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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
One of my fav preachers is NA . Kenneth Copeland `s father was a full blood NA . Interesting thing about KC is that he thinks out of the box and is kind of radical in some ways especially in the way he presents his teachings etc.
The problem you might have is mixing the three faiths you seem to have . Christianity doesn`t mix with anything because of its basics" in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and everything was made through Him " . Then " The Word became flesh and dwelt among us " and Jesus said " I am the way the Truth and the Life and no one come to the Father except through me . "

So if you are Buddhist , that`s your choice.
If you are a Shamam then equally that`s your choice.
Christianity is a gift , all you require is to accept then it`s yours , but it can`t be mixed.

Jesus suffered and died to pay for our sin . If it could have been purchased any other way , then it would have. Even Jesus said " Father if possible remove this cup ( of suffering ) from me, but not my will but yours be done !"

We are all the same in God`s eyes , white , black , mixed , Chinese , Indian , NA. etc all in need of the same salvation and all can be redeemed by
Christ `s work on the cross, it`s our choice.
While I appreciate your effort here, this seems like preaching to me to get me to come to your faith and that is just not going to happen. I am Buddhist. Yes, that is my choice, just as Christianity is your choice. I respect your decisions, please respect mine.


Well-Known Member
The people have every reason to have become lazy. The systemic violence perpetrated against them has taken away their sense of belonging and purpose. It has created a sense of entitlement. It's an odd predicament they're in.
Yes, that is pretty much what happened here as well, either by the taking of lands or supposed well meaning Christians. We were seen as 'red devils' and some immigrants saw us as anti-christ. People were not allowed to wear their native clothing, dance, or speak our own languages. For those reasons, my own tongue; Abnaki, is mostly extinct. It is and was a travesty.


Well-Known Member
Well bugger...that sounds so much like what we are going through here. Except for gay marriage of course. And the failing of education here is one of my pet peeves. Kids no longer have to read the classics and they cannot even count. Cursive is no longer taught and each parent is required, ....required!!!!!!...to purchase their child a tablet in kindergarten. What of those who cannot afford one?? Its nuts. And our healthcare system is for the birds.


Well-Known Member
You were as clear as the sun, ma'am :)

What I meant to say is that I think it is good to consider why those rules are put. Some times it does give us the impression that they are put for selfish reason for their own agenda, based on sources like the Bible, but who knows maybe they saw that those rules put that way are the good choice to make for the people. They are already taking care of a huge country full of different views and tastes. It could be true that those rules were put selfishly, but at least for the sake of what they did provide to us, it is good to give them the benefit of the doubt. I do complain about rules, but when I find myself in front of huge responsibilities, I find that no matter how good I try to be, other get upset. The best example is moderating RF (I'm a mod :D). I try to give justice to those abused and in return the abuser comes complaining even tho they started the abuse.

Also, I didn't mean for the examples I gave to be as strict as you understood above. I don't, for example, want outlawing abortion (it is not blindly and always outlawed even here in KSA), and similarly to the other ideas. Is abortion blindly fought against in USA? And OMG, is going to church forced?

You make some good points here Smart Guy. It is true that some rules/laws could and should be for the greater good, even those based on Biblical tenet. My problem is not so much those that exist, well, not all of them, but those being proposed that are based on teachings that are against what I believe. For example, here in Maine, we have a rather large heroin problem at the moment. The governor's answer to this is not to extend more rehab center placements, or outreach centers but to enlist the aid of the National Guard to round addicts up and imprison the lot of them. What the bloody hell will that do but increase the problem and get people killed? People are trying and have been for that matter, trying to get abortion outlawed, etc. Those things are not what the people want, as evinced by letters in the paper every single day. Yet, we have no voice once these people get in office. They are bought and paid for by corporate big wigs. That is my problem with this.


While I appreciate your effort here, this seems like preaching to me to get me to come to your faith and that is just not going to happen. I am Buddhist. Yes, that is my choice, just as Christianity is your choice. I respect your decisions, please respect mine.

Yes that would be nice for you to become as my wife and I are, but the main reason for this post was to emphasize the fact that Christianity does not mix with any other religion . It is at it`s heart , a relationship. The nuns in the RC church talk about being " married to Christ " , ie they keep themselves solely for Him.

If He made the world as I believe He did , then why would He want to share the credit for it. He shares the blessing of it with all people but His is the glory and His alone.


Yes, that is pretty much what happened here as well, either by the taking of lands or supposed well meaning Christians. We were seen as 'red devils' and some immigrants saw us as anti-christ. People were not allowed to wear their native clothing, dance, or speak our own languages. For those reasons, my own tongue; Abnaki, is mostly extinct. It is and was a travesty.

I`m sure all of this , is, or was true ,there was probably failings on both sides , but does it help to dwell on it , is it not more pragmatic and self beneficial just to move on ?.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Well bugger...that sounds so much like what we are going through here. Except for gay marriage of course. And the failing of education here is one of my pet peeves. Kids no longer have to read the classics and they cannot even count. Cursive is no longer taught and each parent is required, ....required!!!!!!...to purchase their child a tablet in kindergarten. What of those who cannot afford one?? Its nuts. And our healthcare system is for the birds.



Well-Known Member
Yes that would be nice for you to become as my wife and I are, but the main reason for this post was to emphasize the fact that Christianity does not mix with any other religion . It is at it`s heart , a relationship. The nuns in the RC church talk about being " married to Christ " , ie they keep themselves solely for Him.

