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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
I'd never feel offended by you, JS, no worries.

Tho it is some serious restriction, it does have good points, IMHO. Riots, vandalism and clever abuse (Youtube is full of those) done in the name of freedom of speech are so numbered and unfamiliar here because of it.

It is easy to not get myself in trouble as the laws are clear here and second chances are still there for some acts depending on the category and severity. I guess not all people and cultures around the world can be the same. Also I think different people have different preferences in the cultures they want to live in. Some want absolute freedom of speech, other want it moderated like your kind self, and some other probably don't mind it so restricted just for the sake of possible outcomes they see worth it.

I guess if you are comfortable with your constraints, more is the power to you. You are correct that I think there should be limits to free speech. Publishing how to books for rape is one that I think should be banned period. Yet, they persist and that makes me sick. Also hate tracts from people like the KKK and Skin Heads, etc. I would really prefer to move to another country, such as Canada or the UK or Australia because this country is doomed. Our government is a joke and while we were once a world power, we are now a laughing stock.



Well-Known Member
Yes, love is a beautiful emotion. I guess what beliefs and religions have in mind is what the physical aspects could do to the community if not monitored and moderated. Maybe we can't see what those possible harms could be due to our nature being human beings with our known limitations and desires, so I think it is only fair to at least sometimes give them the benefit of the doubt and be neutral about judging them in general. That's one big reason why I respect other beliefs and religions than Islam.

And JS, sorry to know about your late partner. May they find peace. You really are a nice person.

If you are using Firefox browser, you can hold the Crtl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom the pages in and out to control visibility. Cheers :)

I am curious what physical aspects you speak of that could impact a society without monitoring or moderation. I can understand it being murder, rape, etc, but what else have you in mind? I am sure there are things we cannot conceive of yet, as we are limited but what exactly did you have in mind? And thank you about my partner and the nice person comment love. I do my best. I am not using firefox however, I use Google Chrome and an old rundown laptop. My desk top in in my library next to my mother, which does use firefox but its 3 am and she is asleep.


Well-Known Member
No -- just as European as they come. I just like the religion, the culture and the music.
It is a nice culture, but it has it's drawbacks. I am NA and I adore the music. But our people have become lazy and complacent. I was trained as a shaman so the 'religion' which is not really thought of as such is dear to my heart.


Well-Known Member
More happy info from the CDC USA

How common is syphilis?

In the United States, health officials reported 56,471 cases of syphilis in 2013, including 17,535 cases of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis. In 2013, half of all P&S syphilis cases were reported from 29 counties and 2 cities. The incidence of P&S syphilis was highest in women 20 to 24 years of age and in men 20 to 29 years of age. Reported cases of congenital syphilis in newborns increased from 2012 to 2013, with 322 new cases reported in 2012 compared to 350 cases in 2013.

Between 2012 and 2013, the number of reported P&S syphilis cases increased 10.9 percent. In 2013, 75% of the reported P&S syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM).
I note that you have ignored the data from the CDC that I posted and are focusing solely on gays, which, IMO, points to your glaring bias.


I don`t really believe in gender equality either .

WHY MEN ARE different

What do you expect from us simple creatures?

Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack...
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another petrol station toilet because this one is just too icky.
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress £5000. Suit rental-£100.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you,He or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is £3.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes..
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, even decades.



Premium Member
I guess if you are comfortable with your constraints, more is the power to you. You are correct that I think there should be limits to free speech. Publishing how to books for rape is one that I think should be banned period. Yet, they persist and that makes me sick. Also hate tracts from people like the KKK and Skin Heads, etc. I would really prefer to move to another country, such as Canada or the UK or Australia because this country is doomed. Our government is a joke and while we were once a world power, we are now a laughing stock.

It is not that I'm comfortable with it, it is that I try to be as considerate and understanding as possible. A country is where one lives and it gives us security and longing, and managing a country is not an easy task. Those in charge are people just like us. I choose to keep this in consideration. I can live in any other country happily. All I have to do is follow their rules respectfully, even those I don't like, out of appreciation for having me in. USA is a big country to keep everything according to preferences of each individual. I do think that parts of the world got screwed up because of USA, but other parts survived with its help too. It is also not like other countries don't have problem :)

I am curious what physical aspects you speak of that could impact a society without monitoring or moderation. I can understand it being murder, rape, etc, but what else have you in mind? I am sure there are things we cannot conceive of yet, as we are limited but what exactly did you have in mind? And thank you about my partner and the nice person comment love. I do my best. I am not using firefox however, I use Google Chrome and an old rundown laptop. My desk top in in my library next to my mother, which does use firefox but its 3 am and she is asleep.

