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Swamp and DNC on Trial

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This whole 'accuse rather than govern' strategy lost them big in the last election. But they didn't learn anything from it, so now they're doubling down on it. My bet is that two more years of it and the whole country will be sick to death of it. Not to mention Biden has actually managed to get some things done in spite of their constant obstruction. If that continues, it will be very interesting the next election cycle indeed.
What did Biden get done? I'm not aware of anything useful or beneficial.

Americans are definitely more worse off and destitute then ever now.

Unless of course, your making six figures or more.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
It appears the FBI was foot dragging, trying to run out the clock, for the Biden team, before the election. Polls tell us that this laptop would have altered the outcome of the election, since the Independents, who voted fro Biden, would not have condoned him by the content.

Although I don't believe there's any there there, I wouldn't object along with the Republicans if the allegations were true. I don't care about what MAGA Republicans want or what befalls them, or what they consider unfair.

I'm reminded of their complaints about withholding the news of classified documents in Biden's possession until after the 2022 midterms. I approve of that as well. And if it ever were shown that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, should I be expected to object or to cheer that such people were thwarted? I'd like to see them excluded from governance, and I'm not particular about how that's done. Go ahead and swindle them if possible. They're not entitled to more than they give. I have different standards for patriotic Americans than I do for enemies of the Constitution, even those with American passports and flag lapel pins. My standards for the Republicans and what is fair treatment of them is the same as for Putin, bin Laden, Hussein, and the Taliban, who all essentially share the same vision for American democracy, egalitarianism, church-state separation and the rule of law as the Republicans have. It is impossible to be unfair to any of them.

Trump isn't even president anymore. It's astounding the pathological fixation on the man.

What's pathological is that so many people are indifferent to his stealing and hiding classified documents, and orchestrating an insurrection and a failed coup. They just want this all to go away, so they say things like you did to attempt to shame people into silence, but they can't with people who are secure in their moral values, especially if the complainant has taken an immoral position himself.

Other liberals lament that they still have to see his face, but Trump is endlessly fascinating to me now that he's essentially disempowered, cornered, alone, terrified, and waiting for the indictments. Yes, I'd have to mute him when he was president, but now, I'd like a camera and microphone installed in his living spaces and broadcasting real-time 24/7. Rage and throw more ketchup, please. I love him attacking and cowing other Republicans. I love that he'll likely get 10-20% of the Republican vote even if not running, pretty much ensuring the White House remains with the Democrats whichever one runs in 2024. I love his temper tantrums. This man needs a platform. I'm hoping to see more of him on Facebook and Twitter soon.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
I think you missed the point. The FBI was telling Twitter what to do to suppress certain peoples speech.

Leading up to the 2020 elections, the FBI was aggressively pushing Twitter to take down accounts, often sending spreadsheets with hundreds of names to be addressed.

Twitter was so overwhelmed with the requests to suppress and silence voices in the lead-up to the elections that it asked the FBI to prioritize requests.

Independent journalist and author David Zweig summed up how Twitter “rigged” the debate around COVID:

  • By censoring info that was true, but inconvenient to U.S. government policy.
  • By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed.
  • By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s own data.

This is the government censoring speech through a 3rd party, that is unconstitutional.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And that may have cost her the election.
Here's what cost Hillary the election....

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
That was a great way not to address the issues even as the issue of Trump was addressed these last two to six years.
The problem may be that the title of the thread is rather confusing. The OP does not appear to know who or what the "swamp" is.


Veteran Member
I think you missed the point. The FBI was telling Twitter what to do to suppress certain peoples speech.

Leading up to the 2020 elections, the FBI was aggressively pushing Twitter to take down accounts, often sending spreadsheets with hundreds of names to be addressed.

Twitter was so overwhelmed with the requests to suppress and silence voices in the lead-up to the elections that it asked the FBI to prioritize requests.

Independent journalist and author David Zweig summed up how Twitter “rigged” the debate around COVID:

  • By censoring info that was true, but inconvenient to U.S. government policy.
  • By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed.
  • By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s own data.

This is the government censoring speech through a 3rd party, that is unconstitutional.
The “debate” around Covid was marred with massive right wing disinformation about public safety measures. This is the same crowd of right wingers who have contempt for the science around climate change and evolution. The contempt for vaccines and the spreading of misinformation about them put many lives at risk. Do you follow me here, this wasn’t a free speech issue over those rejecting evolution, it was people spreading false information about vaccines. That is a different kind of speech that poses a public threat and it is the government’s responsibility to protect public health.

We know right wingers live in an unrealistic world where there is some ideal utopia of total freedom, but its absurd and cartoonish. The reality is spelled out in social contract theory where citizens must cooperate and compromise for the sake of the majority. Right wingers want what they want and throw tantrums instead of thinking beyond themselves.

