Guitar's Cry
Disciple of Pan
A response of deflection and twirling around crying No No No ... unable to deal with the reality that it was Blue engating in the weaponization of disinformation.
Yes. This is what I do. Twirl around crying "No, no, no!" It's pretty cathartic.
And no one called you a Nazi -- you are just spouting totalitarian Propaganda complete oblivion to the fact..
You are correct; you referred to my statements as Nazi. My mistake!
Take it as propaganda or not, but in the midst of a deadly pandemic, misinformation that gets in the way of attempts to mitigate the harm has to be dealt with somehow.
What is the fact I am oblivious to?
which is really pathetic given you have actually heard of Chomsky ... .. obviously never any of his books nor watched the movie "Manufacturing Consent" .. which details the various ailments from which you are suffering
I've heard of Chomsky but have not read or watched anything of his. How does it relate?
Why are you talking about Trump ?? What does Trump have to do with Blue engaging in Totalitarian Nazi tactics .. such as forced medical treatment .. which you pretend not to understand .. like sheep in disingenuous oblivion land.
Trump was the President during the pandemic and purposely misinformed the public about various aspects of the virus.
What part of Force - Coercion did you not understand ? having trouble with the concept " Suck the bosses pud or lose your job" .. is coercion .. knowing that if you lose your job .. your child will die. Your not a Nazi .. least the Nazi's knew what they were doing was wrong . .. what a joke ..
Sexual coercion is different from safety requirements. Is it coercion to say to a cook "Cook the food to the right temperature or you're fired"? Or to a construction worker "Wear a helmet or you're fired"?
Then the propaganda .. complete with censorship and violations of free speech .. you just loved that ..
I did love it! Such great propaganda! Made me warm and fuzzy inside.
law justified on the basis of fallacious utilitarianism .. "Harm Reduction" this collectivist totalitarian Nazi ideology violate civil liberties .. and you laughably try to deflect to Trump's moronicity .. as if this somehow justifies the Blue team Nazi Atrocity. Pathetic.
Hyperbole, especially where contextual details are left out, is also a fallacy.