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Symptoms vs Cause


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Do you understand how disingenous it is to cite the Baha'i conceptions of a god as the solution for the whole freaking world, then when challenged on that notion to do a 180 degree flipand say that the Baha'i beliefs only apply to Baha'i? Y'all make these bold anougnement, but when given the most basic of scruitiny flip to, Who me? I didn't say any of the things I just said.

Also noted is that for an organization that is allegedly devoted to saving the world through your Greater Peace, that the as an organization Baha'i do remarkably little in the way of practical actions to improve some tiny piece of that world.
The main purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to promote the consciousness of the oneness of humanity. The Baha’i Administration and its laws do not apply to non Baha’is. So if the world became as one country and lived as citizens of one world in peace with equal rights with a world administrative body of their own choice - then that is the hope of all Baha’is. We would be obedient to such a government. Our own religious laws would still apply to our own society but in no way over others who are not Baha’is. It is all voluntary. I want to be a Baha’i so I chose to follow and obey the laws but I can leave anytime I like.


Veteran Member
Thanks very much Christine. You’re so awesome! It was the fright of my life. The hospital rang last night and said I needed an urgent transfusion - 3 bottles. Which saved my life. Thanks so, so much for your encouragement and well wishes.
Light of MY life.

I dont share


Well-Known Member
The main purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to promote the consciousness of the oneness of humanity. The Baha’i Administration and its laws do not apply to non Baha’is. So if the world became as one country and lived as citizens of one world in peace with equal rights with a world administrative body of their own choice - then that is the hope of all Baha’is. We would be obedient to such a government. Our own religious laws would still apply to our own society but in no way over others who are not Baha’is. It is all voluntary. I want to be a Baha’i so I chose to follow and obey the laws but I can leave anytime I like.
That is a very corporate stock-footage post, rather than a specific response to either of the statements to which it is supposed to be a reply.


Veteran Member
Dear friends,

Recently I began experiencing symptoms of muscular pain so I bought foot and shoulder massagers but the pain did not subside. Then the other day I suffered acute nausea for days but after consulting a Dr took electrolyte drinks and felt better. But then I noticed I struggled to walk and could hear thumping palpitations in my ears and called an ambulance. It turned out it wasn’t what we thought it was and I was on the verge of death with my haemoglobin count of 6 I did sign myself out but when they checked my blood count again they urgently called me for 3 blood transfusions. Initially it was 8.5.

Now unfortunately too, this seems to be the way of the world treating the symptoms such as printing more money, or buying more military hardware while humanity’s condition worsens due to incompetent physicians putting a bandage on the sickness. Our pride denies us to admit we’ve got it wrong and our condition I believe will worsen and force us to turn to the Divine Physician.

The Diagnosis

Its (humanity’s) sickness is approaching the stage of utter hopelessness, inasmuch as the true Physician is debarred from administering the remedy, whilst unskilled practitioners are regarded with favour, and are accorded full freedom to act.

The Remedy

That which the Lord hath ordained as the sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its peoples in one universal Cause, one common Faith. This can in no wise be achieved except through the power of a skilled, an all-powerful and inspired Physician. This, verily, is the truth, and all else naught but error.

This is not about conversion, changing religion or joining the Baha’i Faith but about ‘all men being as brothers’ If we all considered one another brothers and sisters how could we just stand by and watch the injustices in the world. When people wanted same sex marriage there was a great movement around the world to bring about change so people can bring about change if they really want to but it’s up to us not the politicians. Unless we care and unite together, injustices will continue.
I agree with you except that it would be a fatal mistake to swaddle the solution in religiosity. Religion is not the solution. Love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, honesty, humility, wisdom, and creativity are. We need to stop chasing after money and power and fame and God's righteousness and begin seeing ourselves in each other and each other in ourselves. We need to see that our well-being is intrinsically tied to everyone else's. And to the world that sustains us all.

Somehow we need to let go of our obsession with greed and selfishness and willful stupidity and start embracing the wisdom of sharing, and caring, and sustaining each other. There are just too many of us now to allow the selfishness of our past to continue to dominate our thought and behavior.

I hope you feel better soon, and that your medical issues can be easily rectified.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I agree with you except that it would be a fatal mistake to swaddle the solution in religiosity. Religion is not the solution. Love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, honesty, humility, wisdom, and creativity are. We need to stop chasing after money and power and fame and God's righteousness and begin seeing ourselves in each other and each other in ourselves. We need to see that our well-being is intrinsically tied to everyone else's. And to the world that sustains us all.

