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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
I don't know why they would have been. There is material that's shared between Thomas, Matthew and Luke. If they had known about Thomas, they wouldn't dismiss something that shared information with the other gospels.

It's the complete lack of knowledge of and mention of Thomas before the last century that's compelling in this case.
And I would still disagree my friend. I believe the Bible was compiled with a very serious intent. Those left out were left out for a specific reason or reasons. Perhaps it did not fit their agenda. Perhaps it would have been to controversial for the times. For whatever the reason, Thomas may have been seen as a threat to their intent. Can you really say that you don't think that the people who said yea or nay to inclusion did so for reasons of their own? And then there is the case of Enoch, which is a separate but just as interesting a discussion.


Well-Known Member
Sounds very nice , not so sure they are terribly good for you though !
They are for a family reunion we are having tomorrow. We have a very large family and we are all cooking like crazy. But as a vegetarian, based on my Buddhist path, there are some I eat and some I don't. But hey....if we only ever ate what was truly good for us, how boring! A nice brownie now and then is not really such a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Feelings that we all have are not to be trusted in all cases , all our thoughts need to be treated and assessed according to basic laws of the land or should you choose it , the laws of the Bible.
There are no laws allowing pedophilia or bestiality yet in the UK. However we are " grooming " children in primary school about all, including LGBT, forms of sexual activity .

A recent article on the Mailonline regarding bestiality , quote.

Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a 'lifestyle choice'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...x-animals-lifestyle-choice.html#ixzz3k6Zkx2dw
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Just as a football match needs rules , perimeters and guidelines , so also do we. All the feelings we have are not reliable, because of our fallen human nature. Ask the relatives of the holocaust victims .
What are these rules and whom decides what rules will be accepted and which will not. Also, what are we basing these rules on? The Bible? No. Just no. There are too many contradictory rules and too much that I would strongly disagree with, such as not allowing me to be who I am, that being bisexual.


Well-Known Member
The vast majority have not gone through any ceremony. Homosexual marriage is not a Biblical concept , the government has decided to be as accommodating and inclusive as possible , but it doesn`t make it Biblically admissible.
But then neither does the Bible preclude gay marriage. It speaks only of male to male sex. No mention of women with women, nor prohibiting gay marriage. Christians extrapolate that from the issue of MSM.


I know what you are saying but your feelings , triggered by who or whatever do not cancel the Biblical mandate , which is I understand this discussion .


Well-Known Member
They affect all promiscuous people , but the figures are disproportionally higher in the MSM group

Further info from the Centre for Disease Control ( USA )

In the US 63 % of cases of primary and secondary syphilis are among MSM homosexuals.

This is in a percentage population wise of less than 1%

They are often diagnosed with other STDs including Chlamydia and gonorrhoea.The antibiotics for which are quickly becoming more ineffective, as time goes on.

This same group ( MSM ) are often infected with HPV ( human Papillomavirus ) the most common STD in the US. Some types of HPV cause genital and anal warts, and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer.

Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.

The USA goverment publishes this info to educate people on the dangers of their sexual activities. If they had believed the Bible all these wouldn`t have happened, that`s all I`m saying , and I know it`s not PC, but hey !
You are targeting HIV. I would refer you to this site and statistics. http://www.safelabcentre.com/std-statistics.html.
Here are some of those statistics:
STD Statistics and information about STD Testing.

  • The estimated number of people living with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the United States is over 65 million.
  • Every year, there are approximately 15 million new cases of sexually transmitted disease (STD).
  • About 66% of all sexually transmitted disease (STDs) occur in people 25 years of age or younger.
  • One in four new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) infections occur in teenagers.
  • Hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious than HIV.
  • At least 1 in 4 Americans will contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) at some point in their lives.
Note how there no mention of whether the person is gay or straight.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Homosexuals keep this world in harmony, if we were all so called strait the world would be controlled by aggressive beings, I cannot imagine a world war started by gays ?.

The boss of Hitler's Sturmabteilung (aka SA), which translates into something like Departement for Storming, was openly gay.


- viole


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Homosexual marriage is not a Biblical concept , the government has decided to be as accommodating and inclusive as possible , but it doesn`t make it Biblically admissible.
Of course it does. Marriage is a biblical concept. biblically, there is no differentiation between "heterosexual" and "homosexual" as sexual identities.
The vast majority have not gone through any ceremonies only due to the fact that they've been systemically dehumanized by society.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And I would still disagree my friend. I believe the Bible was compiled with a very serious intent. Those left out were left out for a specific reason or reasons.
One of those specific reasons would be: "We didn't know it existed."


