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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
I agree it`s difficult to imagine this as a choice , but millions of unmarried people around the world are celibate.

In 2008, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 63% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States.

This is from 4 % of the population

Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.

Health checks to see whether your partner has "given " you something.

The apparent feeling of shame even though it`s legal and encouraged and protected to be gay.

The need for IVF treatment to produce a child ( without an accompanying dad )

Having to parade around the streets , calling yourself " proud " .

Demanding everyone else on the planet concurs with your chosen sexual activity.


No I`m sorry, this doesn`t add up as a sensible lifestyle.
Your misconceptions about the gay lifestyle are simply staggering Chess Player. I am NOT ashamed of who I am. I will never be. I have no need to 'parade' or have your acceptance of me. Speaking very frankly, you are simply not that important. I have never had to be 'checked' for any disease in my life. I have never had to have IVF but my sister, who is hetero, is sterile and had to try that. Shame on your for diminishing her struggles. I don't demand a damn thing from anyone. And my lifestyle is as sensible as yours.


Well-Known Member
Oh God... does this happen noticeably in the West?

Yes it does dear. I have had elders dumped outside the ER who were bedridden and with bedsores so horrific, they had screamed their voice gone. I have had children who were so abused, they are now sociopaths. And tons dumped as I have described. It disgusts me. And this is because of the stigma of abortion many times. This country is a mess Smart Guy.


Premium Member
Yes it does dear. I have had elders dumped outside the ER who were bedridden and with bedsores so horrific, they had screamed their voice gone. I have had children who were so abused, they are now sociopaths. And tons dumped as I have described. It disgusts me. And this is because of the stigma of abortion many times. This country is a mess Smart Guy.

Sorry to know :(

I rarely, hear about such problems here, and I have family spread all over different fields to bring such news, so that info really broke my heart.

Please give the country a chance. Every country in the world has its own problems I believe. Let's work hard on improving things around us and hopefully things will get better. With the existence of good people like you, there's still hope :blush:


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
I agree it`s difficult to imagine this as a choice , but millions of unmarried people around the world are celibate.

In 2008, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 63% of primary and secondary syphilis cases in the United States.

This is from 4 % of the population

Men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than heterosexual men.

Health checks to see whether your partner has "given " you something.

The apparent feeling of shame even though it`s legal and encouraged and protected to be gay.

The need for IVF treatment to produce a child ( without an accompanying dad )

Having to parade around the streets , calling yourself " proud " .

Demanding everyone else on the planet concurs with your chosen sexual activity.


No I`m sorry, this doesn`t add up as a sensible lifestyle.

Again, in a smaller size of potential sexual partners sexually transmitted diseases will be far more likely among that population just by default. (Also got anything more recent? Like this decade?) There are far more factors at play than just men having sex with other men. Lack of contraceptives, rape, junkies, lack of knowledge/education about safe sex, complacency (reliance on medical science instead of being proactive) men of all sexual orientations just being more sexually aggressive by default etc. The fact that you leave all this out and simply apply a causal link to a specific sexual orientation is quite dishonest, really. Isn't it a sin to bear false witness? It also shows how sloppy one is when trying to interpret scientific data. And I say that as an idiot layman myself!
Men who have sex with men are not gay or bisexual men necessarily. It's a specific phrase sex researchers use to encompass a wide array of sexual orientations and other variables.
And again, the stats are reversed for GAY WOMEN. Using your own logic it actually makes more sense to be a lesbian than a heterosexual female. Less chance of a STI!

Just because it's legal doesn't mean there's no stigma.

Surrogacy exists, you know? And many dads are very much involved in IVF treatment. Because it's often used for heterosexual couples. That and you sort of need a sperm donor for the process to work in the first place. IVF is not immaculate conception!

There is no such thing as a "gay lifestyle." There's gay people who live their lives, though. And to be frank, I know far more sensible gay people than straight ones.
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to know :(

I rarely, hear about such problems here, and I have family spread all over different fields to bring such news, so that info really broke my heart.