Somehow we need to let go of our obsession with greed and selfishness and willful stupidity and start embracing the wisdom of sharing, and caring, and sustaining each other. There are just too many of us now to allow the selfishness of our past to continue to dominate our thought and behavior.

I hope you feel better soon, and that your medical issues can be easily rectified.
All those things you mention are the answer to so many issues. The thing is how do we collectively work together instead of against each other? I believe people can change things together.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is a very corporate stock-footage post, rather than a specific response to either of the statements to which it is supposed to be a reply.
That’s how it is. We Baha’is obey the governments in our respective countries and are not in competition with any government or administration.


Veteran Member
All those things you mention are the answer to so many issues. The thing is how do we collectively work together instead of against each other? I believe people can change things together.
Work together? On what? Specifically.

As long as religion has anything to
do with it, never.


Veteran Member
All those things you mention are the answer to so many issues. The thing is how do we collectively work together instead of against each other? I believe people can change things together.
From the inside out and the bottom up. We can't hope to stop greed and stupidity in the world while we're still engaged in it, ourselves. And we can't stop engaging in it ourselves until we are willing to acknowledge that we are engaged in it. Our whole economic and cultural system is based on greed and exploitation and competition. And we are engaged in it all day every day for our very survival. Once we acknowledge this we can look for ways to minimize the damage being done by it all. We can try to trade fairly instead of always trying to gain the most for ourselves in the exchange. We can ask ourselves honestly about the value we are contributing to our fellow human's lives by how we participate in commerce. And not just what we're getting out of it for ourselves.

It starts with our becoming aware that we are part of the problem.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Work together? On what? Specifically.

As long as religion has anything to
do with it, never.
To solve our problems through consultation instead of resorting to wars and violence. Racism is another evil which cannot be legislated on. Schools need to teach all are equal. No superior race, nation or religion. Some problems can only be solved through the elimination of prejudices at an early age via education. We need to address the cause not just the symptoms as the symptoms will continue reappearing until we address the reasons for these problems which usually can be traced back to an unhealthy attitude in our relationships with one another.

The world currently is divided into groups of ‘us and thems’ which is fine to a point where we pool our knowledge and diversity but dangerous when we try and force our ways onto others like in places like Ukraine, Syria, Myanmar etc. We are scientifically one humanity. The barriers that divide us are imaginary and not reality.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Chanting a cut n paste is how it is ?
Not just blindly following. I have always believed that cooperation is the best way forward not confrontation. Just blindly following, I believe, is one of the main causes of many problems. It must be proven to me in action that something works before I’m willing to agree with it.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
From the inside out and the bottom up. We can't hope to stop greed and stupidity in the world while we're still engaged in it, ourselves. And we can't stop engaging in it ourselves until we are willing to acknowledge that we are engaged in it. Our whole economic and cultural system is based on greed and exploitation and competition. And we are engaged in it all day every day for our very survival. Once we acknowledge this we can look for ways to minimize the damage being done by it all. We can try to trade fairly instead of always trying to gain the most for ourselves in the exchange. We can ask ourselves honestly about the value we are contributing to our fellow human's lives by how we participate in commerce. And not just what we're getting out of it for ourselves.

It starts with our becoming aware that we are part of the problem.

That's true.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Not just blindly following. I have always believed that cooperation is the best way forward not confrontation. Just blindly following, I believe, is one of the main causes of many problems. It must be proven to me in action that something works before I’m willing to agree with it.

Yes. In this era especially if it's not put into practice, if it's not acted upon, it has close to zero value if not actually zero.


Well-Known Member
That’s how it is. We Baha’is obey the governments in our respective countries and are not in competition with any government or administration.
Again a non responsive post. If you cannot bring yourself to address what was said then at least be polite enough to not do marketing.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Love ye all religions
Do Baha'is really "love" all religions?
Love ye all religions and all races with a love that is true and sincere and show that love through deeds
And show that a Baha'is love is true and sincere? A couple of years ago you were the first Baha'i here on the forum to show any humility. Too many Baha'is here are just as confrontational with people that hold different beliefs as everybody else that believes their beliefs and religion is better than the others.