The vaccines have been assessed as having saved over 3 million lives and many businesses. The steps to manage the pandemic until citizens were vaccinated was a great public service. Don’t forget, even Trump advocated for the vaccine when it became obvious that the pandemic was going to be very bad. He could have died himself if not for the availability of new treatments that ordinary Americans could not get.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
The “debate” around Covid was marred with massive right wing disinformation about public safety measures. This is the same crowd of right wingers who have contempt for the science around climate change and evolution. The contempt for vaccines and the spreading of misinformation about them put many lives at risk. Do you follow me here, this wasn’t a free speech issue over those rejecting evolution, it was people spreading false information about vaccines. That is a different kind of speech that poses a public threat and it is the government’s responsibility to protect public health.

We know right wingers live in an unrealistic world where there is some ideal utopia of total freedom, but its absurd and cartoonish. The reality is spelled out in social contract theory where citizens must cooperate and compromise for the sake of the majority. Right wingers want what they want and throw tantrums instead of thinking beyond themselves.

The vaccines have been assessed as having saved over 3 million lives and many businesses. The steps to manage the pandemic until citizens were vaccinated was a great public service. Don’t forget, even Trump advocated for the vaccine when it became obvious that the pandemic was going to be very bad. He could have died himself if not for the availability of new treatments that ordinary Americans could not get.
They censured people that were linking to CDC sites and tweeting factual information about Covid. This was also happening prior to the Covid pandemic in the US about subjects other than Covid such as the 2020 election. It is clear you did not read the emails that Musk released or my links. If you did you would know this. It seems you want to just hate on "right wingers" and don't really care about what is true. It is left wingers like you that are allowing the government to become more and more authoritarian because you refuse to look at the evidence in an unbiased way. The Twitter files clearly show unconstitutional conduct by the government, if you read them you would have to come to that conclusion whether you admit it or not.


Veteran Member
They censured people that were linking to CDC sites and tweeting factual information about Covid.
Who is “they”, and what reputable sources are you using? Let’s note that its a common bad faith tactic for disinformation creators to quote things out of context, so i am naturally suspicious of your claim.

This was also happening prior to the Covid pandemic in the US about subjects other than Covid such as the 2020 election.
During the Trump administration? Given the corruption that has been testified to by insiders how Trump managed the pandemic is arguable that unethical behavior took place. Look how Fauci was misrepresented and right wingers are calling for his arrest. For what?

It is clear you did not read the emails that Musk released or my links.
I don’t trust Musk.

f you did you would know this. It seems you want to just hate on "right wingers" and don't really care about what is true. It is left wingers like you that are allowing the government to become more and more authoritarian because you refuse to look at the evidence in an unbiased way. The Twitter files clearly show unconstitutional conduct by the government, if you read them you would have to come to that conclusion whether you admit it or not.
Just MAGA accusations and grievances. Odd how republicans are banning books, canceling academic programs, anti-woke, eliminating women’s rights to reproductive freedom, limiting voting access, and going after private businesses for enforcing their own rules of conduct, but you insist the left is authoritarian?

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
The House is beginning its investigation into the 2020 election tampering by the Swamp and DNC. The defense is already beginning revisionist history, and the man stream media is already trying to dissuade viewership; nothing to see ere. I thought I would summarize some important points connected to the Hunter Biden Laptop intrigue and the election interference it created. This level of treachery is new.

The first point is the Hunter Biden laptop was discovered over a year before the election. It was abandoned by Hunter for more that 60 days, and by that state law, became the property of the computer repair company. It was examined by the computer repair guy who copied the hard drive and give a copt to the FBI to analyze. This was also about a year before the 2020 election.

Trump and his team knew about the laptop, from the beginning, since the repair man had made contact. This knowledge was not publicized in the media, at that time, since the FBI was examining the laptop and the laptop needed to be kept secret, due to the classification of the investigation. The Trump team waited almost a year for the FBI to complete its investigation ,to verify it was Hunter Biden, before the it went public with the October surprise.

It appears the FBI was foot dragging, trying to run out the clock, for the Biden team, before the election. Polls tell us that this laptop would have altered the outcome of the election, since the Independents, who voted fro Biden, would not have condoned him by the content.

The extra foot dragging by the FBI, for extra verification, was not needed, since it was obvious it was authentic. For example, once the election was over, and the laptop content was given to Left leaning press; ABC news, it only took them weeks to verify it. The FBI was foot dragging for a year. Either there was cover-up by the FBI or the FBI is not very bright. You decide.

As the election got close, the Trump team decided to run with the new, since they could not wait for the foot dragging to run out the clock and the Public misinformed. The press release caused the FBI to change its tact and force social media;Twitter, Facebook and many others to censor the story, calling it Russian Disinformation, which they knew a year before, was false. The story often starts here given the FBI an excuse due to not enough time.

The mistake the boneheads made was to use the Russian collusion scam, again. The Russian Collusion Coup had been debunked as a conspiracy theory, and to use it again, was a giveaway. This makes me think that the rank and file FBI, was under pressure and through code, was following orders, while throwing out a rescue flare. We need to look at the top of the swamp, and not just be satisfied with some underlings, paying the price, for the crimes of the top level criminals.

The chain of custody has been broken so many times with Hunter's laptop that no one knows who put what on there since he put in for repair.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I want to see the appeal she submitted, I'm sure it was rampant with conspiracy, insulting, and filled with the word "liar!" And then she was stunned her appeal was refused.
Kent Hovind recently got banned from YouTube. His plan? Get his followers to try to barrage YouTube with emails for his return. He did not want to deal with what go him banned. He also told his followers who do not tend to be tech savvy to email someone without giving them a link or even an email address. People like that rarely admit that they are wrong and promise to mend their ways.


Veteran Member
What did Biden get done? I'm not aware of anything useful or beneficial.

Americans are definitely more worse off and destitute then ever now.

Unless of course, your making six figures or more.
You won't watch this, I'm sure, but here is your answer ...


Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
You won't watch this, I'm sure, but here is your answer ...

And the Republican accomplishments and agenda?

Ban the ban on weapons in the US Capitol
Ban rainbow flags
Ban the ban on children carrying guns
Ban SNAP recipients from buying certain foods, including white grain bread, buns with added nuts or seeds, white rice, pasta sauce, canned fruits or soups, baked beans, cheese slices, butter, or flour.
Ban TikTok nationwide
Ban the IRS from hiring workers (mostly admin) to replace those retiring over the next decade
Ban abortions nationwide (so much for state's rights, eh?)
Ban contraception (do you see the problem here?)
Ban age requirement for marriage
Ban mail in voting (I guess invalids don't get to vote unless they show up to to polling places and wait in line for hours because,,,)
Cut the number of polling places for elections
Ban the teaching of scientific theories in schools
Give the death penalty for any woman who has an abortion (looking at you Texas)
Sunset Social Security and Medicaid (programs with overwhelming public support)

etc, etc, ad infinitum

The party of freedom and small government? Hardly


aged ecumenical anthropologist
They censured people that were linking to CDC sites and tweeting factual information about Covid. This was also happening prior to the Covid pandemic in the US about subjects other than Covid such as the 2020 election. It is clear you did not read the emails that Musk released or my links. If you did you would know this. It seems you want to just hate on "right wingers" and don't really care about what is true. It is left wingers like you that are allowing the government to become more and more authoritarian because you refuse to look at the evidence in an unbiased way. The Twitter files clearly show unconstitutional conduct by the government, if you read them you would have to come to that conclusion whether you admit it or not.
By chance, do you get your "news" from Fox?


Well-Known Member
It's all about playing to the "twidiots" out there in "Twidiotland" that only see the headlines and know nothing of the actual lack of content. The Republicans think producing a constant onslaught of this nonsense will win them elections. So this is all they're going to be doing for the next couple of years.

The Democrats ran fake Congressional and Senate trials since 2016. Does anyone remember the Collusion Coup and scam trials for two circumstantial evidence based impeachments? Why not speak up about fake trials then? The Democrats complain after 1 day of cross examination, and act like this is unprecedented. Your leaders are good liars and cry babies.

The point I was making in my opening post is the FBI had the laptop for a year before the NY Post Story went public. It took until the story broke, almost a year later, for it to be called Russian Disinformation by the FBI. This FBI claim was easily debunked in weeks even by Left Wing Media; ABC News. How could the FBI take so long, and still be so wrong? One has to conclude they are either the worse detectives in US history, or they were covering up for Biden. Either way something needs to be done.

I would have given the FBI the benefits of the doubt, if they just received the laptop a few weeks before the election. The problem is they had a year notice, and still used that sympathy excuse, a month before the election, that they knew was false. This was a conspiracy to election tamper; censor and bury bad news to cover crimes. This involved social media being scammed or accomplices.

Consider this scenario. Say you were Trump. You receive the news of the Laptop a year before the election. You make sure the FBI gets it, early, before even the Democrats nominates Biden. Biden was nominated on April 8, 2020. The FBI had the laptop since late 2019. The FBI foot drags their analysis and tries to bury it, forever.

Team Trump waits, but can no longer wait to make this public, so they release the data a month before the election, only to have the FBI claim it was Russian Disinformation, after a year of internal analysis proved it was real. I would assume collusion, leading to election interference. It did not initially target presidential nominee Biden, just possible candidate Biden, since the laptop was there before Biden was a done deal as other nominee.

The other scenario is the fix for Biden was already in, way before the Nomination process. Democrat have been known to election cheat their own voters, when it comes to DNC nominations; Hillary over Bernie hurt the party in 2016. Trump won, due to the election tampering in the Democrat Primaries. This split the party to some degree. Bernie had the momentum but Trump won the election. If the DNC all rip off their loyal base would they be honorable with their enemies or cheat worse?

After seeing the fix was in, knowing what President Trump would know, is it wrong to complain about election tampering? Is that a good inference or is the Left wing conspiracy theory of Russian tampering still better?

The riot at the Capital can now be seen as angry citizens concerned about getting the crooks, who were continuing their illegal 2016 coup against Trump. The Jan 6 trials were a misdirect scam; prop. This was designed to hide the criminals, who election tampered, under the guise, the demonstrations occurred without any reason or any proof of election tampering. Now we know they had a good reason; fight treason.

Say Musk had bought Twitter in November, just after the election, but before the swearing in of Biden, would the public outcry have required a redo at minimum, or an investigation without any swearing? The Cheat has now lingered too long, so all you can do is hold all the crooks accountable, so this cannot happen again. This is why the head of the FBI and Biden's AG are now asked to testify under oath, at risk of jail, after they foot dragged the documents requested for two years. Now they have to incriminate each other.


Veteran Member
The Democrats ran fake Congressional and Senate trials since 2016. Does anyone remember the Collusion Coup and scam trials for two circumstantial evidence based impeachments? Why not speak up about fake trials then? The Democrats complain after 1 day of cross examination, and act like this is unprecedented. Your leaders are good liars and cry babies.

The point I was making in my opening post is the FBI had the laptop for a year before the NY Post Story went public. It took until the story broke, almost a year later, for it to be called Russian Disinformation by the FBI. This FBI claim was easily debunked in weeks even by Left Wing Media; ABC News. How could the FBI take so long, and still be so wrong? One has to conclude they are either the worse detectives in US history, or they were covering up for Biden. Either way something needs to be done.

I would have given the FBI the benefits of the doubt, if they just received the laptop a few weeks before the election. The problem is they had a year notice, and still used that sympathy excuse, a month before the election, that they knew was false. This was a conspiracy to election tamper; censor and bury bad news to cover crimes. This involved social media being scammed or accomplices.

Consider this scenario. Say you were Trump. You receive the news of the Laptop a year before the election. You make sure the FBI gets it, early, before even the Democrats nominates Biden. Biden was nominated on April 8, 2020. The FBI had the laptop since late 2019. The FBI foot drags their analysis and tries to bury it, forever.

Team Trump waits, but can no longer wait to make this public, so they release the data a month before the election, only to have the FBI claim it was Russian Disinformation, after a year of internal analysis proved it was real. I would assume collusion, leading to election interference. It did not initially target presidential nominee Biden, just possible candidate Biden, since the laptop was there before Biden was a done deal as other nominee.

The other scenario is the fix for Biden was already in, way before the Nomination process. Democrat have been known to election cheat their own voters, when it comes to DNC nominations; Hillary over Bernie hurt the party in 2016. Trump won, due to the election tampering in the Democrat Primaries. This split the party to some degree. Bernie had the momentum but Trump won the election. If the DNC all rip off their loyal base would they be honorable with their enemies or cheat worse?

After seeing the fix was in, knowing what President Trump would know, is it wrong to complain about election tampering? Is that a good inference or is the Left wing conspiracy theory of Russian tampering still better?

The riot at the Capital can now be seen as angry citizens concerned about getting the crooks, who were continuing their illegal 2016 coup against Trump. The Jan 6 trials were a misdirect scam; prop. This was designed to hide the criminals, who election tampered, under the guise, the demonstrations occurred without any reason or any proof of election tampering. Now we know they had a good reason; fight treason.

Say Musk had bought Twitter in November, just after the election, but before the swearing in of Biden, would the public outcry have required a redo at minimum, or an investigation without any swearing? The Cheat has now lingered too long, so all you can do is hold all the crooks accountable, so this cannot happen again. This is why the head of the FBI and Biden's AG are now asked to testify under oath, at risk of jail, after they foot dragged the documents requested for two years. Now they have to incriminate each other.
I can never get through more than three of your paragraphs because they are so extremely biased and reflect right wing disinformation. To fact-check and correct all your errors would take a lot of time, and you would certainly ignore it. But the well-educated and informed in this forum can see what I see.