Please give the country a chance. Every country in the world has its own problems I believe. Let's work hard on improving things around us and hopefully things will get better. With the existence of good people like you, there's still hope :blush:
I simply love your outlook on life Smart Guy. Its so hopeful. I will do my best to give us a chance but I have to say its disheartening to see imbeciles like Trump vying for president when he clearly knows nothing of international affairs, foreign policy and is a loud mouth braggart. Our only other hope is another shrub...I mean Bush in the oval office which is not much better. This and the outrageous cost of medications, healthcare, insurance, and more makes me rather see the downside, and the worst part is that I cannot complain to my local representative as he is a right wing pundit who loathes gays, hunts such as the dentist that killed Cecile and doesn't care about elders. But I will try dear one.


I lost my father 2 years ago then she had breast cancer after just 2 months of his loss. How can I make her unhappier?

Hi Marcello , I`m sorry to hear about your loss .

My opinion for what it`s worth is that ,having a goal and a vision for your life is the "engine " that drives us . If our vision is based on things like our sexual activities , or searching for happiness or even gratification in any area then we will miss it altogether . If however our vision is enjoying our job / serving other people `s needs/ healthy living goals , etc then happiness and satisfaction will follow.


Well-Known Member
Hi Marcello , I`m sorry to hear about your loss .

My opinion for what it`s worth is that ,having a goal and a vision for your life is the "engine " that drives us . If our vision is based on things like our sexual activities , or searching for happiness or even gratification in any area then we will miss it altogether . If however our vision is enjoying our job / serving other people `s needs/ healthy living goals , etc then happiness and satisfaction will follow.
How is denying who and what one is going to lead to happiness and/or satisfaction? You know nothing about being gay, less than nothing. Repeatedly, you have shown you don't know a thing about being gay and what that entails. Are you married? If you are, I can assume that you are sexually active with your SO, non? How dare you advise someone to deny themselves who they are when you know nothing about being gay. Shame on you. I had expected better of you than this.


Transitioning from male to female
How is denying who and what one is going to lead to happiness and/or satisfaction? You know nothing about being gay, less than nothing. Repeatedly, you have shown you don't know a thing about being gay and what that entails. Are you married? If you are, I can assume that you are sexually active with your SO, non? How dare you advise someone to deny themselves who they are when you know nothing about being gay. Shame on you. I had expected better of you than this.
I understand what your try to mean. I am not married of course,I am not a double face.

Ohh Jo no! I just told that even though my mother knows I am gay for more than 20 years,she thinks I am very unluck to be a gay and she does not judge me,JUST she pretends not to know this. I never advised someone to deny themself,are you sure you read my messages? How did you come to a conclusion like this?


Transitioning from male to female
I understand what your try to mean. I am not married of course,I am not a double face.

Ohh Jo no! I just told that even though my mother knows I am gay for more than 20 years,she thinks I am very unluck to be a gay and she does not judge me,JUST she pretends not to know this. I never advised someone to deny themself,are you sure you read my messages? How did you come to a conclusion like this?

Sorry Jo, you quoted chessplayer :)


Transitioning from male to female
Another huge thread about homosexuality and the Bible? :rolleyes:
The problem is the word '' homosexuality'' When I am called a homosexual,I feel like I am called Ngrrr word. This word expresses itself like we are sex addicts.That's why I like the word gay,although in french it does not mean a bad thing.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The problem is the word '' homosexuality'' When I am called a homosexual,I feel like I am called Ngrrr word. This word expresses itself like we are sex addicts.That's why I like the word gay,although in french it does not mean a bad thing.
I'm not sure why you would feel that way over that word since it's just the technical word for same-sex attraction, like heterosexual is for opposite-sex attraction.
The problem is the word '' homosexuality'' When I am called a homosexual,I feel like I am called Ngrrr word. This word expresses itself like we are sex addicts.That's why I like the word gay,although in french it does not mean a bad thing.

That word homosexual merely means one who is attracted to their own sex.Gay means the same thing.So does Queer.Is there something more to it?

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How is denying who and what one is going to lead to happiness and/or satisfaction? . Shame on you. I had expected better of you than this.

JoStories my dear, I think you suffer from Christophobia , . There was no implication of judging homosexuality or denying anything or being ashamed , I would just ask that you read my posts in a more detailed way to gather the true meanings .

You will see that I was encouraging him not criticizing him .

Hand :)



If a relationship between a same sex couple is sexual then it`s called " Gay " .

If however the relationship is not sexual it`s a friendship .