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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
OK so you say.
It would be polite to not suggest that I'm less than
honest or accurate. After all, I accept your claim that
you don't know what vaccines do.
I've tried to inform you with links, eg, the one about
the history of mrna vaccines....which aren't new.
Did you read any of them?
Do whatever you willl and I will do the same.
If you try to cure warts by burying a frog under
the full moon, I've no objection.
But if you claim that it's cromulent health care,
then you can expect arguments against that.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
It would be polite to not suggest that I'm less than
honest or accurate. After all, I accept your claim that
you don't what vaccines do.
I've tried to inform you with links, eg, the one about
the history of mrna vaccines....which aren't new.
Did you read any of them?

If you try to cure warts by burying a frog under
the full moon if you want, I've no objection.
But if you claim that it's cromulent health care,
then you can expect arguments against that.
i read all the links you've offered.I am just not swayed.
and I still do not understand this keyboard.


Soul Pioneer

You know what I am claiming? I will gladly tell you - I am claiming that I do not know what the "vaccines" really do, and I doubt you do for that matter. I am claiming that the definition of "vaccine" was changed during the pandemic, in part to reflect the changes that the mRNA shot against COVID mandated. I am claiming that I do not like the politicization of COVID. but I feel it was inevitable. I don't know much, but I do know this - that I was not expecting any side effects from my third shot but I had them. I know that the only, ONLY person I know who died of COVID had had five vaccinations against it. I know that I had three and did eventually, many months after my third shot, get COVID and was fine but you know what - I knew someone else who got COVID before the shots even came out and he was fine too. I mean, I felt a tiny bit under the weather for a few days but it was simply no big deal, thankfully. Nor did I expect it would be, and it definitely wasn't. So I am sorry but I am not very impressed with the COVID shots or as you say, the vaccines.

Well, I think the whole thing was done under the context of a sham psy op, even if there is some kind of presumed technology and logic of mRNA vaccine theory and a deadly virus loose, - btw, even one of the creators of this 'tech' has criticized it and probably others. It was pushed out too early, while efficacy numbers were skewed and so called deaths from the virus,...then all the wrong ways they mandated about keeping the 'virus' under control (lock downs, masks, distancing, school shut downs, etc.). As u may know they also at first said those vaxxed couldnt spread it, and on and on. More complications have risen from it, heart issues, stroke, blood clots, white rubbery clots found by my morticians, harm against pregnant women, sudden deaths even, and the list goes on. The rebel side of me says, its all a sham, but debate and dicker as you please.....its our body and we have a right to do or dont do as we please, and well leave abortion out of this for now :tonguewink:

I waited awhile on the 'jab' and finally just on my own decided to get the 2 pfizer shots at the local library operated by the county health dept.....it was intersting, getting a button and sticker for it! and some refreshments were offered too. Now I hear that aspirating the shots is probably better, as the contents of the vax are less likely to enter a blood vessel, so thats a safety measure nurses can use, but seems more of them are just jabbing without aspirating. Anyways,....I didnt notice any significant side effects really afterwards, and later i had a head cold of sorts and decided to get tested to see if it was covid, did the self administered nasal swab....it came back negative. So much for that and any big 'covid' scare, It never scared me really anyways, but being hiv poz, I thought it could add a boost to my immunity, but who really knows what harm or good the shot did or if any effects are still pending. (dice roll).

After more research and study I see the "boosters" are about worthless and likely harmful, having even weaker efficacy or safety support, so I will definitely NOT be taking any pushed 'boosters', as I see that as insane. I take a more negative suspicious view of the whole covid debacle....call it what you will...so tack on 'conspiracy theorist' if you please. I take enough nutritional supps to shake a stick at, and doing all i can to keep my immune system strong, thats good enough for me. Sadly the suppression of our 'free speech' and other 1st amendment rights are being encringed upon, while the corrupt current adminstration using 'lawfare' and 'weaponizing' the justice system to take down its political rivals to keep their power and positions in congress (the marxist dems and far left lunatic fringe). But perhaps I digress :) - just my two bits for now........



aged ecumenical anthropologist
I am claiming that I do not know what the "vaccines" really do,

I wish I could get you a copy of a special edition of Scientific American on covid and the vaccines from 2022.

Prior to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, basically viruses were killed and then injected into you; but with the new vaccines, what they did was to artificially replicate the dna of the virus using non-organic materials. This tricks your body that then fights this foreign substance.

