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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Exodus 16, YoursTrue.

you are still ignoring the sabbath.

The sabbath is no longer in duration than that of any other day of the week - in which a new day start at the beginning of an evening.

here, in the west, with modern clock, our day starts at midnight. With Judaism, Jews begin their new day at the beginning of evening, eg sunset…and that include sabbath.

i am just following what Genesis say about the 7days, especially with regards to “there was evening and there was morning”, a cycle of period of “day”. You’re the one trying to interpreting the day as something else completely. You are the one taking Genesis 2:2 completely out of cont with your clumsy interpretation.

Seriously do you really ignore the context of what highlighted:

On the sixth day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.”

The context “on the sixth day…on the seventh day” tell us the seventh day is no longer or shorter than the 6th day, as Genesis 1:31 says And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” The context is very obvious, but of course, you will ignore that with whatever abs claim you like to make up.

And now you are being absurd again.

The laws or the torah were for Israelites and their ancestors, the Jews, to follow.

The law of sabbath were custom to benefit the Jews, not to benefit God.

You should know this better than me, since you are the one claiming to being a Jew while growing up, before your conversion to Jehovah’s Witnesses…or were you lying to us about the “Jewish” business?
I am not ignoring the Sabbath at all. I do not believe each of the creative days was 24 hours long anyway. Even if it were, God rested on the seventh day, right?


The Lost One
I am not ignoring the Sabbath at all. I do not believe each of the creative days was 24 hours long anyway. Even if it were, God rested on the seventh day, right?

I have never said 24 hours.

all I have said is what Genesis having b written 6 times in Genesis 1 - “there was evening and there was morning” - a duration of a day. Not this bloody strawman 24 hours BS.

you are twisting my words with your craps.

This is why I don’t trust creationists, they think that they can put lies in another person’s mouth. That’s your lie, not mine.

stop with 24 hours bs. Try understanding what I wrote: evening & morning, not 24 hours.

Did you ever think why I don’t believe in the Bible anymore? because I have to put up with bs interpretations from creationists who have no qualms about lying to others.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have never said 24 hours.

all I have said is what Genesis having b written 6 times in Genesis 1 - “there was evening and there was morning” - a duration of a day. Not this bloody strawman 24 hours BS.

you are twisting my words with your craps.

This is why I don’t trust creationists, they think that they can put lies in another person’s mouth. That’s your lie, not mine.

stop with 24 hours bs. Try understanding what I wrote: evening & morning, not 24 hours.

Did you ever think why I don’t believe in the Bible anymore? because I have to put up with bs interpretations from creationists who have no qualms about lying to others.
I am telling you what I believe. Your language is not something I readily accept to engage in conversation with someone, so perhaps you can stop using such type of language. In the meantime, I didn't twist your words, just wondering what you believe. I don't know what you mean by creationist. Since you use such type of language, it's probably best not to discuss this with you now.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I have never said 24 hours.

all I have said is what Genesis having b written 6 times in Genesis 1 - “there was evening and there was morning” - a duration of a day. Not this bloody strawman 24 hours BS.

you are twisting my words with your craps.

This is why I don’t trust creationists, they think that they can put lies in another person’s mouth. That’s your lie, not mine.

stop with 24 hours bs. Try understanding what I wrote: evening & morning, not 24 hours.

Did you ever think why I don’t believe in the Bible anymore? because I have to put up with bs interpretations from creationists who have no qualms about lying to others.
P.S. I didn't say you believe in a 24 hour creative day. Now that you mention it though, hope you won't get too upset to say if you believe each creative day is 24 hours long.


The Lost One
In the meantime, I didn't twist your words, just wondering what you believe. I don't know what you mean by creationist.

and I have told you so many times that Genesis 1 used the word evening & morning, never using this “24 hours” as part of my argument, but you keep bringing this up. It is a strawman tactic.

just don’t bring up this “24 hours” strawman…if you don’t want me to say BS.


Well-Known Member
and I have told you so many times that Genesis 1 used the word evening & morning, never using this “24 hours” as part of my argument, but you keep bringing this up. It is a strawman tactic.

just don’t bring up this “24 hours” strawman…if you don’t want me to say BS.
God said six days.
How long did it take God to create all things?
Six days.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
God has always existed.

The universe is something like 14 billion years old.

The sun and earth are some 4.5 billion years old.

Life on earth has existed for more than 3.5 bn years.

Humans ─ H. sap sap ─ have been around for maybe 500,000 years, and modern humans about 120-150,000 years.

We know those humans had burial practices but we don't know whether they have what we'd call religious significance, though it's not impossible.

Göbekli Tepe is about 11,500 years old and appears to have been a place of religious significance, though again details are lacking.

We have stories of Sumerian deities in Mesopotamia, and deities of Egypt, from at least the third millennium BCE.

But the God of the bible doesn't appear until about 1500 BCE, on the pre-existing Canaanite model, and joins their pantheon. Indeed [he] appears to have had a consort, Asherah, for a time. There are still parts of the world who have never heard of [him], though the numbers are decreasing of course.

So the hard evidence doesn't support your claim.


Well-Known Member

The universe is something like 14 billion years old.

The sun and earth are some 4.5 billion years old.

Life on earth has existed for more than 3.5 bn years.

Humans ─ H. sap sap ─ have been around for maybe 500,000 years, and modern humans about 120-150,000 years.