Oh, I was generally speaking about things we might not be aware of. But now that you mentioned it, I'll try to come up with some what those religions could think of :D

Let's see... sex, as it is related to love, outside a dedicated relationship, like marriage, increases some variants of needless abortion, increases prostitution, spreads STD more, creates more left alone children, confusing kinship of the born that confuses legacy family rights, things that are at least controversial with some negative results to the community. I'm taught that Islam is concerned more about the community than the individual (just more than, not exclusively no neglect the individuals) as after all the community is what the individuals lives in and benefits from, and it's the shared aspect between all individuals of different thoughts that it is better to have the best possible common ground to all of them,

Please keep in mind that I'm imposing anything as facts here, I'm only considering possible explanations those religions could have to it.

Hmm, I'm not familiar with Chrome so I can't help there. For now, I'll change the font's size and color to what you can see now. If you have other preferences, please don't hesitate to ask :)

I don`t really believe in gender equality either .

That's similar to what I believe too, but I think being different does not mean unequal; e.g. women can get pregnant which I believe gives them more rights than men because of this difference, but when it comes to salaries for the same results, both men and women are equal.

My belief in it is that genders are equal, but differently equal, which I think some people define as unequal.


Well-Known Member
It is not that I'm comfortable with it, it is that I try to be as considerate and understanding as possible. A country is where one lives and it gives us security and longing, and managing a country is not an easy task. Those in charge are people just like us. I choose to keep this in consideration. I can live in any other country happily. All I have to do is follow their rules respectfully, even those I don't like, out of appreciation for having me in. USA is a big country to keep everything according to preferences of each individual. I do think that parts of the world got screwed up because of USA, but other parts survived with its help too. It is also not like other countries don't have problem :)

I guess I was not clear, but then that is nothing new!! I have no trouble with rules and following them. My problem with those rules is that they are set by people who are following their own agenda, based on the Bible, or most of them. And also once in office, at least here, what the populace wants can go hang. Imagine if abortion were outlawed. How many women would be forced to be breeders, much like Margaret Atwood kind of portrayed in her book? Would I be saddled with my grandfather's child? Would I be forced to go to a church which has absolutely no meaning for me? Will concealed weapons be allowed simply because red neck idiots want that and what will that do to the crime rate? Will it even BE a crime? I assume you can see where this is going. When we have people like the Bush's running things, the things that matter are revenge and war, not the people that live here.


Well-Known Member
I copied this a few years ago , this is the complete copy of what I recorded then .

Certainly the recent method of recording this stuff on CDC might not be so simple , but I don`t imagine the facts are any different.

Link from CDC , Centre for disease control and prevention

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been increasing among gay and bisexual men. Recent increases in syphilis cases have been documented across the country. In 2008, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 63% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States. MSM often are diagnosed with other bacterial STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.

Gay and bisexual men can be infected with HPV (Human Papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States. Some types of HPV cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer. Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who are uninfected to develop anal cancer. See Primary and Secondary Syphilis—Reported Cases, 2008, by Sexual Orientation.

In the US 63 % of cases of primary and secondary syphilis are among MSM homosexuals. This is in a percentage population wise of less than 1%

They are often diagnosed with other STDs including Chlamydia and gonorrhoea.The antibiotics for which are quickly becoming more ineffective, as time goes on.

This same group ( MSM ) are often infected with HPV ( human Papillomavirus ) the most common STD in the US. Some types of HPV cause genital and anal warts, and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancer.

Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.
More happy info from the CDC USA

How common is syphilis?

In the United States, health officials reported 56,471 cases of syphilis in 2013, including 17,535 cases of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis. In 2013, half of all P&S syphilis cases were reported from 29 counties and 2 cities. The incidence of P&S syphilis was highest in women 20 to 24 years of age and in men 20 to 29 years of age. Reported cases of congenital syphilis in newborns increased from 2012 to 2013, with 322 new cases reported in 2012 compared to 350 cases in 2013.

Between 2012 and 2013, the number of reported P&S syphilis cases increased 10.9 percent. In 2013, 75% of the reported P&S syphilis cases were among men who have sex with men (MSM).
Education in safe sex may reduce the risk of getting STDs.

If someone wants to bans all gay because of quite some of them is less educated in practice of safe sex, then maybe this 'someone' should also bans all straight people because obviously there is also quite some of them is less educated in practice of safe sex.

Quite some religion's believer and non-believer make mistakes, so we should ban all religion's believer and non-believer?
Quite some human make mistakes, so we should ban all human?

