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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
In other words, you are going directly against what the Bible itself says. It clearly states that God rested on the seventh day, which is why it is to be kept holy. That means it is already ended and it means the usual day.
First of all did you ever say if that account says God went back to work the next day? If I am to take you seriously does that account in Genesis say the seventh day had a beginning and an end like the other 6 days? I mean it's a yes or no answer. So honestly if you cannot say if the account says the 7th day has a beginning and an end to it like the other days do, there is nothing further to discuss. And unfortunately I will consider you dishonest.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I specifically answered the issue of infertility with different numbers of chromosomes. While that is usually the case, in the situation of mergers it is not true. The r is that the chromosomes can still pair up, but with one merged chromosome pairing with *two* unmerged chromosomes.

The actual chromosomes in humans shows that there was a merger in the past (the way both the centromeres and telomeres are in chromosome 2 shows a merger). Also, that the genes *on* the chromosomes match with other apes shows that there was a common ancestor prior to the merge.
Really, if you are unwilling to say whether it is written that the 7th day of creation in the Genesis account has a beginning and an end to it unfortunately I cannot believe or accept anything you offer as to what is true or not. Thanks for allowing me to look .it helps. Whether or not evolution is true is not the issue here in this post. It is the integrity of the one offering information. It is one's honesty in acknowledging what is there or not there in the creation account biblically. Even if you don't agree with it. So have a good day and I certainly have learned a lot about honesty and other types of things about people here.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
First of all did you ever say if that account says God went back to work the next day? If I am to take you seriously does that account in Genesis say the seventh day had a beginning and an end like the other 6 days? I mean it's a yes or no answer. So honestly if you cannot say if the account says the 7th day has a beginning and an end to it like the other days do, there is nothing further to discuss. And unfortunately I will consider you dishonest.

I guess Noah's flood was part of that 'rest'? And Sodom and Gomorrah? How about the whole exodus? Was that all 'rest'?

Clearly God stopped resting for a while. That means the seventh day ended.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Really, if you are unwilling to say whether it is written that the 7th day of creation in the Genesis account has a beginning and an end to it unfortunately I cannot believe or accept anything you offer as to what is true or not. Thanks for allowing me to look .it helps. Whether or not evolution is true is not the issue here in this post. It is the integrity of the one offering information. It is one's honesty in acknowledging what is there or not there in the creation account biblically. Even if you don't agree with it. So have a good day and I certainly have learned a lot about honesty and other types of things about people here.

Did God rest throughout the remainder of the Old Testament? if not, then it was not part of the day of rest, right?

Things do not have to be written for the conclusion to follow.


The Lost One
First of all did you ever say if that account says God went back to work the next day? If I am to take you seriously does that account in Genesis say the seventh day had a beginning and an end like the other 6 days? I mean it's a yes or no answer. So honestly if you cannot say if the account says the 7th day has a beginning and an end to it like the other days do, there is nothing further to discuss. And unfortunately I will consider you dishonest.

Really, if you are unwilling to say whether it is written that the 7th day of creation in the Genesis account has a beginning and an end to it unfortunately I cannot believe or accept anything you offer as to what is true or not.

you are still ignoring the fact that Genesis 1 each creative DAY comprise of “evening and morning”. Just because Genesis 2:2-3 omitted saying “and there was evening and there was morning” for the seventh day, doesn’t mean the day 7 was infinite period of time.

you are also forgetting another fact, that Exodus talk of the 7 days, with 6 days of work, with the 7th day being sabbath, a day of rest.

I know what you are saying, YoursTrue. You are saying that God himself have ceased creation after this 7th day. But the story of creation isn’t really the main part of the Jewish Torah or the Christian Pentateuch, the so-called Books of Moses.

There are two themes in the entire Torah that are core to the Judaic teachings:
  1. the laws given to Moses
  2. and that Moses will lead the Israelites to land promised to their ancestors - Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the land of Canaan. The Covenant.
The entire book of Genesis is really just a built up to the rest of the Torah. One of the laws was that of 7-day week, with Sabbath being the day of rest.

i may not be believer of Judaism or of Christianity, but at least, I can see the overarch of the Torah for what it is, and it is all about - the Laws and the Covenant.

The Genesis creation isnt that central theme to the Torah.

The Torah (including the Genesis) was and still is the book(s) for the descendants of Jacob: they were meant for the Hebrews, Israelites or Jews, not for Christians or Muslims. The gospels are not part of the Torah, but clearly the gospels are the core of Christian beliefs.


Veteran Member
Actually, it did. That is why the seventh day is to be kept holy as a day of rest.
Also, you seem to be ignoring the morning and evening during the week of creation. That suggests actual days.
..... and ALL of the 6 creative days are summed up by the single word ' day ' as found at Genesis 2:4.
So, just as in our day the word ' day ' can convey more than a 24-hr. day.
For example: we speak of grandfather's day and know that is more than a 24-hr. day.

Unlike us, God's 7th day is His rest day from furthering creating things.
Plus, the Sabbath system mentioned in the OT ended with the end of the temporary Constitution of the Mosaic Law for ancient Israel.
Sabbath keeping was only for one country 'ancient Israel' and even ended for them - Romans 10:4


Veteran Member
Did God rest throughout the remainder of the Old Testament? if not, then it was not part of the day of rest, right?
Things do not have to be written for the conclusion to follow.
Yes, God rested from further creating things. Rest from all His creative works.see - Genesis 2:2-3
Even that is recognized at Hebrews 4:4-10.
Jesus wants us to rest, so to speak, from our 'own personal works' to do the work Jesus commissioned at Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8


Veteran Member
I guess Noah's flood was part of that 'rest'? And Sodom and Gomorrah? How about the whole exodus? Was that all 'rest'?
Clearly God stopped resting for a while. That means the seventh day ended.
Please notice Hebrews 4:4 because God rested ( took a break ) from all His works, the creating works of Genesis 2:2-3 B
Notice the single word 'day' as found at Gen. 2:3 B rested from all His work that God ' created ' and made.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Because like all evolutionists there was no real answer.

Quoted from

While mammals with different numbers of chromosomes cannot produce fertile offspring – which is the case with offspring of donkeys and horses – amphibians, fish, plants and yeast sometimes can.

All mammal species should have the same number of chromosomes.

So, all the fossils of mammal species with different chromosome number in the rock layers are not descended from each other. That proves that there was no macro evolution of mammal species. So, that proves they were created that way. It also eliminates 225 million years in the rock layers and proves they were laid down in a short time.

But that also eliminates any evolution of any species whatsoever.

Thus, I have falsified macro evolution for mammals.
But that also falsified the long ages of the rock layers.
But that also falsified macro evolution for all other species.
That then proves the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago.
But that also proves 6 day recent creation about 6000 years ago.
And that falsifies the big hoax of the Big Bang.
Evolution and billions of years is just a house of cards.
I refuted all your falsifications.

Sorry about that.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Quoted from

While mammals with different numbers of chromosomes cannot produce fertile offspring – which is the case with offspring of donkeys and horses – amphibians, fish, plants and yeast sometimes can.

All mammal species should have the same number of chromosomes.

I have falsified macro evolution for mammals.
That also falsifies the long ages of the rock layers.
That also falsifies macro evolution for all other species.
That then proves the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago.
Which also proves 6 day recent creation about 6000 years ago.
which falsifies the big hoax of the Big Bang.
Evolution and billions of years is just a house of cards.
I did it again. Refuted to the nth power.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
you are still ignoring the fact that Genesis 1 each creative DAY comprise of “evening and morning”. Just because Genesis 2:2-3 omitted saying “and there was evening and there was morning” for the seventh day, doesn’t mean the day 7 was infinite period of time.

you are also forgetting another fact, that Exodus talk of the 7 days, with 6 days of work, with the 7th day being sabbath, a day of rest.

I know what you are saying, YoursTrue. You are saying that God himself have ceased creation after this 7th day. But the story of creation isn’t really the main part of the Jewish Torah or the Christian Pentateuch, the so-called Books of Moses.

There are two themes in the entire Torah that are core to the Judaic teachings:
  1. the laws given to Moses
  2. and that Moses will lead the Israelites to land promised to their ancestors - Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the land of Canaan. The Covenant.
The entire book of Genesis is really just a built up to the rest of the Torah. One of the laws was that of 7-day week, with Sabbath being the day of rest.

i may not be believer of Judaism or of Christianity, but at least, I can see the overarch of the Torah for what it is, and it is all about - the Laws and the Covenant.

The Genesis creation isnt that central theme to the Torah.

The Torah (including the Genesis) was and still is the book(s) for the descendants of Jacob: they were meant for the Hebrews, Israelites or Jews, not for Christians or Muslims. The gospels are not part of the Torah, but clearly the gospels are the core of Christian beliefs.
The first chapter of Genesis describes the first 6 days, Nothing in that chapter speaks of the 7th day. That comes in chapter 2. But every day in chapter one has an evening and a morning. That would be the first six days. But not the 7th day. Right now I'm not discussing interpretaion as to why. The first six days described had both an evening and a morning. But not the 7th day. I'm not talking about interpretion as to what it means.
God rested on the seventh day. And it is the only day that is not said to have an evening and a morning.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
you are still ignoring the fact that Genesis 1 each creative DAY comprise of “evening and morning”. Just because Genesis 2:2-3 omitted saying “and there was evening and there was morning” for the seventh day, doesn’t mean the day 7 was infinite period of time.

you are also forgetting another fact, that Exodus talk of the 7 days, with 6 days of work, with the 7th day being sabbath, a day of rest.

I know what you are saying, YoursTrue. You are saying that God himself have ceased creation after this 7th day. But the story of creation isn’t really the main part of the Jewish Torah or the Christian Pentateuch, the so-called Books of Moses.

There are two themes in the entire Torah that are core to the Judaic teachings:
  1. the laws given to Moses
  2. and that Moses will lead the Israelites to land promised to their ancestors - Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the land of Canaan. The Covenant.
The entire book of Genesis is really just a built up to the rest of the Torah. One of the laws was that of 7-day week, with Sabbath being the day of rest.

i may not be believer of Judaism or of Christianity, but at least, I can see the overarch of the Torah for what it is, and it is all about - the Laws and the Covenant.

The Genesis creation isnt that central theme to the Torah.

The Torah (including the Genesis) was and still is the book(s) for the descendants of Jacob: they were meant for the Hebrews, Israelites or Jews, not for Christians or Muslims. The gospels are not part of the Torah, but clearly the gospels are the core of Christian beliefs.
The first chapter of Genesis describes six days, not seven. Agreed so far?


The Lost One
The first chapter of Genesis describes the first 6 days, Nothing in that chapter speaks of the 7th day. That comes in chapter 2. But every day in chapter one has an evening and a morning. That would be the first six days. But not the 7th day. Right now I'm not discussing interpretaion as to why. The first six days described had both an evening and a morning. But not the 7th day. I'm not talking about interpretion as to what it means.
God rested on the seventh day. And it is the only day that is not said to have an evening and a morning

Except, that all you are doing, is interpretation…YOUR INTERPRETATION, YoursTrue.

You are deliberately taking verse 2:2 out of context, not just with the verse, but also with the entirety of Genesis 1, as well as ignoring the instituting law of the sabbath, as to why the sabbath is commemorated in the first place, as a holy day in the 7-day week. See Exodus 16 & 20.

The first chapter of Genesis describes six days, not seven. Agreed so far?

Of course, Genesis 1 doesn’t say anything about the 7th day…

…HOWEVER, Genesis 2:2 do mention the 7day being “a day”, AFTER THE 6TH DAY:

Genesis 2:2 (NRSV) 2 On the sixth day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.

Even if this doesn’t mention “there was evening and there was morning” in this verse, that the 6th day was mention both here (2:2) and in verse 1:31, then it would be completely in context that the 7th day, would too, be comprised of “evening and morning”.

To assert that the 7th day don’t comprise of “evening and morning” would be twisting that verse out of context with the 6-day creation story, plus your claim would reduce Exodus 16 as a meaningless law.

I am not arguing as to what Genesis 1 & 2:2-3 are saying, but i do argue with you on “your interpretations” of these passages.

