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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
You seem to define porn much more loosely than I do. But you're the one claiming all these books are pornographic in nature, so perhaps you should tell us your definition of porn.



1: the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement

2: material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement

3: the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction

this is pretty good, although the #3 is somewhat loose in understanding... the books that are requested of being pulled out fit the definition.


Well-Known Member
Cool story

Have any published papers to reference that masks do nothing? I actually went through a hospital outbreak that made international news because of mistreatment with masks. Hundreds of staff and patients got sick. Hell, I've seen whole floors shut down due to an outbreak caused by nurses who didn't make their patients wear masks when they left their rooms. Totally irresponsible

I didn't say they did "Nothing" ... using such terminology lacks understanding of the subject matter. A localized"Outbreak" in a Hospital .. a place where sick folks tend to congregate .. how can you not want to wear a mask .. a full body suit of possible.. a loose fitting mask again is not going to be great for protection .. but its something.

This local event is completely un analogous to prevention of spread through a population. .. something which is not prevented .. or slowed to any significant degree .. as we found out in US Canada Europe .. by wearing non Darth Vader Masks and not doing hard lockdown.. these masks with the partial lockdowns did nothing of significance to prevent the spread. and when the virus got more contageous over time .. Omicron just ridiculous .. .. in my region 60% were infected over roughly a 6 week period .. the final wave.. the mask/partial lockdown was a joke - did nothing. Got an airborn nanoparticles zooming around .. God forbid you get a dangerous disease with that kind of transmissibility. .. now we are talking a real pandemic .. with 50% of the population killed .. as opposed to 40 per 100,000 .. double a normal flue-pneumonia season but nothing to get too excited about.

Fortunately by this time the toxicity of the Omnicron Virus had decreased to less than a common cold ... so this rate of infection was not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Hence the reason it was paired with social distancing.

They assume social distancing in the study silly ... Masks did very little to prevent the spread of the virus through the population .. and you would not expect something different .. unless you are wearing a mask where you sound like Darth Vader.

Needed some more skepticism rather than blind obedience on this one. .. put a little thought into airflow through an orifice .. and what happens to the person standing behind you in the grocery line when you cough or sneeze wearing a cloth mask ..


Veteran Member
They assume social distancing in the study silly ... Masks did very little to prevent the spread of the virus through the population .. and you would not expect something different .. unless you are wearing a mask where you sound like Darth Vader.
What study? There are a ton of them.
Needed some more skepticism rather than blind obedience on this one. .. put a little thought into airflow through an orifice .. and what happens to the person standing behind you in the grocery line when you cough or sneeze wearing a cloth mask ..
Already addressed.

The COVID virus travels via your spit and mucus, which tend to be larger particles. So wearing a mask does, in fact offer some protection to those around you from your spit and mucus travelling from your face to theirs. Especially if you sneeze, the mask will collect the majority of your disgusting mucus from travelling to other peoples' faces. Even more effective if you've got an N95 or better.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Darth Vader Masks

Just curious, but by "Darth Vader Masks" do you mean CAPRs? I always thought they gave people the head profile of a xenomorph, personally



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Not sure if my studies in "air flow through an orifice" might be of assistance .. but .. lest one sounds like darth vader .. the mask is not doing much ...
Evidence for the claim?
the false sense of security doing more to spread than to prevent at this point.... and to be honest .. if a lockdown is to be contemplated .. it has to be a full lockdown .. Australia / NZ style.
One must weigh the benefits of lockdowns against
the costs, eg, economic loss, emotional stress,
education degradation, enforcement costs & damage.
The data is in on the Sweden experiment .. and they were better off than the masked nations.
What is the full comparison of policies & results
between Sweden & countries with the most effective
mask policies? As I recall, circumstances were complex,
so one cannot simply claim that Sweden's experience
shows masks to be counter-productive.
I am not anti mask .. just pro science :)
Then ya gotta show some along with the claims.
A loose fitting cloth mask does squat ..
I agree.
But that's not an argument against masks.
BTW, my N95 masks all fit well.
I used them just last week in my travels.
And unlike pre-Covid days, I no longer
get my yearly cold.
....when you sneeze in the grocery line with mask on .. what happens ???? "Air flow through an orifice" remember ?
A fitted mask is a membrane, not an orifice.
You need a better elaboration of your argument
if you want to convince an engineer with experience
in medical products, aerodynamics, & fluid mechanics.
...the dude behind you gets a concentrated blast of what ever you are carrying .. OH .. Shart .. thats bad right ? and it blasts throughout the room ..
Of course it becomes airborne.
That's when masks are useful.
and in this example .. even if you have the Darth Vader mask .. if the seal is broken by the sneeze .. we are still in trouble.

