Freedom Of Mind
Let me ask you some questions, because I think if you reply to these questions, you get an answer as to why some of the Laws do not make sense without saying the Book got corrupted.
Question: According to Quran, when the Jews did not keep the Sabbath Law, God told them: "Be Apes". So the Question is, why God does not say "Be Ape" to Muslims for not keeping the Sabbath Law? Second Question: Do you think it is reasonable that just for working on Sabbath Day God tells them "Be Ape"?
Third Question: are the Muslims required to keep the Sabbath? If not, why God asked the Jews before?
I don't agree that working on Saturday is a rational reason to kill or to curse anyone.
I wonder how you believe on such things to be real and you still believe on God, is it just a blind faith,honestly saying and just talking about myself,if i'll know such things to be real with proof,then i'll reject the concept of God at once.
How you believe that God may issue a law to murder someone who work on Saturday.
Didn't you know that Jesus fought that stupid law.
Sorry,i don't find an evidence that God were talking about just breaking a law of not working on Saturday.
O ye people of the Book! believe in what We have now sent down, fulfilling that which is with you, before We destroy some of your leaders and turn them on their backs or curse them as We cursed the people of the Sabbath. And the decree of God is bound to be fulfilled. (4:47)