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Stuff Republicans say.


Santorum To Rape Victims: 'Make The Best Out Of A Bad Situation' | ThinkProgress

Rick Santorum
“I think the right approach is to accept this horribly created — in the sense of rape — but nevertheless a gift in a very broken way, the gift of human life, and accept what God has given to you… rape victims should make the best of a bad situation.” - January, 2012

Right - "make the best of a bad situation". I'm sure he means by terminating the unwanted pregnancy at the earliest possible opportunity, being supported through trauma recovery with publicly funded counseling, and doing their best to overcome the damage and continue to pursue the life and career goals they had before the assault instead of giving it all up to be the impoverished single parent of an unwanted child.

Or not...

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
That might be the least dumb thing I've heard him say.
It appears logically consistent with his religion.
This won't tempt you to support him in 2016, will it?

It's something stupid to say none the less. It's not something many women want to hear. I do recall someone saying this and it cost him the election.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Former Republican Gubernatorial Texas candidate Clayton Williams on the issue of rape:

"As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."


Former Republican Gubernatorial Texas candidate Clayton Williams on the issue of rape:

"As long as it's inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

Pff. It's comments like that I actually end up wishing rape on somebody. Heck, maybe he'd enjoy it!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
"When women got the right to vote is when it all went downhill. Because that’s when votes started being cast with emotion and uh, maternal instinct......"

-Rush Limbaugh

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Republican Congressman Refers to Latinos as "Wetbacks" -- Fusion.
"I used to own -- my father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Rep. Don Young
GOP Senate Candidate Defends Use Of 'Wetbacks' Slur As 'Normal As Breathing Air'
A U.S. Senate candidate is facing fierce criticism after saying ranchers should be free to shoot "wetbacks" on sight

"South Texas businessman Chris Mapp, 53, told this editorial board that ranchers should be allowed to shoot on sight anyone illegally crossing the border on to their land, referred to such people as 'wetbacks,'

“We can't have illegal immigrants, drug cartels, human traffickers or terrorists coming across our border,”

"Let's face it, there would be a lot less concrete, roofs, and landscaping without illegal immigrants (yes, illegal immigrants - that is what they are)," Chris Mapp - Republican candidate
Now that's how you get the minority vote...:areyoucra
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4 Of The Five Co-Hosts Agree: "There's No Science To Global Warming" | Video | Media Matters for America
Although its not a concensus (only 80% of the experts agree), I think we can all just put this liberal biased scientist attempted coup-de-tat OF THE WHOLE WORLD behind us now, as just a big ugly mistake by those foolish democrats.
Thank goodness level-headed conservative corporate reason won out. :bow: :beach:


I think if you're on Fox, denying AGW is a contractual requirement.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
4 Of The Five Co-Hosts Agree: "There's No Science To Global Warming" | Video | Media Matters for America
Although its not a concensus (only 80% of the experts agree), I think we can all just put this liberal biased scientist attempted coup-de-tat OF THE WHOLE WORLD behind us now, as just a big ugly mistake by those foolish democrats.
Thank goodness level-headed conservative corporate reason won out. :bow: :beach:


That made me laugh. Thanks for that. Three conservatives and a democrat (maybe?) sitting around discussing science when none of them understand the data yet feel as though they're in a position to render a verdict on the matter is priceless. The one air-head at the end prattling on about there's no global climate change because it snowed on Sunday...tells you all you need to know. Look, IMO, the only "scientist" that refute global climate change either work for Fox or the oil and gas business...


Libertarian Egalitarian



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There have been very few republican candidates who were even worth the slightest cosideration over the last 30 years, and Huckabee sure ain't one of 'em. :no:
Really? I'd say he's one of the better ones.
But this loopy quote caught my eye.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Really? I'd say he's one of the better ones.
But this loopy quote caught my eye.

Nah. Huckabee is a narrow minded twit who seemed to tow the line for the likes of Pat Robertson and the tea-party (i.e. Flagrantly misinformed, and Christian-uber alles Democracy haters).

Now Jon Hunstman was a moderate/centrist republican. Still too biased to be anything more than a danger to human advancement: but at least he had one foot in reality. He was for same sex civil unions, he openly acknowledged climate change and the need for taking action; he was against killing our troops in multiple pointless conflicts and was for diplomacy. He was a real fiscal conservative (not some tea-party pudding head). I think he promoted stem cell research, and he openly discussed how the GOP was becoming the anti-science party, and that if they didn't knock off that carp, they were all going down and dragging America with them.

Which is to say, since he was halfway intellingent, he got crushed in the primaries. :facepalm: