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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
As they should!

When did all of this start? How do we get teachers that do these things? Is there a true background check? What is this mentality that is become more of a commonplace?

Not sure this behavior is linked any more than it's ever been. I hate to say it, but positions of power have always attracted sickos like the ones you posted here. It's truly awful...

Not sure what any of this has to do with COVID or free speech, though. Illegal behavior is illegal behavior


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Oof bad take. Have you talked to the patients who it caused cardiac problems in? The post menopausal women now having their periods again, etc? The people who lost jobs because they're allergic to vaccine preservatives? The athletes who collapse afterwards? And this all ignores it was a shot for something with almost no risk to most if the population with all these downsides that didn't even finish properly testing until this year. And let's not forget the companies had so much faith in themselves that... nobody is allowed to take any legal action against all the negative outcomes.

So you're right, the comparison isn't good. It's more like someone saying "maybe I shouldn't drink and drive since driving is risky enough."
Again, as a scientist, I go by the scientific research, much less personal experiences that may not represent the majority. We have seen the effects of that propaganda that denies the overall effectiveness of the vaccines and has hypothetically resulted in an estimated 200,000 deaths due to those not getting vaxed here in the States.

Thus, I tend to think your agenda is probably more political than medical.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If a parent shows his/her child a book that shows what sex is about for the purposes of educating them, is that "pornography"?

My point is we have to be careful just libeling things as being "pornographic" if the purpose may actually be for education.


Veteran Member
Debunked something you have ? thats humorous .. what was it that you figure you have debunked spanky .. and what was asserted without evidence .. and why should you not be talked to in a condescending way given your behaviour .. nothing but fallacy and personal invective.. unsupported claims
Oh please do show where you think I've made unsupported claims, fallacies and personal invectives.

Because it just sounds to me like you're projecting here.
What is it you debunked.. don't keep us waiting in suspence .. for your explaination on why they typo Nazi is the biggest of moronic of excuses for an argument ? The floor is yours :)
Try saying something worth responding to ...


colors your eyes with what's not there
When did all of this start? How do we get teachers that do these things? Is there a true background check? What is this mentality that is become more of a commonplace?

These teachers that do these things are in private religious schools too, remember. There was a Christian elementary school teacher and pastor who passed a background check but was arrested for having, and making, child pornography. This scourge of predators crosses all demographics. People who want to blame the public schools for what also happens in private schools need to be aware that private schools will not necessarily protect their children.


Veteran Member
Dude .. it was the Gov't doing the political weaponization of misinformation ... using harm reduction as an excuse to violate civil liberties "There are ways to mitigate harm" -- Now there is a collectivist Nazi Fallacious utilitarian phrase if you have ever heard one .. when used as justification for violation of constitutionally protected rights.

"The Gov't has a right to put public Welfare over Free Speech" - Same fallacious utilitarian "Nazi" justification as above.

This is pure State Sponsored Orwellian propaganda tropes you are reciting. Ouch Pain .. Suffering ..
You use the word "Nazi" far too loosely, which makes it difficult to take you seriously.
You've said basically nothing here.


Veteran Member
Oof bad take. Have you talked to the patients who it caused cardiac problems in?
How about the ones that had heart problems as a result of having COVID? You know, actual documented cases rather than anecdotes.

Because your chances of having heart problems from having COVID far exceed those of developing heart problems from the vaccine.
The post menopausal women now having their periods again, etc?
Post-menopausal women generally don't have periods anymore.
The people who lost jobs because they're allergic to vaccine preservatives?
Where? Who?
The athletes who collapse afterwards?
You mean the internet hype about them that doesn't appear to be rooted in reality?
And this all ignores it was a shot for something with almost no risk to most if the population with all these downsides that didn't even finish properly testing until this year.
Over one million Americans lost their lives to COVID. Over seven million people worldwide lost their lives to COVID.
Tell them there was "almost no risk."

Proper testing was carried out and is still being carried out to this day. I don't know where you got the idea it wasn't.
And let's not forget the companies had so much faith in themselves that... nobody is allowed to take any legal action against all the negative outcomes.

So you're right, the comparison isn't good. It's more like someone saying "maybe I shouldn't drink and drive since driving is risky enough."
We have regulations surrounding driving, don't we? Such as speed limitations, safety limitations, etc.
We have the same for public safety measures when it comes to slowing the spread of disease.