Rather than showing "love" towards the other religions, Baha'is have pointed out what is wrong about the beliefs in the other religions. Now if you say that the Baha'i Faith accepts people from all religions, and once they are Baha'is, these people that used to be in a different religion, now all get along, that might be somewhat true.

But what do Baha'is tell them while they are still in those other religions and have beliefs that oppose and contradict Baha'i beliefs? That's where just how true and sincere a Baha'i's love for them will really be seen... or not seen. How does a Baha'i tell them that their beliefs are wrong with love? And are Baha'is truly okay with and are willing to work together and consult with the fundamentalist and conservative sides of religions?

I've seen it. Each side strongly believes they are right and are unwilling to compromise... like Baha'i vs a fundy Christian for example. In fact, I been on both sides of that argument. I first learned about the Baha'i Faith and argued with born-again Christians. Later... I gave Jesus a try and argued with Baha'is on who was right.

I doubt it's going to be the people in the other religions that give in. What are Baha'is going to do to resolve that? And find ways to truly love and respect and understand and get along with them? And without each trying to convert the other. And please don't say that Baha'is don't try and convert people. I was with them on mass-teaching projects that were specifically aimed on making converts.

When Baha'is can get along with those types of believers, and also atheists, then I'll be surprised and impressed. Then let's see how Baha'is get those on the far-left and far-right to get together. Then Communists and Capitalists and on and on.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
And show that a Baha'is love is true and sincere? A couple of years ago you were the first Baha'i here on the forum to show any humility. Too many Baha'is here are just as confrontational with people that hold different beliefs as everybody else that believes their beliefs and religion is better than the others.

It is a reality that people's reach exceeds their grasp. We can applaud the attempt or chastise the failure. And of course there's a vast gap between professing a religion. knowing that the religion is asking for, making an attempt to achieve that ideal and failing but continuing to try.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
It is a reality that people's reach exceeds their grasp. We can applaud the attempt or chastise the failure. And of course there's a vast gap between professing a religion. knowing that the religion is asking for, making an attempt to achieve that ideal and failing but continuing to try.
Because I was around Baha'is and Born-Again Christians, I saw one of the problems they both had... And is to get people motivated to do the things that the religions, or God, asks of them. A few do, most just sit on the sidelines.

But, for those Baha'is here on the forum, I really do think it would be amazing if they actually did show their "love" by being more understanding and respectful of others that have opposing beliefs. It is their religion that is asking them to bring people together in unity and not be the cause of division.

If they were able to do that, I still would not believe that their religion is true, but I couldn't say they didn't show their love and respect for others. Right now, it is very easy to say that "no", Baha'is don't demonstrate that they truly and sincerely love others. What they do demonstrate, like some of the other religions, is that they believe their stuff and their beliefs are true, and the beliefs of others aren't true. And that's not bringing people together but dividing them even more. Here's a quote from one of the Baha'i leaders...

The separations and conflicts between people, carried out in the name of religion, are contrary to its true nature and purpose. “If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division, it were better to be without it, and to withdraw from such a religion would be a truly religious act,” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Paris Talks said ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.​


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
When Baha'is can get along with those types of believers, and also atheists, then I'll be surprised and impressed. Then let's see how Baha'is get those on the far-left and far-right to get together. Then Communists and Capitalists and on and on.
The vast majority of Baha'i come from all walks of life, religious traditions and no faith. They have already brought down many barriers to become one people under One God. They have embraced change and are learning to work together by embracing all people of all Faiths in the same light.

There are many barriers and walls that need to fall for that to become a global realisation CG. People have their own choices when they are faced with a proposal of change.

It is good to ponder this passage. Isaiah 45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things"

The Word given by God is the Light, our neglect creates the darkness that surrounds humanity, the Word is Peace, our neglect of it is the evil we bring upon ourselves.

A Baha'i shares the Word of God given by Baha'u'llah, and as per Isaiah 45:7, that Word unfolds as light, or as darkness, correspondingly to our willingness to submit unto God.

God allows all our mistakes. Baha'u'llah advised the few people that intended to take the Shah's life for execution of the Bab, against doing such a crime, yet they did not choose that advice, Baha'u'llah did not change their choice and the result was horrendous suffering that still unfolds in Iran today.

We are responsible for our own choices, we have no control how another responds to the Challenges given by Baha'u'llah, but to learn wisdom ourselves.

Regards Tony