Full lockdown is the only way to prevent spread.
The spread cannot be prevented, ie, the pandemic
was destined to become endemic.
Masking & other mitigation measures slowed the
virulence avoid over-whelming the health care system
before vaccination arrived to reduce severity.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So, if there are limitations to free speech, like yelling fire in a movie theatre that isn't actually on fire, then speech that misleads people about a disease that's caused a worldwide pandemic that harmed or killed millions of people could/should have some limitations on it as well.
That theater fire also lead to a lot of needlesa death and suffering.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
From Amazon?

Hopefully not! The hospital does like to save money, though, so I wouldn't be TOO surprised

These are the kinds we work with, though. Especially the setup on the left with the CAPR/gown combo without the mantle

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think our most recent anti-masker can not understand the concept of lowering the rate of spread. Masks are not perfect. But they do lower the amounts of virus in the air. Whether one catches the virus is a probabilistic issue. The viral density and time spent in those environments will be key.


Well-Known Member
Evidence for the claim?

One must weigh the benefits of lockdowns against
the costs, eg, economic loss, emotional stress,
education degradation, enforcement costs & damage.

What is the full comparison of policies & results
between Sweden & countries with the most effective
mask policies? As I recall, circumstances were complex,
so one cannot simply claim that Sweden's experience
shows masks to be counter-productive.

Then ya gotta show some along with the claims.

I agree.
But that's not an argument against masks.
BTW, my N95 masks all fit well.
I used them just last week in my travels.
And unlike pre-Covid days, I no longer
get my yearly cold.

A fitted mask is a membrane, not an orifice.
You need a better elaboration of your argument
if you want to convince an engineer with experience
in medical products, aerodynamics, & fluid mechanics.

Of course it becomes airborne.
That's when masks are useful.

The spread cannot be prevented, ie, the pandemic
was destined to become endemic.
Masking & other mitigation measures slowed the
virulence avoid over-whelming the health care system
before vaccination arrived to reduce severity.

Evidence for what claim ? We know masks didn't work to slow the spread as you suggest .. you have absolutely no evidence showing they did .. a pure propaganda response on your part .. rambling some narrative found on a healthcare website .. an absolute falsehood at this point .. what part of 60% of population infected in 6 weeks with Omnicron did you not understand ? and I explained to you why these cloth masks would not be expected to work. Made up nonsense on your part friend.

"A fitted mask is a membrane, not an orifice" -

1) first of .. we are not discussing a fitted mask ??? What part of .. If you don't sound like Darth VAder .. did you not understand ? We are talking the loose masks thet 99% of people were wearing.

2) You have no clue what you are talking about .. a membrane is an orifice .. but we are not talking about air-flow through that orifice. How about we stop pretending having some scientific accumen of some kind .. Told you .. spend some time studying air-flow through an orifice .. enough time to be classified as an expert relative to "Covid" masking.

"The Spread can not be prevented" -- Yes .. that is what I told you .. but ..more-over .. quantified that spread .. and the rate at which it occurred .. demonstrating that masks had no significant ability to prevent the spread .. something you don't know anything about .. but again you are in luck .. because I do .. having the requisite "Science skills" to have at least a basic understanding of such things .. like the difference between a hospital outbreak and the spread of a Pandemic.

and as for Sweden .. there is a Study out on how that went .. John Campbell - on Youtube .. not to long ago .. Sweden had no increased overall deaths compared with the EU .. what was interesting was .. they had much lower excess deaths than other EU nations .. 50% less than the US which is a big number.. go find the study ... or some commentary on it .. get educated .. I don't really care one way or the other about masks .. not that much of an intrusion in to freedom .. like the Jab .. now that is another story.. a sad "my body my choice" moment.

