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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I don't believe that evolution is how humans came about. I rely upon God, not men. I am thankful for that. Evolution explains that everything dies. So goodbye Charlie.

Everything dies. Not sure why you think evolution has anything to do with that.

I rely on evidence.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
None of your questions has context or makes sense.
I have seen no cogent understandable answers to SBTL's questions. But that's me. I suppose some of you really do believe you supply answers that are true. I leave out as to whether you understand them.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Evolution might "explain that everything dies," but what do your own observations in life tell you? Do you know of anything alive today that was alive 2,000 years ago? Do you know anybody, in your whole world, who was alive only 120 years ago? Any pets?
Of course this is a little joke but ask those who talk about the immortal jellyfish.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I have seen no cogent understandable answers to SBTL's questions. But that's me. I suppose some of you really do believe you supply answers that are true. I leave out as to whether you understand them.

But by your own admission you don't read every post :shrug:


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
As I have been telling you before, Genesis 1 is a myth, but if you like, you can call it a parable or allegory.

the story itself isn’t important. It is the message that’s important.

The message is found in the law of the sabbath…read exodus 16.

The Torah is for the Hebrew people - the Israelites and the Jews. So the sabbath is for the Jews, not for God.

i am not the one who believe that God exist, but I do find your question - “do you think God takes a rest every 7th day?” - to be ridiculous.

if you were Jew in the past, you would know the sabbath was for Israelites or Jews. The laws - the Torah - were the teachings for them.

Why would you need to ask me pointless question when you should know the answer.
So then you're saying God does or doesn't need a day off once a week? Maybe He only needed that day off and didn't take any more days off in the following weeks, is that what you think about that?


Admiral Obvious
I have seen no cogent understandable answers to SBTL's questions. But that's me.
That is all you.
Perhaps you should educate yourself so that it all stops being beyond your understanding?

I suppose some of you really do believe you supply answers that are true.
You not being able to understand the answers in no way reflect on the truth of said answers.
That you seem to think it does reveals more about you than anything else.

I leave out as to whether you understand them.
There are a great many things I do not understand.
However, unlike you, I do not hold to the fantasy that if I can not understand something, no one can.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
But by your own admission you don't read every post :shrug:
True. I confess.
But since I believe God is the creator and has no beginning and no end, He can put to death what He wants and can cause life to spring up. Also He can what He wants as He sees fit.


Admiral Obvious
So then you're saying God does or doesn't need a day off once a week? Maybe He only needed that day off and didn't take any more days off in the following weeks, is that what you think about that?

If your belief is that the seventh day has still not come to an end, how can anything after that day happen?


Well-Known Member
I have seen no cogent understandable answers to SBTL's questions. But that's me. I suppose some of you really do believe you supply answers that are true. I leave out as to whether you understand them.
You are attempting to scold me for a mistake that @SavedByTheLord made, acknowledged, and graciously apologized for. Don't be a jerk, @YoursTrue.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If your belief is that the seventh day has still not come to an end, how can anything after that day happen?
Why couldn't it? Do you really think all those days are 24 hours each? Let me know please if that's what you think about those first days in the creation account.


Admiral Obvious
Why couldn't it? Do you really think all those days are 24 hours each? Let me know please if that's what you think about those first days in the creation account.
Because for anything to happen after the seventh day, the seven day has to have ended.

Why are you so stuck on 24 hours?
Genesis does not mention hours at all.
But here you are, obsessed with 24 hours.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
If your belief is that the seventh day has still not come to an end, how can anything after that day happen?
Because...the creative days expressed in the Genesis account do not mean 24 hours each but can be much, much longer, each day before men starting counting time.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Because for anything to happen after the seventh day, the seven day has to have ended.

Why are you so stuck on 24 hours?
Genesis does not mention hours at all.
But here you are, obsessed with 24 hours.
No I'm not. But please then tell me if God takes a break once a week.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
It's not a joke. Google them. Turritopsis dohrnii - Wikipedia
Theoretically, this process (by which an adult can revert to polyp form through transdifferentiation of its cells) can go on indefinitely, effectively rendering the jellyfish biologically immortal, although in practice individuals can still die. In nature, most Turritopsis dohrnii are likely to succumb to predation or disease in the medusa stage without reverting to the polyp form.

If the above were not true, the oceans would be totally overcome with them, because they still reproduce.

Please note: "can still die" means NOT immortal.