For one who claimed to be “born and raised” as a Jew, you sure do take liberty with scriptures with out-of-context interpretations.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Except, that all you are doing, is interpretation…YOUR INTERPRETATION, YoursTrue.

You are deliberately taking verse 2:2 out of context, not just with the verse, but also with the entirety of Genesis 1, as well as ignoring the instituting law of the sabbath, as to why the sabbath is commemorated in the first place, as a holy day in the 7-day week. See Exodus 16 & 20.

Of course, Genesis 1 doesn’t say anything about the 7th day…

…HOWEVER, Genesis 2:2 do mention the 7day being “a day”, AFTER THE 6TH DAY:

Even if this doesn’t mention “there was evening and there was morning” in this verse, that the 6th day was mention both here (2:2) and in verse 1:31, then it would be completely in context that the 7th day, would too, be comprised of “evening and morning”.

To assert that the 7th day don’t comprise of “evening and morning” would be twisting that verse out of context with the 6-day creation story, plus your claim would reduce Exodus 16 as a meaningless law.

I am not arguing as to what Genesis 1 & 2:2-3 are saying, but i do argue with you on “your interpretations” of these passages.

For one who claimed to be “born and raised” as a Jew, you sure do take liberty with scriptures with out-of-context interpretations.
OK, you are helping me to understand a few things here. About the way people see and/or want to see things. Thanks. Frankly speaking, this particular discussion with you and a few others has been invaluable. So now the question would be for those like you who believe the seventh day of creation was 24 hours long and that God took a rest -- do you think God takes a rest every 7th day?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Except, that all you are doing, is interpretation…YOUR INTERPRETATION, YoursTrue.

You are deliberately taking verse 2:2 out of context, not just with the verse, but also with the entirety of Genesis 1, as well as ignoring the instituting law of the sabbath, as to why the sabbath is commemorated in the first place, as a holy day in the 7-day week. See Exodus 16 & 20.

Of course, Genesis 1 doesn’t say anything about the 7th day…

…HOWEVER, Genesis 2:2 do mention the 7day being “a day”, AFTER THE 6TH DAY:

Even if this doesn’t mention “there was evening and there was morning” in this verse, that the 6th day was mention both here (2:2) and in verse 1:31, then it would be completely in context that the 7th day, would too, be comprised of “evening and morning”.

To assert that the 7th day don’t comprise of “evening and morning” would be twisting that verse out of context with the 6-day creation story, plus your claim would reduce Exodus 16 as a meaningless law.
Since you agree that the seventh day is not written to have an evening and a morning but the other six days are said to have that, do you say that each day of the creative days is 24 hours?


Veteran Member
Quoted from

While mammals with different numbers of chromosomes cannot produce fertile offspring – which is the case with offspring of donkeys and horses – amphibians, fish, plants and yeast sometimes can.

All mammal species should have the same number of chromosomes.

I have falsified macro evolution for mammals.
That also falsifies the long ages of the rock layers.
That also falsifies macro evolution for all other species.
That then proves the worldwide flood about 4500 years ago.
Which also proves 6 day recent creation about 6000 years ago.
which falsifies the big hoax of the Big Bang.
Evolution and billions of years is just a house of cards.
Both @Polymath257 and @Subduction Zone have already addressed your error concerning your chromosome claim.
Is the issue that you didn't read it, or is the issue that you are deliberately ignoring it?

As usual, you have no issue at all with accepting science when you think it fits your fundamentalist religious beliefs, but will reject it with but a handwave when it doesn't.

Epitome of intellectual dishonesty.

I get it though. It's the only way you can pretend that your fundamentalist beliefs hold up to reality.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Except, that all you are doing, is interpretation…YOUR INTERPRETATION, YoursTrue.

You are deliberately taking verse 2:2 out of context, not just with the verse, but also with the entirety of Genesis 1, as well as ignoring the instituting law of the sabbath, as to why the sabbath is commemorated in the first place, as a holy day in the 7-day week. See Exodus 16 & 20.
I am not taking it our of context. It simply does not say in any verse that the 7th day had an evening and a morning. Yet the other 6 days have an evening and a morning to them. Perhaps you would agree with those that think and say that each of those days were 24 hours each, including the seventh day.