The theory of "if part of a group make mistakes, then we should ban all people in this group" is unreasonable.
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Well-Known Member
Oh, I was generally speaking about things we might not be aware of. But now that you mentioned it, I'll try to come up with some what those religions could think of :D

Let's see... sex, as it is related to love, outside a dedicated relationship, like marriage, increases some variants of needless abortion, increases prostitution, spreads STD more, creates more left alone children, confusing kinship of the born that confuses legacy family rights, things that are at least controversial with some negative results to the community. I'm taught that Islam is concerned more about the community than the individual (just more than, not exclusively no neglect the individuals) as after all the community is what the individuals lives in and benefits from, and it's the shared aspect between all individuals of different thoughts that it is better to have the best possible common ground to all of them,

Please keep in mind that I'm imposing anything as facts here, I'm only considering possible explanations those religions could have to it.

Hmm, I'm not familiar with Chrome so I can't help there. For now, I'll change the font's size and color to what you can see now. If you have other preferences, please don't hesitate to ask :)

First, you are such a love for making the font larger. Thank you dear one.
That said, Native American's share a similar view of community as you do. Or rather as Islam does. Children are often, or were, raised by everyone and not just the parents as it is believed that all have the responsibility and also that all have things they can teach the children. And of course, I agree about remaining faithful and the lack thereof that results in increased in a few areas. I had 3 long term relationships in my life and only one of which I was not faithful and that after he was cheating. I felt like dirt after and never did that again. This was not based on a religion but on my own moral upbringing as NA's did, and I repeat DID, remain with one partner until the last century and a half. But remember that my culture is not that of this country's. My father was from Scotland and they have similar views of community, albeit to a lesser degree.
And lastly, it's so refreshing to have a pleasant conversation with someone who I can disagree with but who is so polite and civil. You are a rare gem in a sea of cracked crystal.


Well-Known Member
I don`t really believe in gender equality either .

IMO, there is a vast difference between the differences between genders and gender equality. Yes, men and women differ, in some ways dramatically but that does not mean that the two sexes cannot have equal rights.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Thank you for the follow up, SR :)

Yes, even disagreeing should be respectful. Telling others they are sinful is wrong in my book, and I'd just say I don't agree with this and that. If I felt it would hurt their feeling, I'd just keep my thought to myself if not asked for an honest view, something freedom of speech teaches to ignore, but that's another subject. I might not have explained it well, but it is more complicated than just being respectful in delivering the thought. It involves further behaviors in considering the feeling of the others. Sorry if I sounded rude before. If you know me in real life, you would know what I mean :D


Yes, I agree.
You didn't sound rude, I might have. My aloofness can come across as brash or even arrogant or mocking. I don't mean nothing by it.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Also hate tracts from people like the KKK and Skin Heads, etc. I would really prefer to move to another country, such as Canada or the UK or Australia because this country is doomed. Our government is a joke and while we were once a world power, we are now a laughing stock.



Well-Known Member
Here's the thing Random, what you see here in my posts...that is truly who I am. I am kind hearted, to a fault sometimes. I speak just like I do in these posts. I am a nurse by my soul, so I take care of people. One would hope that you have like minded people, like yourself, there too. But I am curious about what is not peachy there. Care to explain?


It is a nice culture, but it has it's drawbacks. I am NA and I adore the music. But our people have become lazy and complacent. I was trained as a shaman so the 'religion' which is not really thought of as such is dear to my heart.

One of my fav preachers is NA . Kenneth Copeland `s father was a full blood NA . Interesting thing about KC is that he thinks out of the box and is kind of radical in some ways especially in the way he presents his teachings etc.
The problem you might have is mixing the three faiths you seem to have . Christianity doesn`t mix with anything because of its basics" in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and everything was made through Him " . Then " The Word became flesh and dwelt among us " and Jesus said " I am the way the Truth and the Life and no one come to the Father except through me . "

So if you are Buddhist , that`s your choice.
If you are a Shamam then equally that`s your choice.
Christianity is a gift , all you require is to accept then it`s yours , but it can`t be mixed.

Jesus suffered and died to pay for our sin . If it could have been purchased any other way , then it would have. Even Jesus said " Father if possible remove this cup ( of suffering ) from me, but not my will but yours be done !"

We are all the same in God`s eyes , white , black , mixed , Chinese , Indian , NA. etc all in need of the same salvation and all can be redeemed by
Christ `s work on the cross, it`s our choice.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It is a nice culture, but it has it's drawbacks. I am NA and I adore the music. But our people have become lazy and complacent. I was trained as a shaman so the 'religion' which is not really thought of as such is dear to my heart.
The people have every reason to have become lazy. The systemic violence perpetrated against them has taken away their sense of belonging and purpose. It has created a sense of entitlement. It's an odd predicament they're in.