If He made the world as I believe He did , then why would He want to share the credit for it. He shares the blessing of it with all people but His is the glory and His alone.
What I feel you don't seem to understand is that God is big enough to be able to be God to all faiths. Why on earth would you feel the need to limit God? And IMO, that is just what you are doing...limiting God. Christianity is mixed with several faiths in truth. Santeria incorporates much of the RCC with their faith. Africa has many pagan and/or indigenous faiths that do the same. I have no wish to be a part of your faith. It simply does not work for me.


Veteran Member
Yes that would be nice for you to become as my wife and I are, but the main reason for this post was to emphasize the fact that Christianity does not mix with any other religion . It is at it`s heart , a relationship. The nuns in the RC church talk about being " married to Christ " , ie they keep themselves solely for Him.

If He made the world as I believe He did , then why would He want to share the credit for it. He shares the blessing of it with all people but His is the glory and His alone.
This doesn't strike you as God being a bit egocentric? Why does God demand all the credit? Seems a bit petty.


Well-Known Member
I`m sure all of this , is, or was true ,there was probably failings on both sides , but does it help to dwell on it , is it not more pragmatic and self beneficial just to move on ?.
Sure, its great to move on, as I have but it is NOT pragmatic or beneficial to forget the atrocities done by your alleged well meaning missionaries. What makes you think that going to a tribe in Africa who have their own faith and have had that faith for generations would want to forced into your faith? There are stories of tribal leaders getting it so wrong they still today burn witches at the stake. Have you ever read about what missionaries and Christian peoples did to my ancestors? No sir, we will never forget.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't strike you as God being a bit egocentric? Why does God demand all the credit? Seems a bit petty.
It makes me think of an exclusive men's club or something. One of those who look down their noses at those who are not allowed to join. To borrow a line from Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate....worship that? Never.


Sure, its great to move on, as I have but it is NOT pragmatic or beneficial to forget the atrocities done by your alleged well meaning missionaries. What makes you think that going to a tribe in Africa who have their own faith and have had that faith for generations would want to forced into your faith? There are stories of tribal leaders getting it so wrong they still today burn witches at the stake. Have you ever read about what missionaries and Christian peoples did to my ancestors? No sir, we will never forget.
I think you have got that all wrong

What countries in Africa have you been to ?

Can you be a bit more specific ?


Sure, its great to move on, as I have ????

Have you ever read about what missionaries and Christian peoples did to my ancestors? No sir, we will never forget.

But you have moved on ?,

Possibly that unforgiveness is destroying the NA people from within , as the perpetrators of the " crimes " you mention have long since passed away.

Every country has had terrible things done to them , eg the Jews , the Scots, the Irish , the Albanians, the Polish , the Dutch, victims of Stalin , Hitler, Pol Pot, all the crimes committed by the Roman occupations etc etc etc.

Wallowing around in self pity and unforgiveness is self destructive.


This doesn't strike you as God being a bit egocentric? Why does God demand all the credit? Seems a bit petty.

I understand what you are saying , but sending His Son to make atonement for OUR sin shows His devotion to us as well.
It just does not translate to blanket forgiveness , but for those who trust Him through Christ.

He is a jealous God , and protective of all He has made, ( You can know Him only through faith. )

This person puts it well imo.

God’s name is the epitome of who and what He is, and He says His name is Jealous. Jealousy is not merely a passing mood with God. It is the essence of His person. He cannot be other than jealous. Since He is the highest and greatest being there is, infinitely holy and glorious, He must be passionately committed to preserving His honor and supremacy. He must zealously desire exclusive devotion and worship. To do less would make Him less than God. He said about Himself:

I am the LORD, that is My name;
I will not give My glory to another,
Nor My praise to graven images (Isaiah 42:8).



This guy has an answer to your questions.

Quote from Withoutreservation. com website

As a Native American (Canadian), I have been under some peer pressure to worship the created rather than the Creator as my ancestors had done. However, knowing John 1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." has provided me with direction in whom I should worship. It's like this, do I praise the teapot for making a good cup of tea or do I praise the person who made an excellent teapot? I choose to worship the Creator with every breath I have!

God bless!


Ask an Elder Home Page


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I understand what you are saying , but sending His Son to make atonement for OUR sin shows His devotion to us as well.
It just does not translate to blanket forgiveness , but for those who trust Him through Christ.

He is a jealous God , and protective of all He has made, ( You can know Him only through faith. )

This person puts it well imo.

God’s name is the epitome of who and what He is, and He says His name is Jealous. Jealousy is not merely a passing mood with God. It is the essence of His person. He cannot be other than jealous. Since He is the highest and greatest being there is, infinitely holy and glorious, He must be passionately committed to preserving His honor and supremacy. He must zealously desire exclusive devotion and worship. To do less would make Him less than God. He said about Himself:

I am the LORD, that is My name;
I will not give My glory to another,
Nor My praise to graven images (Isaiah 42:8).

How can the highest and greatest being and infinitely holy and glorious, be passionately committed to preserve His honor and supremacy?

Who can threaten them?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Jesus suffered and died to pay for our sin . If it could have been purchased any other way , then it would have. Even Jesus said " Father if possible remove this cup ( of suffering ) from me, but not my will but yours be done !"

It is not a big deal really to sacrifice oneselves when we know we will return, alive and kicking, after onLy
three days and ready to take off to take control of the Universe with powerful Dad. I would do it, anytime, probably.

Did that really impress you?

We are all the same in God`s eyes , white , black , mixed , Chinese , Indian , NA. etc all in need of the same salvation and all can be redeemed by
Christ `s work on the cross, it`s our choice.

Count me out, please. i am in no need of salvation, whatever that is, at all.


- viole


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I`m sure all of this , is, or was true ,there was probably failings on both sides , but does it help to dwell on it , is it not more pragmatic and self beneficial just to move on ?.
Not when it's still happening and flying under everyone's radar. It needs to be brought to the surface and dealt with.