Hi Folks..
Defining life is surprisingly difficult, but it is generally accepted that it involves a material body, material nutrition, reproduction and excretory system.
Hmm - that describes perfectly how the body MACHINE works - but doesnt actually tell us anything about LIFE itself - does it..?..The body is not the SOURCE of the life to begin with - so trying to work this out from a a scientific material perspective simply wont work I dont think...We can define what life LOOKS like - how we expect it to behave - but we dont have a clue at all as to what life ACTUALLY is...
WHAT is this ABSTRACT force that suddenly kicks in and starts the body MACHINE up and running..??...Its NOT CONTAINED within the material structures that we call "life" - and we know that because try as we might - we simply can NOT get the basic building blocks such as dna and rna to SPONTANEOUSLY occur - we ourselves can NOT simply cause life to exist...Neither can we take once alive things kill them and then re animate them despite knowing how they are put together fully, right down AT that genetic level....we understand a LOT OF KNOWLEDGE - but the very first crucial question remains totally unanswered..WHAT is life ACTUALLY..?....WHAT is the force that POWERS these forms..?...
(it is a MIND)
Science tells us that "life" started as a "soup of chemical ingrediants" - that somehow came together in exactly the right combination and ratios to kick start a purely chemical reaction that leads to ever more complex forms..That is most obviosuly very flawed - probably totally erroneous in fact - it may LOOK like it happened that way - but on closer inspection we soon see that it COULD NOT have happened that way at all..
Life came about spontaneously they say - but it most certainly did not - and they then went on to PROVE their first theory as incorrect...See and understand here - we can take a living creature - break it down to its chemical constituent parts and we can then leve them alone inthat "soup" just as they say it happened in the beginning...Now, according to their theory, when these chemicals come together in the correct mix, this process just kick starts all by itself....lol....and life happens...
Except of course - NO IT DOESNT - not EVER - kill something, mash it up into a chemical paste - it does NOT spontanously come back to life..lol..and so we know for sure that when they say life started as this random primordial mix of chemicals out in the WORLDS OCEANS that somehow got gathered in the PRECISE conditions necassary - it is all complete BS and their own experiments show us this simly never happened at all and that life MUST have been a PLANNED EVENT...
MUST have been - and we know that because as said - kill something - mash it up then wait for life to happen and re animate - it DOES NOT EVER HAPPEN - BUT - INTERVENE a bit - MANIPULATE it a bit - apply our WISDOM and OUR MIND - and we can MAKE it happen !!
We CAN form base building blocks form raw chemicals - but it DOES require PLANNED PROCESS to make the chemicals bind the way we need...Unless these base chemical interactions occur precisely then the process fails and "life" doesnt take hold at all...Therefore science already knows beyond any doubt life here WAS a planned event...It REQUIRES direct manipulation to make these base structures exist..This means of course there was a fully Sentient intelligent and forward thinking planing MIND that quite literally caused the life process ot start...The obvious truth of known scientific facts makes this abundantly clear - for the process requires direct intervention and that intervention must be precise and planned..
DNA never forms spontaneously ever as far as we can actually tell - it doesnt miraculously "come to life" even when the exact chemical ratios are placed together in the perfect conditions,still FAILURE each and every time..To even start the process requires precise tinkering and manipulation - and to mimick the complete process is way way way beyond what man currently understands....Despite our best efforts - we find that life is something EXTERNAL to the body form - like a seed that was placed within it and once that body form fails so that seed is removed again...Even if you repair the form, the seed remains absent...Despite fully knowing the entire genome of the animal - literal blueprint for the bodyform - still we cannot "grow the seed of life" at all - it is something ENTIRELY SEPERATE to the material process.....The thing that is actually missing - is the elusive "Divine spark of life" - a tiny energetic impulse of ORIGINAL Divine mind that will then literally power the individual form...Life is not physical at all...All about MIND coming to Self awareness....