Veteran Member
They affect all promiscuous people , but the figures are disproportionally higher in the MSM group

Further info from the Centre for Disease Control ( USA )

In the US 63 % of cases of primary and secondary syphilis are among MSM homosexuals.

This is in a percentage population wise of less than 1%

They are often diagnosed with other STDs including Chlamydia and gonorrhoea.The antibiotics for which are quickly becoming more ineffective, as time goes on.

This same group ( MSM ) are often infected with HPV ( human Papillomavirus ) the most common STD in the US. Some types of HPV cause genital and anal warts, and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer.

Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.

The USA goverment publishes this info to educate people on the dangers of their sexual activities. If they had believed the Bible all these wouldn`t have happened, that`s all I`m saying , and I know it`s not PC, but hey !


Premium Member
IMO, based solely on the actions of the few, I would say yes to that they are homophobic. This is not to say all peoples of those faiths are but overall, they do condemn gays and homosexual behavior. And btw,.,,sorry for the typo Smart GUY~!!
Yeah, I'm afraid many of those people do condemn them, but I was really talking about the religions, not the people of those faiths. Those people represent themselves first hand, not the religions. As for the behavior, it is just that the sexual intercourse is not allowed inside the faiths only.

I for one, I assure you, I don't condemn gays and actually have some gay friends.

Smart Gut :D I actually haven't noticed that until you brought it up :D It was a funny typo :)

Edit: funny as sounding humorous and cheerful. Sorry about that.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm afraid many of those people do condemn them, but I was really talking about the religions, not the people of those faiths. Those people represent themselves first hand, not the religions. As for the behavior, it is just that the sexual intercourse is not allowed inside the faiths only.

I for one, I assure you, I don't condemn gays and actually have some gay friends.

Smart Gut :D I actually haven't noticed that until you brought it up :D It was a funny typo :)

Edit: funny as sounding humorous and cheerful. Sorry about that.
LOL...glad you liked it. Maybe you should change your name...kidding of course. And as for the religions and their views, l will talk about this later....
The Bible has survived these 2000 plus years because it is special . Kings and commoners have consistently tried over the years to eradicate this book, still it prospers. People are still today transformed by believing in it`s message. It is inspired and really ,God was the author inspiring men what to write.

Something amazing happens to most, if not all people who accept and trust in Jesus , they suddenly are tuned into the reality of the Bible, happens time and time again, some say the reason this happens is because they have met the author of the Book .

Races , creeds , sexes, sophisticated or primitive ,doesn`t matter all are transformed who will trust in God through Christ, happens all over the world.

Albania used to call itself " the only true atheist country, now it is freely open to all faiths and the anti Christ president is dead.

Nothing to do with indoctrination or upbringing , China and India have huge Christian growth.

God`s Spirit reaches and calls to all hearts to come voluntarily to Him, even in materialistic UK church growth among non -conformist churches , Pentecostal Baptist, independent, is very .healthy . All because of God speaking to people through Hid Word.

Dear Chessplayer,
Well done.
Christ's prophet
Certainty for eternity


Premium Member
LOL...glad you liked it. Maybe you should change your name...kidding of course. And as for the religions and their views, l will talk about this later....
Please don't let it bother you so much. We're just sharing personal views with each other shaking hands by the end of the day :)


Veteran Member
The boss of Hitler's Sturmabteilung (aka SA), which translates into something like Departement for Storming, was openly gay.


- viole
Oh so you can pick one, aren't you smart, no gays are more friendly by farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


A man who is blissful and prayerful is the greatest rebel in the world. No prison can imprison him, no chains can chain him. You can kill his body but you cannot kill his spirit. He lives according to his own light. He is nonconformist, he is never a part of the crowd, he is never a sheep. He is a man, a real man. Osho

Sounds a bit like the way Jesus was, whilst on earth. He was immovable even in the face of his impending suffering . His focus was the defeat of the effects of sinful human nature.

Here we are , discussing Him ,some loving him , some hating him ,and it`s 2000 years later .

He seems to have made an impression.
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Veteran Member
A man who is blissful and prayerful is the greatest rebel in the world. No prison can imprison him, no chains can chain him. You can kill his body but you cannot kill his spirit. He lives according to his own light. He is nonconformist, he is never a part of the crowd, he is never a sheep. He is a man, a real man. Osho

Good truth in this quote Phsyco , who is this man ?
That was beautiful, and I also love Osho.