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Swamp and DNC on Trial

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The economy was booming under Trump, up to when Covid hit. We had the lowest unemployment rates for minorities and women, of all time. Gas was under $2/gallon where I live. I got a nice raise. With the economy strong and this being Trump's winning card, the Democrats needed to find a way to mess it up, before the up coming elections in the fall. This is how political parties play. This is not new and both sides do it.

The way this was done by the Swamp and Democrat party was to shut down the economy, in Left leaning states, using the COVID bogeyman as the excuse. In 20/20 hindsight, this path was never needed because of COVID, since the final death and sickness numbers were not much different in open or closed states. That choice was not due to good science. So, what was it all about? It was either being stupid or the goal was to mess up the economy, by removing half the states from working. That would do it.

The goal was to create economic bottlenecks, that still have an impact on the out millions who are out of the workforce, and the supply chain. I tend to believe that the Democrats did not expect to win, but wanted to mess things up of Trump, with the outside hope for a Hail Mary pass. They ended up winning, and inheriting their own mess.

I remember Trump, even with the Democrats messing up their states, for no science reason, was still able to have one of the fastest recoveries from the Left wing induced recession, of all times. But as the Twitter files show, censorship would play a role in the Democrat and swamp disinformation campaign, winning. Even COVID was lied about, since shutting down the economy was never needed but was justify with Swamp disinformation and censorship. What kind of boneheads lead lefty science?

The question I have is how many people on the Left believed in Trump and Russian Collusion scam? I am using this as a litmus test to determine your critical thinking skills. One had two years to solve the puzzle. If you fell for it all two years, you might still fall for anything being told by your same leaders? You may not have the capacity to tell the difference. I got it right in about two weeks. If it took you two years, you lack the right stuff to be objective. We can go back and research the results using site archives. I would suggest one uses the credibility criteria ,,before just assuming the latest mob circle is right or else.

Trump's economy was riding on the coattails of the recovery under Obama. Except for Trump's boom was largely artificial. Look at the deficits under the administrations by year. Before Covid, not after. Obama inherited a recession. It was not all Bush's fault by any means, but he had a good hand in it. But after the recovery started his deficits dropped every year.

Now look at Trump's deficits. He had no excuse, but his deficits grew every year. If the boom of Trump's was real he could have kept dropping them. But instead he set us up for the fall that we are in now. Of course Covid made it worse, and that was not Trump's fault. He was also behind the lockdowns. You can't blame the Democrats for that. It was one of the few good things that he did do. And no, your overlysimplistic rationalization did not show that the lockdowns were not necessary.

It is also incredibly ignorant for you to call the Democrats "the Swamp" when Trump was the ultimate Swamp.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
you are seriously wasting your time with me. one thing isn't exclusive to another.

the government has suppressed freedoms for centuries by legislating all kinds of beliefs into government oversight.
So you agree that the political party in power can pressure social media to restrict opposition speech?

desantis is the prime example of woke from the right

the right needs to learn it's place isn't left of the median
Desantis or the right has nothing to do with what the FBI did under Biden.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Citation needed.

From what I have seen so far, none of this amounted to anything other than the FBI asking Twitter to take down things that were either literally illegal or against Twitter's terms of service.
This is demonstrably false. If you read the emails release by Musk you will see this.

The fact that you're being very non-specific about the contents of Hunter's laptop is very telling, too. If there were anything on it - besides his nudes - that had any legal import, you'd say it rather than hiding behind vagueries.
I have no idea what is on it. I do know that the FBI said it was likely Russian disinformation, the media said it was Russian disinformation and now they are all recanting on that. This is what the problem is in the federal government. People in power using their power to actively and illegally influence elections, suppress speech etc. No leftist seems to care when it benefits them.

It's all nothing.
So you claim to know what is on the laptop now. So what is on it?

Meanwhile, the ACTUAL Republican party engaged in an ACTUAL violent insurrection supported by the ACTUAL former President spreading ACTUAL lies with the ACTUAL support of many senior members of his party and ACTUALLY inciting ACTUAL violence because he ACTUALLY wanted to overturn democracy, ACTUALLY.
Ok, I will wait for him to be formally convicted.

The totalitarians on one side clearly outweigh totalitarians on the other. Maybe we should be less concerned with Hunter's dong and more concerned with ACTUAL totalitarian threats, hm? Or do you not want to talk about them, for some reason?
You seem then to be ok with the totalitarianism of the leftists.

The problems with the laptop has nothing to do with Hunters penis. It has to do with emails that are claimed to show that Hunter and his VP father had illegal dealings with a Ukrainian energy firm. If you think it is all about a penis then you have not researched the claims enough.


Woke gremlin
This is demonstrably false. If you read the emails release by Musk you will see this.
No evidence?

Okay then.

I have no idea what is on it.
So stop bringing it up.

So you claim to know what is on the laptop now. So what is on it?
Nope. Read more carefully.

Ok, I will wait for him to be formally convicted.
Funny how you apply this logic to Trump and not anybody else.

Clearly nobody did anything wrong if there have been no convictions, right? But that hasn't stopped you making up a lot of stuff.

You seem then to be ok with the totalitarianism of the leftists.
Where have I mentioned leftists?

The problems with the laptop has nothing to do with Hunters penis. It has to do with emails that are claimed to show that Hunter and his VP father had illegal dealings with a Ukrainian energy firm. If you think it is all about a penis then you have not researched the claims enough.
Any convictions yet?


Guess you should stop talking about it, then.

Right now, you're just swallowing propaganda that has no actual evidence.


Well-Known Member
Clearly nobody did anything wrong if there have been no convictions, right? But that hasn't stopped you making up a lot of stuff.

No Russian soldier has been convicted of war crimes by Russian officials, therefore war crimes never happened in Ukraine? Crime will not be prosecuted when the crooks run the Injustice Department. This current Injustice Department is the Federal version of Democrat run cities where criminals are set free without bail. If there is no conviction, are the victims whining for nothing? This is why there is an investigation by the Right, to round up the criminals for justice, so the victims can be made whole.

Lying got the Left into trouble. They now think more lying is the solution to their scams being exposed. One bottom line is, Hunter Biden, even if convicted on various crimes, will be pardoned by his Dad the President. However, this will impact Biden 2024, since it will scare aware many Independents which helped Biden win in 2020, if his fellow Democrats don't get him first. There is already infighting on the Left since the writing is on the walls.


Woke gremlin
No Russian soldier has been convicted of war crimes by Russian officials,
Just gonna stop you there.

You realise I wasn't being serious, right? I was using THEIR logic against them.

Maybe try reading a little harder before going off on another of your factually-inaccurate propaganda sermons.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Lying got the Left into trouble.
Not on the Right, eh?

Jesus said he believed in the Truth, and the Truth is not always to be found in the political realm.

IOW, all you are doing is playing partisan politics, thus not the Truth as Jesus proclaimed we all must do.