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The Ancient Bible.


Some sort of scholar dude who likes learning
I have the Kings James Version. That means the words are more in greek and hebrew.
If you’re reading the KJV you’re reading a false version

KJV originally included the Apocrypha
Of which they removed in the 1800s due to printing costs

So the modern day KJV is missing about a third of the bible right from the get go…

It gets worse when you put everything into context and realise the bible is like 0.06%, something like that of the entire Christian narrative

And EVEN that ignores the ACTUAL origin of many of these stories, primarily the Sumerians


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Bible is very ancient and is the oldest book in history.
The oldest surviving text is generally considered to be the "Kesh Temple Hymn" or the "Instructions of Shuruppak," both of which date back to around 2600-2500 BCE. These texts are written in Sumerian cuneiform and were found in what is now Iraq.

The Bible also the most sold book and is in thousands and thousands of homes across the world.
Yes. This is because Christianity is the largest organized religion in the world. 31% of the world identify as Christian, if you include all the various branches. There are roughly 2.3 Billion Christians. It should be remembered that popularity is not an indicator of truth.
Even though the world lives in this modern day life they go back to the Bible when they are in distress, hurt, confused, and scared of life.
That would be true of people in other religions as well.
That is because the Bible is the one that gives us the answers to what we need to live
You are certainly entitled to hold this belief. Most of the world disagrees with you.
and teaches us that without God life has no meaning and cannot survive without God.
Huh? What are you talking about? I can't think of any atheist who thinks their life has no meaning. As far as survival goes, they are doing just fine.
No matter how modern things get it will not save you. Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be holy without holiness no one will see the Lord.
I think it is only Christians who think they need to be saved. I certainly feel no need to be saved.

Further, unless someone is already Christian, the book of Hebrews holds no authority. You might just as well be quoting Harry Potter.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I have the Kings James Version. That means the words are more in greek and hebrew.
My friend this is just flat out untrue. All the words are not only in English, but a dialect of English that is no longer spoken. Job 21:29:"Have ye not asked them that go by the way? and do ye not know their tokens?" Say WHAT? This is utterly incompressible. (It's not important what if means, so don't bother explaining. The point is that no one today can understand it. You pretty much have to translate it into modern English to get what it is saying.

Modern translations are not only more comprehensible, but they are translated from earlier manuscripts that have been found since the time of King James.

Additionally, there are good translations of the Tanakh that translate directly from the Hebrew, without using the LXX translation. Just as when you make a copy of a copy, you end up with a poorer quality, whenever you translate from a translation, you will inevitably move further than what was originally written. The KJV translates from translations, the Vulgate and the LXX, and because of this it is a pretty bad translation.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
That’s my favourite translation too. But the words are in English, and 17th Century English at that. I don’t read Greek or Hebrew, do you?
It's really too bad that Christians cannot read the text in the original languages. They lose so much of what is actually in the text. Not only are there words for which there is no similar word in English, but the Bible is chock full of puns which cannot be translated. It's really too bad that Christian parents to not begin teaching their kids Hebrew and Greek from an early age.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
All the names of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations are all greek words Like Exodus that means going , Leviticus means one who is attatched.
In Christian Bibles, yes. But if you get a Jewish Tanakh, it will use the Hebrew titles. For example, the book Christians call Genesis, Jews call "Bereisheet" (בראשית).


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Bible has 66 books inside of it.
This is true of your Protestant Bible, but is not true for any other group of Chrsitains. The Catholic bible has 73 books. The Eastern Orthodox Bible has 79. The Ethiopian church has 81.

And on a related note, the Jewish Bible, or Tanakh, has 24 books. (There are books which Christians divide in two, Kings, Samuel and Chronicles. Ezra-Nehemiah are combined in one book for Jews., Finally, for us the minor prophets are all one book called The Twelve.)


Active Member
It's really too bad that Christians cannot read the text in the original languages. They lose so much of what is actually in the text. Not only are there words for which there is no similar word in English, but the Bible is chock full of puns which cannot be translated. It's really too bad that Christian parents to not begin teaching their kids Hebrew and Greek from an early age.
True... I would be missing so much of the theological nuance and the subtle references in my own religion's ancient texts, if I were to read them only in translation... And I don't even believe that those texts are of divine origin, nor do I hold them to be authoritative to my life. They're only other people's ideas of the divine, which I use for reflection and inspiration.

It's similar with the Muslims. Only a small percentage of them even read and study the Qur'an in any detail. Even Arabic native speakers often admit that they find the Qur'an to be strange and difficult to read.