Veteran Member
I cannot tell you how much I hate postmodernism. Unfortunately groups like CDC or NEJM force their scientists to recant their findings so more and more links I have slowly become unreliable. Luckily many groups don't have to bend to the will of government, like those listed above in my mask citations. Luckily some links still work! Keep in mind trying to find scientific data contradicting government censorship is like trying to study how the Jews aren't actually evil in 1940s Germany.

Bad for hearts: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712

The lord himself: Dr. Fauci Just Issued This Urgent Warning to Vaccinated People

Don't even know if it saves lives: Covid-19 vaccine trials cannot tell us if they will save lives | BMJ

Kills more than it saves (pdf): https://www.skirsch.com/covid/VCage.pdf

Here's one of many we examples of the silencing I mentioned: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X

Bad for hearts: https://www.thecardiologyadvisor.co...syndrome-acs-biomarkers-mrna-covid19-vaccine/

Adverse effects (pdf): https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-aefi-report.pdf?sc_lang=en

Major risk factor: Adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines and measures to prevent them - Virology Journal

Sociological problems: The Term ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Is Patronizing and Presumptuous. Here’s Why.

Lady problems: Study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccination and temporary increase in menstrual cycle length

Lady problems 2: Menstrual abnormalities after COVID-19 vaccines: A systematic review

I mean isn't this enough? What other shot has this many researchers, doctors, etc. saying it was a mistake? How many people do you know who got an actual vaccine like measles who then catch measles over and over again? How could it not immediately make your senses tingle to see science fall in line with government agendas and then shut out any science which disagrees? And you know what's better than studies? Go talk to people. For instance a close friend was blatantly informed her problems were likely due to the vaccine by a mayo clinic doctor, but do you think mayo itself would actually publish such data in this new culture?

What about trump? The dude is a menace and an idiot.
Talking to people (i.e. anecdotal experiences) is never better than looking at controlled studies. In fact, that's the perfect way to be misinformed.


Veteran Member
"What is your specific complaint about definitions?
How is it relevant & problematic"

From what I have read, in short, I get..

Vacinnes used to be given as a preventative, now they are a protective aid that doesn't prevent.

But I could be wrong.
Nothing has changed. Vaccines have always been administered as a protective measure in that they're meant to teach your immune system how to fight off the illness. In that way, the COVID vaccine is no different from say, the polio vaccine.
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Again, as a scientist, I go by the scientific research, much less personal experiences that may not represent the majority. We have seen the effects of that propaganda that denies the overall effectiveness of the vaccines and has hypothetically resulted in an estimated 200,000 deaths due to those not getting vaxed here in the States.
Yes exactly. It is like I was saying, I know intelligent educated people who were always pro-vaccination until all the political propaganda. Now I worry for some of their kids with stuff like measles, but it is also hard to blame them after all the government pulled. Now instead of the anti-vax movement being "hurrr vaxxes cause autism" we have "pharmaceutical companies are sketch and dishonest."


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It is like I was saying, I know intelligent educated people who were always pro-vaccination until all the political propaganda.
That's a very broad stroke, so could you be more specific?


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
How about the ones that had heart problems as a result of having COVID? You know, actual documented cases rather than anecdotes.
Because your chances of having heart problems from having COVID far exceed those of developing heart problems from the vaccine.
Both ways are documented, that's exactly the issue. Both sides just want to ignore the other because the reality is too complicated

Post-menopausal women generally don't have periods anymore.
Right, that is why it is concerning...
Where? Who?
You weren't even aware of vaccine mandates?
You mean the internet hype about them that doesn't appear to be rooted in reality?
You are really excelling at ignoring all data at odds with your beliefs.
Over one million Americans lost their lives to COVID. Over seven million people worldwide lost their lives to COVID.
Tell them there was "almost no risk."
Well, in cases where this data wasn't straight made up they may have died with covid, sure. This is much different than dying from covid. But we have already establish one entrenched in either party isn't interested in reality!
Proper testing was carried out and is still being carried out to this day. I don't know where you got the idea it wasn't.
For example the completion date for testing was not reached until February of this year. Why is it not suspicious to you that companies tried to hide the data and release it decades from now, or that they refused any liability? This has nothing to even do with covid specifically, what made you trust these institutions?
We have regulations surrounding driving, don't we? Such as speed limitations, safety limitations, etc.
We have the same for public safety measures when it comes to slowing the spread of disease.
Absolutely, which is why things that are actually beneficial can make good safety measures. Even then they aren't right for everyone, sometimes a seatbelt is the cause of death in an accident after all.
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
That's a very broad stroke, so could you be more specific?
Sure! Up until more recent times, people opposed vaccines for absolutely insane reasons, such as they caused autism, or had chips in it. And make no mistake, these people still exist and are usually politically right. There are still terrible reasons to be doubtful of vaccines. Sadly the government gave this movement plenty of good reasons to be doubtful as well. And note that I reject this, I am thinking of having kids and they would absolutely get their childhood vaccines and such. But I can now understand the view. For instance:

- Companies refusing to take liability for any negative outcomes is extremely unconvincing, it is far more of a red flag than a porn star screaming shots give you autism.

