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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
I understand what your try to mean. I am not married of course,I am not a double face.

Ohh Jo no! I just told that even though my mother knows I am gay for more than 20 years,she thinks I am very unluck to be a gay and she does not judge me,JUST she pretends not to know this. I never advised someone to deny themself,are you sure you read my messages? How did you come to a conclusion like this?
I'm sorry Marcello. I may have misread and please keep in mind that I am legally blind and sometimes I can't see the font very well and misunderstand the post. I happens quite a lot really. I apologize if I offended you.


Well-Known Member
JoStories my dear, I think you suffer from Christophobia , . There was no implication of judging homosexuality or denying anything or being ashamed , I would just ask that you read my posts in a more detailed way to gather the true meanings .

You will see that I was encouraging him not criticizing him .

Hand :)
I am not 'christophobic'. I find that really unfair. And Chess Player, I have read your posts. You are very misinformed about being gay and offer skewed statistics quite regularly stating they are what is correct. And what does 'hand' mean??


Well-Known Member

If a relationship between a same sex couple is sexual then it`s called " Gay " .

If however the relationship is not sexual it`s a friendship .
Here is a prime example of your own bias. You place the word gay in parentheses. Like its something that needs to be made different or abnormal. I assure you it is not.


The way i see things is this .

Why does the world need to know what your sexual preference is , sex is a private act between two people , The Bible recognises and indeed encourages sex ( see the Song of Solomon ) as part of a man / woman, life building, ongoing, active relationship . It`s not a, be all ,end all ,act in isolation .

At the same time the Bible also says that God loves you with an everlasting love , but to experience that love then we have to allow Jesus to " cross the bridge " for us in our own personal experience.

Apart from that experience then the Bible is just a dusty old book .

However when you do meet Father God , the author , through the work of Christ , then the book comes alive, as does your spirit and your divinely inspired creativity, of course non Christians can be creative , but we don`t reach our full potential until we plug into the life source ,Jesus.

To fully understand the Bible you need Christ in your life , " You must be born again !"


Father God I pray for these people here on this forum , I ask your blessing , your favour on their lives in every way , let your touch be on their health , on their social lives , on their vocational lives , on their families , let the outpouring of your abundance be on them today in Jesus`s name !
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Active Member
The way i see things is this .
Why does the world need to know what your sexual preference is , sex is a private act between two people , The Bible recognises and indeed encourages sex ( see the Song of Solomon ) as part of a man / woman, life building, ongoing, active relationship . It`s not a, be all ,end all ,act in isolation .
Homosexuality should be a private act except that homosexuals themselves do not want it to be private. All of this clamoring about marriage is really about the desire for acceptance and recognition. The desire is to suggest that God sanctions that activity when the scriptures explicitly say He does not. Some of them have gone so far as to say that the scriptures do not say what they obviously do say in this effort to claim God's approval. That is seriously being in denial.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member

If a relationship between a same sex couple is sexual then it`s called " Gay " .

If however the relationship is not sexual it`s a friendship .
Well yes and no, I guess. I suppose there may be homosexual couples who may not partake in sex. Maybe for a medical reason (lack of sex drive.) but I guess you could categorise a heterosexual couple as a sexual couple and a platonic heterosexual relationship as friendship. But that's a bit too simplistic.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
Homosexuality should be a private act except that homosexuals themselves do not want it to be private. All of this clamoring about marriage is really about the desire for acceptance and recognition. The desire is to suggest that God sanctions that activity when the scriptures explicitly say He does not. Some of them have gone so far as to say that the scriptures do not say what they obviously do say in this effort to claim God's approval. That is seriously being in denial.
How dare gay couples ask for the same legal protections that heterosexual couples take for granted?!! It's almost like they want to be treated equally under the eyes of the (secular) law or something. :rolleyes:

Also people claim anything and everything is both condemned or condoned by Scripture. So what?


Transitioning from male to female
I'm sorry Marcello. I may have misread and please keep in mind that I am legally blind and sometimes I can't see the font very well and misunderstand the post. I happens quite a lot really. I apologize if I offended you.
It is me to apologize dear,I was the one misreading.