It's fine for me - one does not need to be a scholar or theologian to practice religion - but I'd prefer if people were honest about it: Don't pretend that your faith is all based on this wonderful, sacred, divine book when you didn't ever read the thing.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Why go to an old Book when you have a new Book?
Perhaps because the original does not need to be improved upon. Haven't you noticed that when a sequel to a great movie is made, its just never as good as the original? Come home to the Tanakh!!!!! LOL :)


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
For example people think that genesis comes from the Jews and their books… it doesnt
Bereisheet is indeed a Jewish text. Genesis is the Christian translation of it.
Genesis, Adam and Eve, Noah, all come from the Babylonians/Sumerians, some 2000 years BEFORE the Jews
I agree that there are similarities in the Creation stories, the Flood story, and the story of the Tower of Babel. But that's it. Those stories are such a tiny portion of Genesis. So tiny, that it really isn't accurate to say that Genesis is not a Jewish text.
So at some point it all got corrupted and modern day Christian’s and Jews,
Corrupted? That is a very poor choice of words. It is perfectly natural when stories are passed on orally that they evolve. Each story teller adds their own twists. When I tell a scary story around the campfire, I always change it in some fashion to make it more interesting and more scary. That doesn't mean my version is corrupt.


Veteran Member
Perhaps because the original does not need to be improved upon. Haven't you noticed that when a sequel to a great movie is made, its just never as good as the original? Come home to the Tanakh!!!!! LOL :)
Later religious Books are not necessarily improvements, they are just additions and updates.

Why does the very idea that God would update His messages bother people so much?
It makes perfect sense to me that God would send a new message and update Laws from age to age since people change very much over time.

So I guess you are saying that the New Testament is not as good as the Tanakh?
Of course, if you do not recognize Jesus as a Prophet or Messenger I can understand why you would feel that way...
What I like so much about the Baha'i Faith is that I can believe in ALL the Prophets and Messengers, not only one.

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
If I'm distressed, hurt, confused, and scared I don't pull out a religious text, not even a text of my own religion.
Instead I look out the window at the birds, squirrels, and raccoons or I go out for a walk in nature and look up at the tall trees.
I totally agree with you. If I go out and sit under the oak tree planted by a squirrel 8 years ago, I find peace. When the raccoons visit at night they remind me of how connected we are. When I see the hawks soar overhead I no longer feel confused. There is no written text in the world that has more wisdom that the natural world just outside my door.


Veteran Member
There is no written text in the world that has more wisdom that the natural world just outside my door.
I fully agree. Also, love matters. I love all my animals who keep me company, indoors and out!
I also love the trees and I take a certain route while walking just so I can listen to the wind blow through certain trees that make a soothing noise.


Veteran Member
The ancient Bible gives us all that history of creation that you see now.
But history is history and Imo the Bible was not written for the modern age in which we live.
The spiritual truths are still valid but unfortunately the Bible is chock full of other verses that are false so it misleads people down the wrong path.
Only them that want to know the truth of God will read his word and follow them till the end. As I do.
I believe I know the truth of God but I did not get it by reading the Bible. The Bible is not the only Holy Book that has ever existed.
The Holy Bible is the oldest book that has ever existed. Those who do not get the truth from the Bible truly have not read it but just looked at the words. Only one who has truly studied the Bible has knowledge of the word as I do. I understand the whole Bible and its meaning.
But history is history and Imo the Bible was not written for the modern age in which we live.
The spiritual truths are still valid but unfortunately the Bible is chock full of other verses that are false so it misleads people down the wrong path.

I believe I know the truth of God but I did not get it by reading the Bible. The Bible is not the only Holy Book that has ever existed.
The Bible takes more then just one day to read it. The Bible actually takes months and even years to read and fully understand it. When one comes to verses that do not understand then they need to ask one that has the knowledge so that they do not make up in their own heads a meaning of them. All the Verses go together in the word. Only one who has true knowledge can understand that.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The word Bible is a greek word meaning BOOK. The Bible has 66 books inside of it. All those books relate to each other to teach us about God. In those books God also gives us direction to live for him now and to the end. When we follow the Word of God we will live a happier life among pagans that do not believe in God.
Some would even say it has 73 books inside it. Or even 79!
There is only 66 books in the Bible, The first one starts with GENSIS and the last book is REVELATIONS. IF you count all the books in the bible yourself you will see that 66 is the total number of books in the Bible. People that say there is 73 are truly the ones that have no knowledge of the Bible As I do.
Some would even say it has 73 books inside it. Or even 79!
That is because those have never truly counted the books. Those who say what the bible has but has never counted the books to see are ones that cannot count. So if you want to know how many are in the Bible just open up the introduction that gives all the books in it and count them. It is not that hard. If you can count.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
That is because those have never truly counted the books. Those who say what the bible has but has never counted the books to see are ones that cannot count. So if you want to know how many are in the Bible just open up the introduction that gives all the books in it and count them. It is not that hard. If you can count.
Actually I have counted them and in my bible there are 73 books, plus portions of several others that the 66 book bible does not include.