Or, there's no such animal and we aren't animals at all. There's plenty of room for error in the so called branches, who are mostly twigs with no plain connections, based on tiny fragments if bones from extinct animals that we actually know little about.
Whatever error in the twigs and branches you refer to isn't relevant to the theory. The theory of evolution is correct. That is easy to see through critically thinking eyes, and that is why the theory is on firm ground within the scientific community and the community of critical thinkers at large. It isn't relevant that some people don't know this.
It isn't relevant that creationists claim that there is crisis in evolutionary theory as many creationists like to imply to one another, just unsolved problems. It isn't relevant that creationists call the theory absurd. It isn't relevant that some don't know if man is an animal or not, except that it more or less disqualifies their opinions about anything biological. It isn't relevant that creationists can't properly interpret the fossil data.
It isn't relevant that creationists doubt that man evolved from pre-human forms. It isn't relevant that creationists can't see how evolution could have occurred, or that they don't know that what they call macroevolution occurs, or that they don't understand what observation means in science, or that they don't know what a scientific theory is, or that they think that calling evolution adaptation contradicts the theory. Evolution is how biological populations adapt to their environment over generations.
Those are problems for the creationists, not the scientific community, which is not interested in any opinions about evolutionary theory not coming from within itself. I happen to agree with them, but they don't care about that, either. It neither makes them more confident that I do, nor less confident that you don't. Neither of us have a vote in their world.
Do you think it should be otherwise? Probably. But they don't, nor do the critical thinkers outside of the field. I don't.
I've got another problem for the creationists. You seem to unaware of the fossil record or any of the other mountains of evidence that support the theory. That evidence is so robust now, that it has eliminated the possibility of life arising from an honest god like the Christian god, one that wants to be known, understood, believed, and trusted. Only a trickster, deceptive god or a superhuman extraterrestrial intelligent designer has not been eliminated by all of this evidence. If the theory were overturned tomorrow by a falsifying find, those would be the only possibilities remaining.
I notice you evaded the question, "Do you see any gaps in the creationist account, such as why all those extinct fossils exist, or how one goes from dust to a man?" Nor did you rebut my rebuttal to your claim that there are gaps in evolutionary theory.