Well-Known Member
Homosexuality should be a private act except that homosexuals themselves do not want it to be private. All of this clamoring about marriage is really about the desire for acceptance and recognition. The desire is to suggest that God sanctions that activity when the scriptures explicitly say He does not. Some of them have gone so far as to say that the scriptures do not say what they obviously do say in this effort to claim God's approval. That is seriously being in denial.
Really? So you speak for the entire gay community now? I assure you, I want no acceptance from you nor have I ever tried to forward my being gay to anyone. Your version of God is your own and my version accepts me as I am, which is gay. I don't need your dualistic notion of God as it's based on man-made notions and a book written by men.


Well-Known Member
The way i see things is this .

Why does the world need to know what your sexual preference is , sex is a private act between two people , The Bible recognises and indeed encourages sex ( see the Song of Solomon ) as part of a man / woman, life building, ongoing, active relationship . It`s not a, be all ,end all ,act in isolation .

At the same time the Bible also says that God loves you with an everlasting love , but to experience that love then we have to allow Jesus to " cross the bridge " for us in our own personal experience.

Apart from that experience then the Bible is just a dusty old book .

However when you do meet Father God , the author , through the work of Christ , then the book comes alive, as does your spirit and your divinely inspired creativity, of course non Christians can be creative , but we don`t reach our full potential until we plug into the life source ,Jesus.

To fully understand the Bible you need Christ in your life , " You must be born again !"
All well and good, for you. Not everyone needs to follow this path. Many are like me and find solace in Eastern paths. Who is anyone to say that one or the other is right or better than another? The idea of God being a male is too much a man made concept. And the subjugation of women by the Bible is clearly something many women have no need of or believe in at all. Believe whatever you want Chess player and I shall do the same.


And the subjugation of women by the Bible is clearly something many women have no need of or believe in at all. Believe whatever you want Chess player and I shall do the same.

I am not trying to condemn you at all. , but surely the subject here is the Bible and gays , hence my posts are based around that . Hopefully to give a Biblical perspective.

I have heard this comment about women in the Bible before , and have never really understood it . The one verse that comes to mind , is from Eph 5 vs 25, "Men , love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her !"

In most Christian homes I know , the wife is treated with the utmost respect. She is " queen " in the home , to be honoured and obeyed.

Society and Christian traditions in the UK / USA promotes the same thing " women and children first !"

When I was trusting the Lord for guidance about my future wife , The Lord spoke to me through Proverbs 31. about the girl I am married to for 41 years.
She has accomplished everything on there .

The Bible acclaims women .


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Father God I pray for these people here on this forum , I ask your blessing , your favour on their lives in every way , let your touch be on their health , on their social lives , on their vocational lives , on their families , let the outpouring of your abundance be on them today in Jesus`s name !

A good test for prayers effectivity. Question: why do you restrict to the people on this forum and not extend to all humanity, people here are a subset thereof?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I am not trying to condemn you at all. , but surely the subject here is the Bible and gays , hence my posts are based around that . Hopefully to give a Biblical perspective.

I have heard this comment about women in the Bible before , and have never really understood it . The one verse that comes to mind , is from Eph 5 vs 25, "Men , love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her !"

In most Christian homes I know , the wife is treated with the utmost respect. She is " queen " in the home , to be honoured and obeyed.

Society and Christian traditions in the UK / USA promotes the same thing " women and children first !"

When I was trusting the Lord for guidance about my future wife , The Lord spoke to me through Proverbs 31. about the girl I am married to for 41 years.
She has accomplished everything on there .

The Bible acclaims women .

Corinthians 14:34-35
Genesis 3:16
Hosea 13:16
Eccles. 25 :13
Eccles 25:22
Eccles 25:26
Eccles 29: 9-10
Eccles. 26:14
Excles. 26:25
Eccles 42:13


- viole

Princeps Eugenius

Active Member
Corinthians 14:34-35
Genesis 3:16
Hosea 13:16
Eccles. 25 :13
Eccles 25:22
Eccles 25:26
Eccles 29: 9-10
Eccles. 26:14
Excles. 26:25
Eccles 42:13


- viole
Ah, my favourite passages. Thanks for summing them all up, it cheers up my heart. Although i never saw a woman who actually abided by these revelations.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Ah, my favourite passages. Thanks for summing them all up, it cheers up my heart. Although i never saw a woman who actually abided by these revelations.

One of these passages involves the order given by God to rip them apart if they are pregnant. I am thrilled it is one of your favorites.

Alas, I strongly doubt you will find any woman abiding to that.


- viole