This illustrates the bias of the right. There is little acknowledgement that reproduction isn't a perfect process as a miracle by God. No, human reproduction i like all other animals and organisms, there are often defects and flaws. My best friend in high school developed mental health problems, along with his two brothers. One brother committed suicide. The other had such severe problems he had to be institutionalized. My friend ended up on medications for life that help him maintain some stabolity, but he can't keep a job, or even be able to live a life that any of us would consider normal. It turned out their dad had a gene that caused the mental health issues. He never should have had kids.
There's a reason parents with a fetus have it checked for abnormalities. Having a deformed or mentally disabled child can require resources a family can't provide. The women who are suing Texas had pregnancies that went bad, and they couldn't get the healthcare they needed because of the extreme nature of the republican laws. These laws are so vague that they don't recognize defects and dying fetuses. All they care about is the medical procedure that ends the preganacy, with no consideration of the medical facts. That's why the right's idealism fails to be pro-life.
If the right was really pro-like they would be out there protesting just as hard for universal healthcare as they do anti-abortion. But they don't. That's why their movement is political and not moral. Any right winger who claims to be pro-life but is against universal healthcare should keep their damn mouth shut.