Sub D .. You are the one trying to fool folks -- don't be trying to tar me with your deception - claiming your source proves my interpretation of mens rea "Bogus" .. but failing to produce this refutation from the source .. and seems you do not even know what you are trying to refute .. but running around shouting "You Lost" ??
Look friend .. Trump -- remember him .. you were telling us about the "mens rea" behind the Capital Protest .. and how these folks figured to take over the entire US Gov't by taking over a single Gov't building .. unarmed protesters .. with no outside help .
Looks like you are the one who is - in your words - "lost" friend .. up the creek without paddle .. but at least try to swim .. so we can have a giggle ..and tell us about how this plan had some realistic chance - as opposed to hypothetical fantasy - of taking over the Entire US Gov't .. A Coup de'tate as they say in France
The Floor is yours Sub D .. tell us your story ..