- Definitions being changed so that something much less effective than previous vaccines can qualify, lowering the standard. On top of which this was done on a vaccine which was of a wholly new breed and rushed to the public (with no liability). Again this can raise a lot more doubt than Karen saying she is magnetic because she got a shot.

- Possibly the worst one, science literally changed to the point where doubting or questioning a new thing was morally evil, well established career long doctors were silenced, people have been scared to report negative outcomes because they will be called alt-right psychos, and worse yet every single person who was skeptical of one single vaccine was labeled "anti vaccine" if not outright dehumanized. People noticed this stuff.


Veteran Member
Both ways are documented, that's exactly the issue. Both sides just want to ignore the other because the reality is too complicated
The problem is that anecdotal claims aren't verifiable and they're based on individual experiences filtered through the lens of their biases (which all humans are prone to).

Here's an example to help illustrate ...

I have a friend who went out to a rotisserie chicken restaurant one night. Hours later, her appendix exploded and she had to be rushed to the hospital for an emergency operation. To this day, my friend will tell you that the rotisserie chicken she ate caused her appendix to burst and refuses to eat the chicken and tells everyone else they shouldn't eat it unless they want their appendix to burst to. Nobody else in town has ever reported appendicitis after dining at the rotisserie chicken restaurant.

So, do you think this particular brand of rotisserie chickens is causing peoples' appdendixes to burst or do you think perhaps something else might be going on there and my friend is misattributing cause and effect here?
Right, that is why it is concerning...
What concerns you about it?
Post-menopausal women can have all manner of spotting and breakthrough bleeding for some years after the onset of menopause.

Studies have shown that there is a link between COVID vaccines and an average one day increase in menstrual cycle length.

You weren't even aware of vaccine mandates?
I'm aware. What I'm not aware of is the particular claim you made of people losing their jobs for having allergies.
You are really excelling at ignoring all data at odds with your beliefs.
Oh, I've read the claims all over the internet. I've yet to see any data linking the two. Got any?

What beliefs do you think I hold here?
Well, in cases where this data wasn't straight made up they may have died with covid, sure. This is much different than dying from covid. But we have already establish one entrenched in either party isn't interested in reality!

I find it bizarre how some Americans don't seem to realize this was a global pandemic and view everything about it through the lens of their two political parties.
For example the completion date for testing was not reached until February of this year. Why is it not suspicious to you that companies tried to hide the data and release it decades from now, or that they refused any liability? This has nothing to even do with covid specifically, what made you trust these institutions?
Vaccines are continually tested well beyond the initial clinical trials. They are still being tested to this day, and will continue to be tested and reviewed as time goes on.
Absolutely, which is why things that are actually beneficial can make good safety measures. Even then they aren't right for everyone, sometimes a seatbelt is the cause of death in an accident after all.
Ah, but it's the exception rather than the rule.

On average, seatbelts save way more lives than they take.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that anecdotal claims aren't verifiable and they're based on individual experiences filtered through the lens of their biases (which all humans are prone to).
The real problem is the money trail between big pharma and government regulators.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
There are still terrible reasons to be doubtful of vaccines. Sadly the government gave this movement plenty of good reasons to be doubtful as well.
Who is "the government" in this case?
On top of which this was done on a vaccine which was of a wholly new breed and rushed to the public (with no liability).
They were tested more than any other previous drug, especially since its approach was new. When the FDA gave the approval, it was only done after the data was submitted and scrutinized.
- Possibly the worst one, science literally changed to the point where doubting or questioning a new thing was morally evil, well established career long doctors were silenced, people have been scared to report negative outcomes because they will be called alt-right psychos, and worse yet every single person who was skeptical of one single vaccine was labeled "anti vaccine" if not outright dehumanized. People noticed this stuff.
To this, I say nonsense. There was only limited binding, such as with the military since barracks put soldiers in close proximity to one another. Companies made their own decisions, which is their legal right. Instead, the demonization came mostly from the right and included attacks on Fauci and the CDC with little to no evidence except hearsay.

ALL drugs have side effects, so every time we take our meds, we're at the same time compromising something else.