The Bible has survived these 2000 plus years because it is special . Kings and commoners have consistently tried over the years to eradicate this book, still it prospers. People are still today transformed by believing in it`s message. It is inspired and really ,God was the author inspiring men what to write.
Something amazing happens to most, if not all people who accept and trust in Jesus , they suddenly are tuned into the reality of the Bible, happens time and time again, some say the reason this happens is because they have met the author of the Book .
Races , creeds , sexes, sophisticated or primitive ,doesn`t matter all are transformed who will trust in God through Christ, happens all over the world.
Albania used to call itself " the only true atheist country, now it is freely open to all faiths and the anti Christ president is dead.
Nothing to do with indoctrination or upbringing , China and India have huge Christian growth.
God`s Spirit reaches and calls to all hearts to come voluntarily to Him, even in materialistic UK church growth among non -conformist churches , Pentecostal Baptist, independent, is very .healthy . All because of God speaking to people through Hid Word.