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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
A response of deflection and twirling around crying No No No ... unable to deal with the reality that it was Blue engating in the weaponization of disinformation.

Yes. This is what I do. Twirl around crying "No, no, no!" It's pretty cathartic.

And no one called you a Nazi -- you are just spouting totalitarian Propaganda ..in complete oblivion to the fact..

You are correct; you referred to my statements as Nazi. My mistake!

Take it as propaganda or not, but in the midst of a deadly pandemic, misinformation that gets in the way of attempts to mitigate the harm has to be dealt with somehow.

What is the fact I am oblivious to?

which is really pathetic given you have actually heard of Chomsky ... .. obviously never any of his books nor watched the movie "Manufacturing Consent" .. which details the various ailments from which you are suffering

I've heard of Chomsky but have not read or watched anything of his. How does it relate?

Why are you talking about Trump ?? What does Trump have to do with Blue engaging in Totalitarian Nazi tactics .. such as forced medical treatment .. which you pretend not to understand .. like sheep in disingenuous oblivion land.

Trump was the President during the pandemic and purposely misinformed the public about various aspects of the virus.

What part of Force - Coercion did you not understand ? having trouble with the concept " Suck the bosses pud or lose your job" .. is coercion .. knowing that if you lose your job .. your child will die. Your not a Nazi .. least the Nazi's knew what they were doing was wrong . .. what a joke ..

Sexual coercion is different from safety requirements. Is it coercion to say to a cook "Cook the food to the right temperature or you're fired"? Or to a construction worker "Wear a helmet or you're fired"?

Then the propaganda .. complete with censorship and violations of free speech .. you just loved that ..

I did love it! Such great propaganda! Made me warm and fuzzy inside.

law justified on the basis of fallacious utilitarianism .. "Harm Reduction" this collectivist totalitarian Nazi ideology ..to violate civil liberties .. and you laughably try to deflect to Trump's moronicity .. as if this somehow justifies the Blue team Nazi Atrocity. Pathetic.

Hyperbole, especially where contextual details are left out, is also a fallacy.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
....the gov labeled some rushed medicine that didn't actually prevent anything...
Do you have any evidence that the vaccines
didn't prevent any reduction anything, eg,
deaths, severity of symptoms?
...and caused tons of problems...
Evidence of these problems & their scale?
...a vaccine along with the rest, even changed the official definition, and companies had no liabilities. Along with all the other fallout we're still dealing with, someone has a lot to answer for.
Like Trump?
When one portrays oneself as a prophet,
& gains cult followers, this imposes great
responsibility to speak responsibly.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Do you have any evidence that the vaccines
didn't prevent any reduction anything, eg,
deaths, severity of symptoms?

Evidence of these problems & their scale?
I cannot tell you how much I hate postmodernism. Unfortunately groups like CDC or NEJM force their scientists to recant their findings so more and more links I have slowly become unreliable. Luckily many groups don't have to bend to the will of government, like those listed above in my mask citations. Luckily some links still work! Keep in mind trying to find scientific data contradicting government censorship is like trying to study how the Jews aren't actually evil in 1940s Germany.

Bad for hearts: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712

The lord himself: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This Urgent Warning to Vaccinated People

Don't even know if it saves lives: Covid-19 vaccine trials cannot tell us if they will save lives | BMJ

Kills more than it saves (pdf): https://www.skirsch.com/covid/VCage.pdf

Here's one of many we examples of the silencing I mentioned: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X

Bad for hearts: https://www.thecardiologyadvisor.co...syndrome-acs-biomarkers-mrna-covid19-vaccine/

Adverse effects (pdf): https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-aefi-report.pdf?sc_lang=en

Major risk factor: Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them - Virology Journal

Sociological problems: The Term ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Is Patronizing and Presumptuous. Here’s Why.

Lady problems: Study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccination and temporary increase in menstrual cycle length

Lady problems 2: Menstrual abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review

I mean isn't this enough? What other shot has this many researchers, doctors, etc. saying it was a mistake? How many people do you know who got an actual vaccine like measles who then catch measles over and over again? How could it not immediately make your senses tingle to see science fall in line with government agendas and then shut out any science which disagrees? And you know what's better than studies? Go talk to people. For instance a close friend was blatantly informed her problems were likely due to the vaccine by a mayo clinic doctor, but do you think mayo itself would actually publish such data in this new culture?

