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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Well-Known Member
Just curious, but by "Darth Vader Masks" do you mean CAPRs? I always thought they gave people the head profile of a xenomorph, personally


Good Question .. and thanks for the clarification ... but Yes .. while these would suffice as DV masks .. any fitted mask where all air has to come in through the filter .. NC-95 being the most common. .. point being unless you are wearing on of those .. the mask is not doing much to prevent the spread ... and that little bit will not make a difference to transmission rate round the community due to propability dynamics.
I'm a slow learner, but sometimes
I know that when common ground
is lacking, it's time to cut bait.

Good to know when one is beaten tis true :) Then there is the crucifixion ... thats the tough one ... when necessary illusion bubble broken .. eeeeooouuuuuchii .. only the hurtebutt come out of that ... so .. let us cancel the question .. drown it out in pretentious cult of personality invective - and pretend it doesn't exist .. "common ground" with the blue woke trope .. is definitely lacking here friend .. best be engaging the "thought stopping retro rockets" .. rather than face the reality that you been drinking the spiked koolaid .. without realizing it was spiked .. with fallacious Utilitarianism .. and other plauges o plenty .. the dissent into totalitarianism .. is seldom pretty.


Well-Known Member
I am not a fan of any curtailing of human rights, but neither am I a fan of political weaponization of misinformation. When there is a public emergency and there are ways to mitigate harm that are becoming the target of policians, talking heads, and influencers (or whatever it is we call social media personalities these days) in order to score political or publicity points, the government has a right to put public welfare over a shyster's right to misinform.

Dude .. it was the Gov't doing the political weaponization of misinformation ... using harm reduction as an excuse to violate civil liberties "There are ways to mitigate harm" -- Now there is a collectivist Nazi Fallacious utilitarian phrase if you have ever heard one .. when used as justification for violation of constitutionally protected rights.

"The Gov't has a right to put public Welfare over Free Speech" - Same fallacious utilitarian "Nazi" justification as above.

This is pure State Sponsored Orwellian propaganda tropes you are reciting. Ouch Pain .. Suffering ..


Well-Known Member
You need to find valid sources. You do not seem to understand the concept. And no, I did not say that you "made no claim". I said that you never properly supported your claims that is why the gif refutes you. It is all that it takes when you put so little work into your posts.

And now you are being hypocritical for by complaining that the same techniques that you used were used were used against you.

Valid sources for what .. ? What concept is it that we do not seem to understand .. and who is the moron who doesn't understand what constitutes valid support for claim... about a subject which you do not understand.

You are talking nonsense speak --- What is it that you want validated ? How can this humble scientist and SME help you to understand that the State Sponsored Koolaid you have been gulping down was spiked ?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Valid sources for what .. ? What concept is it that we do not seem to understand .. and who is the moron who doesn't understand what constitutes valid support for claim... about a subject which you do not understand.

You are talking nonsense speak --- What is it that you want validated ? How can this humble scientist and SME help you to understand that the State Sponsored Koolaid you have been gulping down was spiked ?
You should not call yourself names. I do not think that you are a moron.

This is a scientific matter. That means that the standards one uses are scientific ones. Can a person support his claims with peer reviewed science? Then that source is far more likely to be right than some fool on YouTube. YouTube can be a great resource. If one knows how to choose scientific sources for science, legal sources for the law, historical sources for history, etc.. All specialties have their own regulations on what keeps them accurate. And there will always be crazies that deny those standards. Ignore the crazies and go with those that follow the proper methodologies for their field and you should be okay.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
What claim did you disagree with .. and keep in mind that only an idiot cries out "All of them"

Specifically, that you know him. You claim "Fauci is a piece of human Garbage .. with no honor or integrity .. a corrupt scum bucket on the take.... a case of complete moral bankruptcy .. the evidence on full display during Covid .. a man complicit in the Biden Administration punishment of those who dare dissent."

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Dude .. it was the Gov't doing the political weaponization of misinformation ... using harm reduction as an excuse to violate civil liberties


"There are ways to mitigate harm" -- Now there is a collectivist Nazi Fallacious utilitarian phrase if you have ever heard one .. when used as justification for violation of constitutionally protected rights.

"The Gov't has a right to put public Welfare over Free Speech" - Same fallacious utilitarian "Nazi" justification as above.

Are you using a fallacy to argue that I am making a fallacious argument?!

This is pure State Sponsored Orwellian propaganda tropes you are reciting. Ouch Pain .. Suffering ..

Ever read or studied Orwell?

I mean, do you really, seriously, truly think that freedom of speech is a great argument against the government weeding out misinformation during a deadly pandemic?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Some say Covid was a conspiracy, but I disagree, I had it twice! Got the first vax etc. However, I do wonder, whatever happened to the flue????
The flu disappeared off the face of the earth.

Covid had much more political potential.

We Never Know

No Slack
The Biden administration "ran afoul" of the First Amendment by trying to pressure social media platforms over controversial COVID-19 content, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled Friday.

