I did NOT say that Christianity doesn't rest on the truth of the bible. The truth of the bible for most Christians is that God so love the world that He gave His Son so that whosoever believes will be saved. The truth of the bible is not being able to list the names of the twelve apostles or the prophets that went before. You show me a Christian who believes that salvation depends on knowing the names of the twelve apostles AND THEN you can laud it over them that you know more of these factoids than they do.
Did I say anything about the apostles?
What I mean, for example, is who wrote it? Kind of important, don't you think, important fact about any book?
Most Christians I've talked to seem to be under the misapprehension that the gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, while scholars are pretty sure they were not, rather they were written by Anonymous et al. at least 50 years later. I find that important.
The first shred of a piece of manuscript we have is called P52. IIRC it dates from around 130 C.E. and is a fragment from the book of John. That's it! The holy grail, really. The first actual physical piece of the Bible. I've never met a Christian who's heard of it. It's locked away in a library somewhere. I tell you, if it were the original Torah, it would be the holiest relic in Judaism. Christians don't seem to know or care. Yet I've had them tell me on the net that the Bible is true to the original manuscript. What manuscript are they talking about? They have no idea that it looks like this:
That's it, Christians, your holiest, authentic relic. Ever seen this picture before? Why are you so ignorant of your own religious history? Why did I learn about this from atheists? Why is the truth a secret in Christianity?
Or Christians are constantly telling me that they're against homosexuality because they Bible says so. It's not at all clear what the Bible says about male homosexuality, but it clearly has no problem with lesbianism. Christians know it's not O.K., but have no idea why they think so.
Basically, what I've learned about the Bible I've learned mostly from atheists. (at IIDB, where I go no more.)Those guys knew their stuff. I've never met a Christian who knows the actual history of the actual Bible. I wonder why.