Like Trump?
When one portrays oneself as a prophet,
& gains cult followers, this imposes great
responsibility to speak responsibly.
What about trump? The dude is a menace and an idiot.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I cannot tell you how much I hate postmodernism.
What does this mean?
Unfortunately groups like CDC or NEJM force their scientists to recant their findings so more and more links I have slowly become unreliable. Luckily many groups don't have to bend to the will of government, like those listed above in my mask citations. Luckily some links still work! Keep in mind trying to find scientific data contradicting government censorship is like trying to study how the Jews aren't actually evil in 1940s Germany.

Bad for hearts: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712
This linked article is too sophisticated for this non-epidemiologist
non-cardiologist. But I notice that it doesn't quantify the claimed
effects. So it doesn't speak to the cost-vs-benefit efficacy of vaccines.
This linked article speaks to the usefulness of vaccination,
& that people are slacking off regarding emerging variants.
How does this support your claims?
I don't know the date of this linked article, but it
appears to miss that Covid 19 has moved from
being a pandemic to endemic. It also uses
passive voiced weasel words to create unnamed
people's views to criticize. And finally, it has the
tone of strong criticism, but doesn't really say
anything problematic.
The author is a well-known mis-information purveyor.
He's an engineer with no medical education.
(And an embarrassment to all engineers.)
I'm skipping the rest of your many links cuz they're
likely either as irrelevant or as bad as those above.

I recommend not posting a confetti campaign of
dubious links. Instead, make a clear claim, & find
fewer well considered links to support it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Regarding the claim that vaccines kill more
people than they save, I know many who've
been vaccinated, & none have died or even
gotten very sick. But of the non-vaxed people
I know, many have had to be hospitalized for
Covid, & a few have even died of it.

One such friend feared that government would
use nano-bots in the vaccine to execute him.
Oddly, when he was at death's door in the hospital
with Covid, there were no nano-bots in his IV tubes.
He survived the hit squad. Go figure.
(He also believes the income tax is unconstitutional,
& served around a year in fed prison for evasion.)


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Like I said, I hate postmodernism, whether it's science being rejected in favor of politics or anecdotes for me but not for thee. The simple fact is we had a bunch of propaganda, inconclusive science, rushed medicines, changes of definitions, etc and now have to deal with the fallout. The very fact that you went right to trumpism just because i won't toe your party line says everything anyone needs to know on this whole topic. Woe to the rational middle smart enough to know both sides play us.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Like I said, I hate postmodernism, whether it's science being rejected in favor of politics or anecdotes for me but not for thee. The simple fact is we had a bunch of propaganda, inconclusive science, rushed medicines, changes of definitions, etc and now have to deal with the fallout. The very fact that you went right to trumpism just because i won't toe your party line says everything anyone needs to know on this whole topic. Woe to the rational middle smart enough to know both sides play us.
One thing I give Trump credit for is rushing the
development & distribution of Covid 19 vaccines.
Things would've been far far worse if the anti-vaxers
were in control....they're dumber & more corrupt
than even government.

Certainly, many aspects of addressing the pandemic
could've been handled better, especially here in MI
by our loopy Democrat governor.
This is a "novel virus", & much was unknown about it.
More is known now, but there is still much to learn,
eg, Long Covid, genetic factors. I expect it to act
like the flu, ie, we get new vaccines every year to
address the variant de jour.
(Pardon my French. @ChristineM's influence there.)
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
One thing I give Trump credit for is rushing the
development & distribution of Covid 19 vaccines.
Things would've been far far worse if the anti-vaxers
were in control....they're dumber & more corrupt
than even government.