Sweden did not lock down .. in any case .. so it was not just about the masks with them .. just have to look at our own data .. go find out how many were infected with the last Omnicron wave ..

and last "Overwhelming the Healthcare system" -- it was only the OLD + Obese + numerous comorbidities + immune compromized .. that were hitting the Hospitals in significant numbers .. these folks were --or were supposed to be -- isolated from contact with the outside world .. the rest of the population going about business .getting and spreading covid makes no difference to the Hospital statistics. .. Least that is what Rand Paul Testified before Congress a few days ago ..but this one not debated .. just realith of how this plague panned out .. went after the weak in a very disproportionate way .. such that the average flue was much more dangerous than "Omnicron" to "Healthy" people .. or even marginally healthy people.

If you wanted to not overwhelm the Healthcare system you had to go full lockdown like in Australia .. walking around with silly cloth masks when out side but socializing normally with others indoors "slightly restricted in numbers which few followed" is not going to prevent the spread in any significant way .. one less raindrop in the midst of a hurricane .. and that is "The Science" When someone tells you 60% of the population in 6 weeks. Them cloth masks that 99% of the population were wearing .. didn't do squat.


Veteran Member
Evidence for what claim ? We know masks didn't work to slow the spread as you suggest .. you have absolutely no evidence showing they did .. a pure propaganda response on your part .. rambling some narrative found on a healthcare website .. an absolute falsehood at this point .. what part of 60% of population infected in 6 weeks with Omnicron did you not understand ? and I explained to you why these cloth masks would not be expected to work. Made up nonsense on your part friend.

"A fitted mask is a membrane, not an orifice" -

1) first of .. we are not discussing a fitted mask ??? What part of .. If you don't sound like Darth VAder .. did you not understand ? We are talking the loose masks thet 99% of people were wearing.

2) You have no clue what you are talking about .. a membrane is an orifice .. but we are not talking about air-flow through that orifice. How about we stop pretending having some scientific accumen of some kind .. Told you .. spend some time studying air-flow through an orifice .. enough time to be classified as an expert relative to "Covid" masking.

"The Spread can not be prevented" -- Yes .. that is what I told you .. but ..more-over .. quantified that spread .. and the rate at which it occurred .. demonstrating that masks had no significant ability to prevent the spread .. something you don't know anything about .. but again you are in luck .. because I do .. having the requisite "Science skills" to have at least a basic understanding of such things .. like the difference between a hospital outbreak and the spread of a Pandemic.

and as for Sweden .. there is a Study out on how that went .. John Campbell - on Youtube .. not to long ago .. Sweden had no increased overall deaths compared with the EU .. what was interesting was .. they had much lower excess deaths than other EU nations .. 50% less than the US which is a big number.. go find the study ... or some commentary on it .. get educated .. I don't really care one way or the other about masks .. not that much of an intrusion in to freedom .. like the Jab .. now that is another story.. a sad "my body my choice" moment.

Sweden did not lock down .. in any case .. so it was not just about the masks with them .. just have to look at our own data .. go find out how many were infected with the last Omnicron wave ..

and last "Overwhelming the Healthcare system" -- it was only the OLD + Obese + numerous comorbidities + immune compromized .. that were hitting the Hospitals in significant numbers .. these folks were --or were supposed to be -- isolated from contact with the outside world .. the rest of the population going about business .getting and spreading covid makes no difference to the Hospital statistics. .. Least that is what Rand Paul Testified before Congress a few days ago ..but this one not debated .. just realith of how this plague panned out .. went after the weak in a very disproportionate way .. such that the average flue was much more dangerous than "Omnicron" to "Healthy" people .. or even marginally healthy people.

