing him the election? Since making that comment he's fallen from a dead heat with his Democrat challenger to trailing by eleven points.
If you don't think any of this stuff really matters, then why bother commenting at all? There is absolutely NO chance that women in particular are going to stop calling attention to these outrageous statements on abortion, incest, female biology and rape,
ever. If you don't like to see it, then I recommend you don't look.
Really? Which one is that?
Oh, that wasn't you? I saw it there and jumped to conclusions. Mea culpa.
There are better alternatives to presenting criticisms. Of all people I would expect you to know that. Making a thread that is nothing but a circle jerk demonizing "the other side" achieves nothing.
If I take what you just wrote, and repeat it back verbatim, would you feel like I was "demonizing" you?
Your reaction to reading direct quotes by Republicans is incomprehensible to me.