I think not only did they pressure websites -- but also silenced opposing medical voices to maintain a narrative. IMV

Makes one wonder how many platforms were forced to police, or make their own decision, as to what was right and what was wrong violating Constitutional free speech and the conversations that were pertinent to the issue.
I think covid was both overplayed and underplayed.

Yes many died but the majority were elderly or already had underlying conditions(obesity, etc).
Any death was a sad death.

Some of those may have been able to be saved if they had taken it more seriously, yet people who took it more seriously and got the shots still died anyways.

But the fear installed was huge with even young healthy people were running to line up in lines screaming give me my shot.

That's my opinion in short.
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I think covid was both overplayed and underplayed.

Yes many died but the majority were elderly or already had underlying conditions(obesity, etc).
Any death was a sad death.

Some of those may have been able to be saved if they had taken it more seriously, yet people who took it more seriously and got the shots still died anyways.

But the fear installed was huge with even young healthy people running to line up in lines screaming give me my shot.

That's my opinion in short.
a resonable viewpoint!


colors your eyes with what's not there
The flu disappeared off the face of the earth.

No it didn't.

Covid had much more political potential.

I wouldn't have wanted to be in charge of the safety of the U.S. populace in the face of an as yet unknown pandemic, at the federal, state, or local level - and I think those who were did what they thought was best for the general welfare of their citizens, even as it varied from state to state and even county to county. Excepting China, who did use totalitarian force to limit the most basic of freedoms.


Well-Known Member
Some advice...
Striving to win puts one in a competitive mindset.
This blinds one to understandings that don't serve
the the win. Tis better to discuss than compete.

Did you wish to address the topic at some point .. or did you think running around spouting platitudes was an argument for something ? - desperate to deflect from the necessary illusion bubble poppage .. that blessed Gov't Lied to you ... and violated civil liberties on the basis of such lies "my body my choice" remember. What .. did you forget ? the forced medical treatment Cabal .. complete with the state sponsored propaganda machine in full action in Orewellian Collectivist rampage.. demonization and marginalization tropes against certain groups of people - and of course anything that dissents from the beloved woke joke latest progressive trope du jour.

but .. its the major engineering of consent .. huge resources .. big effort ... and with majestik success .. of which you are a product contrary to the Revolutionist ... we call that ... the sheepist .. or what ever the term is for the reverse of Revolt - ionist :) Compliance specialist concierge ? now thats a lofty sounding ring a ding ding ... wake up .. wake up .. can you not hear the canaries .. only thinking about where gonna get the next dairy milk chocolate bar .. stead of pretending you are up to the task of giving advice on this topic you are so scared to address .. having a major case of Hurtebutt just thinking about it.


Well-Known Member
You should not call yourself names. I do not think that you are a moron.

This is a scientific matter. That means that the standards one uses are scientific ones. Can a person support his claims with peer reviewed science? Then that source is far more likely to be right than some fool on YouTube. YouTube can be a great resource. If one knows how to choose scientific sources for science, legal sources for the law, historical sources for history, etc.. All specialties have their own regulations on what keeps them accurate. And there will always be crazies that deny those standards. Ignore the crazies and go with those that follow the proper methodologies for their field and you should be okay.
Why are you acting like a moron .. by pretending others said things they did not.. silly strawman fallacy - then pretending you know something about science .. scientific validation .. followed by proving your ignorance by crying out "Peer Review" .. as if that was the bar and/but never managing to state what the subject is that is under review is .. a complete fail in attempt to make an argument of any kind .. other than for your general ignorance of the subject.

What is it you would like to review ? What claim verified ? .. do you now what an argument is friend :) - what is this subject of scientific interest that you can not bear to name ?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Why are you acting like a moron .. by pretending others said things they did not.. silly strawman fallacy - then pretending you know something about science .. scientific validation .. followed by proving your ignorance by crying out "Peer Review" .. as if that was the bar and/but never managing to state what the subject is that is under review is .. a complete fail in attempt to make an argument of any kind .. other than for your general ignorance of the subject.

What is it you would like to review ? What claim verified ? .. do you now what an argument is friend :) - what is this subject of scientific interest that you can not bear to name ?
Wow! And you accuse others of "acting like a moron". I don't think that you would understand any explanation given to you.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Did you wish to address the topic at some point .....
If ever you become open to other views.
....or did you think running around spouting platitudes....
I offered "platitudes" that you need.

but .. its the major engineering of consent .. huge resources .. big effort ... and with majestik success .. of which you are a product contrary to the Revolutionist ... we call that ... the sheepist .. or what ever the term is for the reverse of Revolt - ionist :) Compliance specialist concierge ? now thats a lofty sounding ring a ding ding ... wake up .. wake up .. can you not hear the canaries .. only thinking about where gonna get the next dairy milk chocolate bar .. stead of pretending you are up to the task of giving advice on this topic you are so scared to address .. having a major case of Hurtebutt just thinking about it.
I distrust government, & rail against its evils.
But as a newer member without many posts
here, you'd be unaware of this. So I forgive
you for your slight.

Like a broken clock, government gets something
right now & then, as it was regarding some Covid
mitigation measures.
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