Futility, loneliness, meaninglessness, lack of self worth, and circumstances beyond ones control, or seemingly so. Arent the reasons obvious why people go over the edge.
Is it a societal problem, or a societal evil where only the successful people matter, and the ones slaving it out have to live desparate lives?
My father used to say if you dont work, you dont eat. How much suicide is related to work values? Is it societys fault that people end up poor or helpless? Is it societys fault that some people dont have any work values? Is it societys fault that some people are overburdened, and overworked? Or is it personal failure?
And should society provide opportunity as a right? Should everyone get treated with respect?
What do we do about people who fail in life? Failure is better then not making the effort. Right now theres a ton of people living in desparation, or even worse as victims of abuse.
All the reasons for suicide are out there, all one has to do is look.
Suicide is a terrible choice though! And society doesnt really address the issue at all.