If you wanted to not overwhelm the Healthcare system you had to go full lockdown like in Australia .. walking around with silly cloth masks when out side but socializing normally with others indoors "slightly restricted in numbers which few followed" is not going to prevent the spread in any significant way .. one less raindrop in the midst of a hurricane .. and that is "The Science" When someone tells you 60% of the population in 6 weeks. Them cloth masks that 99% of the population were wearing .. didn't do squat.
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Especially when it's in such a condescending and demeaning tone. Oh and completely lacking in proper punctuation.
You're just parroting old internet bunk here. You're going to bring up Fauci next, amirite?
We've heard it before and debunked it before many times on this site.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Evidence for what claim ? We know masks didn't work to slow the spread as you suggest .. you have absolutely no evidence showing they did .. a pure propaganda response on your part .. rambling some narrative found on a healthcare website .. an absolute falsehood at this point .. what part of 60% of population infected in 6 weeks with Omnicron did you not understand ? and I explained to you why these cloth masks would not be expected to work. Made up nonsense on your part friend.

"A fitted mask is a membrane, not an orifice" -

1) first of .. we are not discussing a fitted mask ??? What part of .. If you don't sound like Darth VAder .. did you not understand ? We are talking the loose masks thet 99% of people were wearing.

2) You have no clue what you are talking about .. a membrane is an orifice .. but we are not talking about air-flow through that orifice. How about we stop pretending having some scientific accumen of some kind .. Told you .. spend some time studying air-flow through an orifice .. enough time to be classified as an expert relative to "Covid" masking.

"The Spread can not be prevented" -- Yes .. that is what I told you .. but ..more-over .. quantified that spread .. and the rate at which it occurred .. demonstrating that masks had no significant ability to prevent the spread .. something you don't know anything about .. but again you are in luck .. because I do .. having the requisite "Science skills" to have at least a basic understanding of such things .. like the difference between a hospital outbreak and the spread of a Pandemic.

and as for Sweden .. there is a Study out on how that went .. John Campbell - on Youtube .. not to long ago .. Sweden had no increased overall deaths compared with the EU .. what was interesting was .. they had much lower excess deaths than other EU nations .. 50% less than the US which is a big number.. go find the study ... or some commentary on it .. get educated .. I don't really care one way or the other about masks .. not that much of an intrusion in to freedom .. like the Jab .. now that is another story.. a sad "my body my choice" moment.

Sweden did not lock down .. in any case .. so it was not just about the masks with them .. just have to look at our own data .. go find out how many were infected with the last Omnicron wave ..

and last "Overwhelming the Healthcare system" -- it was only the OLD + Obese + numerous comorbidities + immune compromized .. that were hitting the Hospitals in significant numbers .. these folks were --or were supposed to be -- isolated from contact with the outside world .. the rest of the population going about business .getting and spreading covid makes no difference to the Hospital statistics. .. Least that is what Rand Paul Testified before Congress a few days ago ..but this one not debated .. just realith of how this plague panned out .. went after the weak in a very disproportionate way .. such that the average flue was much more dangerous than "Omnicron" to "Healthy" people .. or even marginally healthy people.

If you wanted to not overwhelm the Healthcare system you had to go full lockdown like in Australia .. walking around with silly cloth masks when out side but socializing normally with others indoors "slightly restricted in numbers which few followed" is not going to prevent the spread in any significant way .. one less raindrop in the midst of a hurricane .. and that is "The Science" When someone tells you 60% of the population in 6 weeks. Them cloth masks that 99% of the population were wearing .. didn't do squat.
Citing Rand Paul as a source:facepalm:

Once again, various moves were taken to slow the spread. It was pretty much admitted that it could not be stopped. And the US systems were not overwhelmed. That was almost certainly due to the steps that we took. In other countries they were overridden very quickly. We have a generally lower population density so we had a warning that they did not. Once again, masks do not totally stop transmission. They lower the rate of spread. Meanwhile I was working in a place that was covid positive pre-vaccine. It was not just the old and obese that had to worry. A coworker and I caught it both at about the same time. She was a bit younger than I am. She may have been a bit overweight, but then so is most of America. I got over it in three days. She didn't.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Evidence for what claim ? We know masks didn't work to slow the spread as you suggest...
"We know" should be replaced with "I claim".

.. you have absolutely no evidence showing they did .. a pure propaganda response on your part....
"Propaganda", eh. Jeeze Louise.
You made claims without evidence.
Protocol is to support your work b4
demanding evidence from skeptics.

.. rambling some narrative found on a healthcare website .. an absolute falsehood at this point....
I can see that there's no productive
discussion to be had here.