It was quite a break in the sense that all they have to do now with a new virus is to copy & paste. This is at least what some of the articles I read deal with. The bottom line is that it does work, albeit imperfectly as all vaccines are imperfect.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well, I think the whole thing was done under the context of a sham psy op, even if there is some kind of presumed technology and logic of mRNA vaccine theory and a deadly virus loose, - btw, even one of the creators of this 'tech' has criticized it and probably others. It was pushed out too early, while efficacy numbers were skewed and so called deaths from the virus,...then all the wrong ways they mandated about keeping the 'virus' under control (lock downs, masks, distancing, school shut downs, etc.). As u may know they also at first said those vaxxed couldnt spread it, and on and on. More complications have risen from it, heart issues, stroke, blood clots, white rubbery clots found by my morticians, harm against pregnant women, sudden deaths even, and the list goes on. The rebel side of me says, its all a sham, but debate and dicker as you please.....its our body and we have a right to do or dont do as we please, and well leave abortion out of this for now :tonguewink:

I waited awhile on the 'jab' and finally just on my own decided to get the 2 pfizer shots at the local library operated by the county health dept.....it was intersting, getting a button and sticker for it! and some refreshments were offered too. Now I hear that aspirating the shots is probably better, as the contents of the vax are less likely to enter a blood vessel, so thats a safety measure nurses can use, but seems more of them are just jabbing without aspirating. Anyways,....I didnt notice any significant side effects really afterwards, and later i had a head cold of sorts and decided to get tested to see if it was covid, did the self administered nasal swab....it came back negative. So much for that and any big 'covid' scare, It never scared me really anyways, but being hiv poz, I thought it could add a boost to my immunity, but who really knows what harm or good the shot did or if any effects are still pending. (dice roll).

After more research and study I see the "boosters" are about worthless and likely harmful, having even weaker efficacy or safety support, so I will definitely NOT be taking any pushed 'boosters', as I see that as insane. I take a more negative suspicious view of the whole covid debacle....call it what you will...so tack on 'conspiracy theorist' if you please. I take enough nutritional supps to shake a stick at, and doing all i can to keep my immune system strong, thats good enough for me. Sadly the suppression of our 'free speech' and other 1st amendment rights are being encringed upon, while the corrupt current adminstration using 'lawfare' and 'weaponizing' the justice system to take down its political rivals to keep their power and positions in congress (the marxist dems and far left lunatic fringe). But perhaps I digress :) - just my two bits for now........

I advise using sources other than InfoWars, OpenVAERS, etc.


Veteran Member
The timing.
"The timing" of the tweaking of a definition of a vaccine during a global pandemic seems like a political move to you because ... ?
Do you think this tweaking of the definition changed anything in some important way?

Here is the explanation that the CDC provided:

"The CDC told the AP in a statement that it made the language shifts to add detail and increase transparency.

“While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement said, noting that the previous definition “could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine.”

And Merriam-Webster's explanation:

"The company told USA TODAY the goal was to be scientifically accurate about how vaccines work, not to question their effectiveness. "


"Peter Sokolowski, editor at large for Merriam-Webster, told USA TODAY in an email that the company changed its "vaccine" definition to include more scientifically accurate language.

"Merriam-Webster adds definitions and evolves existing ones to accurately report on how words are used," he said."

I don't see anything nefarious going on here. Do you?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
"The timing" of the tweaking of a definition of a vaccine during a global pandemic seems like a political move to you because ... ?
Do you think this tweaking of the definition changed anything in some important way?

Here is the explanation that the CDC provided:

"The CDC told the AP in a statement that it made the language shifts to add detail and increase transparency.

“While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement said, noting that the previous definition “could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine.”

And Merriam-Webster's explanation:

"The company told USA TODAY the goal was to be scientifically accurate about how vaccines work, not to question their effectiveness. "


"Peter Sokolowski, editor at large for Merriam-Webster, told USA TODAY in an email that the company changed its "vaccine" definition to include more scientifically accurate language.

"Merriam-Webster adds definitions and evolves existing ones to accurately report on how words are used," he said."

I don't see anything nefarious going on here. Do you?
I don't care for the timing, as I've already stated.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Meanwhile I did get three shots, since I was traveling so much. Just getting the shots made things a lot easier travel wise. I eventually did get COVID so I've had a lot of experience overall. I didn't get the last few shots though because I don't see the point.