Certainly, many aspects of addressing the pandemic
could've been handled better, especially here in MI
by our loopy Democrat governor. But this is a
"novel virus", & much was unknown about it.
More is known now, but there is still much to learn,
eg, Long Covid, genetic factors.
See you betray yourself here by calling people who accept and supported all vaccines under the old definition, and only were hesitant about a rushed new kind that wasn't preventative and companies weren't liable for, "anti vaxxers." Definitely read the link above on the sociological fallout.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
See you betray yourself here by calling people who accept and supported all vaccines under the old definition, and only were hesitant about a rushed new kind that wasn't preventative and companies weren't liable for, "anti vaxxers." Definitely read the link above on the sociological fallout.
I don't know what you're criticizing here.
Your posts seem to be on a tear, railing against many unclear things.
Clarify your usages of "old definitions" & "new definitions".
Explain what problem liability waivers posed.
Explain what point you're making that a link would support.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I don't know what you're criticizing here.
Your posts seem to be on a tear, railing against many unclear things.
Clarify your usages of "old definitions" & "new definitions".
Explain what problem liability waivers posed.
Explain what point you're making that a link would support.
As in how vaccines used to be defined as preventative but now simply grant protection, a definition changed to label the shot a vaccine.

The problem with liability waivers should he obvious man, if it was trusted and reliable why not hold the companies accountable?

The link will help you understand why it's ironically people like you who are increasing the numbers of anti vaxxers by saying things like we cannot question in science, doubt authority figures, or even that they are "anti vaxxers" when they support vaccines in general. The same folks who demonized an amazing malaria medication as horse paste.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As in how vaccines used to be defined as preventative but now simply grant protection, a definition changed to label the jab a vaccine.
What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic.

The problem with liability waivers should he obvious man, if it was trusted and reliable why not hold the companies accountable?
Trump wanted to have vaccines developed without
the usual FDA procedures being followed. This was
useful to address the pandemic promptly.
In this case, the Trump administration was reasonable.
The link will help you understand why it's ironically people like you who are increasing the numbers of anti vaxxers by saying things like we cannot question in science....
So you claim I've said science can't be questioned, eh.
Bless your heart.

We Never Know

No Slack
What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic.

Trump wanted to have vaccines developed without
the usual FDA procedures being followed. This was
useful to address the pandemic promptly because
liability would be greater for the companies.
In this case, the Trump administration was reasonable.

So you claim I've said science can't be questioned, eh.
Bless your heart.
"What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic"

From what I have read, in short, I get..

Vacinnes used to be given as a preventative, now they are a protective aid that doesn't prevent.

But I could be wrong.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I've said all I really need to say here, and choose not to engage with those who seek to oppress others.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
"What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic"

From what I have read, in short, I get..

Vacinnes used to be given as a preventative, now they are a protective aid that doesn't prevent.

But I could be wrong.
Vaccines were always protective. They were never perfect. The measles vaccine is over 90% effective. That makes cases die out very rapidly if everyone is vaccinated. Some of the last people to be infected with smallpox had been vaccinated. They got the disease but still survived.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
"What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic"

From what I have read, in short, I get..

Vacinnes used to be given as a preventative, now they are a protective aid that doesn't prevent.

But I could be wrong.
Source for a the prior definition?
Source for the changed definition?
Time line?
I ask cuz I thing that's all mistaken impression.
Others I know have used wrong definitions.
A friend much smarter than I thought a "vaccine"
prevents disease 100%....anything less isn't one.
That's wrong, of course.

We Never Know

No Slack
Source for a the prior definition?
Source for the changed definition?
Time line?
I ask cuz I thing that's all mistaken impression.
Others I know have used wrong definitions.
A friend much smarter than I thought a "vaccine"
prevents disease 100%....anything less isn't one.
That's wrong, of course.
You needed to ask the original poster.
I just told you what I gathered from their comments.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I must ask.... How did it go from the OP of 'Suppression of Free Speech on Covid' to porn?

Well... it is where some minds go to in the name of free speech. I always wonder if those people would mind andf how far they would let another person talk about it with their children as they open those books.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Well... it is where some minds go to in the name of free speech. I always wonder if those people would mind andf how far they would let another person talk about it with their children as they open those books.

If people are showing children pornography, they are going to prison. That's illegal behavior


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
If people are showing children pornography, they are going to prison. That's illegal behavior
As they should!

When did all of this start? How do we get teachers that do these things? Is there a true background check? What is this mentality that is become more of a commonplace?