Premium Member
I guess I was not clear, but then that is nothing new!! I have no trouble with rules and following them. My problem with those rules is that they are set by people who are following their own agenda, based on the Bible, or most of them. And also once in office, at least here, what the populace wants can go hang. Imagine if abortion were outlawed. How many women would be forced to be breeders, much like Margaret Atwood kind of portrayed in her book? Would I be saddled with my grandfather's child? Would I be forced to go to a church which has absolutely no meaning for me? Will concealed weapons be allowed simply because red neck idiots want that and what will that do to the crime rate? Will it even BE a crime? I assume you can see where this is going. When we have people like the Bush's running things, the things that matter are revenge and war, not the people that live here.
You were as clear as the sun, ma'am :)

What I meant to say is that I think it is good to consider why those rules are put. Some times it does give us the impression that they are put for selfish reason for their own agenda, based on sources like the Bible, but who knows maybe they saw that those rules put that way are the good choice to make for the people. They are already taking care of a huge country full of different views and tastes. It could be true that those rules were put selfishly, but at least for the sake of what they did provide to us, it is good to give them the benefit of the doubt. I do complain about rules, but when I find myself in front of huge responsibilities, I find that no matter how good I try to be, other get upset. The best example is moderating RF (I'm a mod :D). I try to give justice to those abused and in return the abuser comes complaining even tho they started the abuse.

Also, I didn't mean for the examples I gave to be as strict as you understood above. I don't, for example, want outlawing abortion (it is not blindly and always outlawed even here in KSA), and similarly to the other ideas. Is abortion blindly fought against in USA? And OMG, is going to church forced?

First, you are such a love for making the font larger. Thank you dear one.
That said, Native American's share a similar view of community as you do. Or rather as Islam does. Children are often, or were, raised by everyone and not just the parents as it is believed that all have the responsibility and also that all have things they can teach the children. And of course, I agree about remaining faithful and the lack thereof that results in increased in a few areas. I had 3 long term relationships in my life and only one of which I was not faithful and that after he was cheating. I felt like dirt after and never did that again. This was not based on a religion but on my own moral upbringing as NA's did, and I repeat DID, remain with one partner until the last century and a half. But remember that my culture is not that of this country's. My father was from Scotland and they have similar views of community, albeit to a lesser degree.
And lastly, it's so refreshing to have a pleasant conversation with someone who I can disagree with but who is so polite and civil. You are a rare gem in a sea of cracked crystal.
I changed the font size and color because I remember @leibowde84 telling use you have difficulty seeing (he's sweet, isn't he :D) I wanted to make things easier to you :)

Respecting one another is the least one should do. I go with the belief "love for the others what you love for yourself" too. If there is anything you would like to disagree in, you know how to find me :)

Thank you for sharing part of your life with me. It means a lot to me.

Scottish people... lovely people :)


Yes, I agree.
You didn't sound rude, I might have. My aloofness can come across as brash or even arrogant or mocking. I don't mean nothing by it.

Nor did I take anything you ever said to me as rude, ma'am :)
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Veteran Member
You were as clear as the sun, ma'am :)

What I meant to say is that I think it is good to consider why those rules are put. Some times it does give us the impression that they are put for selfish reason for their own agenda, based on sources like the Bible, but who knows maybe they saw that those rules put that way are the good choice to make for the people. They are already taking care of a huge country full of different views and tastes. It could be true that those rules were put selfishly, but at least for the sake of what they did provide to us, it is good to give them the benefit of the doubts. I do complain about rules, but when I find myself in front of huge responsibilities, I find that no matter how good I try to be, other get upset. The best example is moderating RF (I'm a mod :D). I try to give justice to those abused and in return the abuser come complaining eve tho they started the abuse.

Also, I didn't mean for the examples I gave to be as strict as you understood above. I don't, for example, want outlawing abortion (it is not blindly and always outlawed even here in KSA), and similarly to the other ideas. Is abortion blindly fought against in USA?

I changed the font size and color because I remember @leibowde84 telling use you have difficulty seeing (he's sweet, isn't he :D) I wanted to make things easier to you :)

Thank you for sharing part of your life with me. It means a lot to me.

Scottish people... lovely people :)

Nor did I take anything you ever said to me as rude, ma'am :)
Yet again, Smart_Guy, you have taken my Monday from depressing to happy. Thanks, buddy.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Here's the thing Random, what you see here in my posts...that is truly who I am. I am kind hearted, to a fault sometimes. I speak just like I do in these posts. I am a nurse by my soul, so I take care of people. One would hope that you have like minded people, like yourself, there too. But I am curious about what is not peachy there. Care to explain?