We know those humans had burial practices but we don't know whether they have what we'd call religious significance, though it's not impossible.

Göbekli Tepe is about 11,500 years old and appears to have been a place of religious significance, though again details are lacking.

We have stories of Sumerian deities in Mesopotamia, and deities of Egypt, from at least the third millennium BCE.

But the God of the bible doesn't appear until about 1500 BCE.

So the hard evidence doesn't support your claim.
And all your long age dates are false.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
He didn't keep Adam and Eve ignorant.
Of course He did. he didn't want them to learn the difference between good and evil by eating the tree. he went on to say He didn't want them to get immortality.
Frankly, do you know good from evil?
Yes, I think I do.

Do you?
Who sets up the conditions, by the way?
Nobody. We all deal with the realities of life. If you don't consider others in this process, but are instead selfish and self-centered, then you are evil. if, instead, you are considerate of others and help them in their lives, you are good. Most people are a mix.
They had one commandment. They did not obey.
But they also did not know that disobeying was evil. That is the whole point.
If you knew that you should not go beyond the speed limit or else you'd get a ticket, if you did not want a ticket, you'd obey most likely.
They were told that they would die in that same day. They did not. They did not know it was 'wrong' since they had not yet eaten from the tree (which is how they got that knowledge).
But if you didn't care about getting a ticket, and some people do not, can't complain about getting a ticket.
No complaints here. I'm just pointing out that the system isn't very well designed.


Well-Known Member
Not according to the evidence. For those making mountains of contradiction out of molehills of puzzles, and with some dogmatic positions to defend, they can ignore the evidence and believe whatever they want.
The theories of billions of years and evolution have been refuted by all creation.


Dan From Smithville

"We are both impressed and daunted." Cargn
Staff member
Premium Member
The theories of billions of years and evolution have been refuted by all creation.

Let me get some popcorn.

You are just wrong. So wrong. You haven't demonstrated your claims.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There are two ways to account for the time differences between Genesis and the Big Bang/Evolutionary theories. The first is connected to Relativity. If God was in a reference, close to the speed of light; God is light, he would be like the moving twin in the twin paradox. His clock would be going much slower. As such, one God day could be a billion earth years in our reference. The current science models time from the POV of the stationary twin; earth, and assumes the moving twin is aging the same way. The stationary twin will be surpassed when his moving twin returns.

We use the earth day as our reference of convenience, even though there was no earth reference during the first 7-8 billion years of the universe. The earth is not that old. Our earth day is based on the sun, which is also not as old as the universe. This could cause problems and create time illusions.

If you assume there was a primordial atom for the BB; singularity, from which all the mass and gravity of the universe will appear, there would also initially be extreme General Relativity based time dilation in the early universe, so earth reference time would not apply. The odd spacing of days in Genesis, appear to take into account an observational reference that goes from extreme time dilation; longer duration events, to get shorter and shorter time scale events, until one finally reaches the earth reference; rest day 7.

The other alternative way to explain the time difference is to look at science evidence for what happened 6000 years ago. The two critical changes were the invention of written language and the formation of sustainable civilization. These two factors would alter nature and evolution, extending natural selection to include manmade selection; breaking the age old connection of the pre-humans to nature; loss of the tree of life. The change would favor man made knowledge and selection; tree of knowledge of good and evil.

At 6000 year ago, a new clock starts, for a new type of human with will and choice, apart from natural instinct. The Julian calendar is 2023 years old and the zero marks a changing of the times. The 6000 years ago time=0, appears to be connected to a secondary center of human consciousness appearing, called the ego. The ego has will and choice apart from the primary center connected to instinct; inner self, which is guided by genetic based instinct. But the tree of life is seal, meaning access to the inner self is still out of reach to the ego, less the mess up the operating system with knowledge of good and evil. That is not how instinct works. It is 3-D and 4-D or spatially integrated in space and time instead of temporal fad for the ego.
Just stop. You keep demonstrating a complete ignorance of science and theology with these arguments. By your argument , "If God is light" God cannot do anything since time does not pass for him. He would have no way of experiencing past or future. Worse yet when he hit a dark object he would be absorbed and effectively be destroyed. Bad analogies beg to be abused.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The theories of billions of years and evolution have been refuted by all creation.

No, you cannot use dishonest sources where one has to swear that one will not follow the scientific method in a scientific argument. Your lying source made its writers swear that they would not follow the scientific method making anything that they publish worthless pseudoscience.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Exodus 16, YoursTrue.

you are still ignoring the sabbath.

The sabbath is no longer in duration than that of any other day of the week - in which a new day start at the beginning of an evening.

here, in the west, with modern clock, our day starts at midnight. With Judaism, Jews begin their new day at the beginning of evening, eg sunset…and that include sabbath.

i am just following what Genesis say about the 7days, especially with regards to “there was evening and there was morning”, a cycle of period of “day”. You’re the one trying to interpreting the day as something else completely. You are the one taking Genesis 2:2 completely out of cont with your clumsy interpretation.

Seriously do you really ignore the context of what highlighted:

On the sixth day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.”

The context “on the sixth day…on the seventh day” tell us the seventh day is no longer or shorter than the 6th day, as Genesis 1:31 says And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” The context is very obvious, but of course, you will ignore that with whatever abs claim you like to make up.

And now you are being absurd again.

The laws or the torah were for Israelites and their ancestors, the Jews, to follow.

The law of sabbath were custom to benefit the Jews, not to benefit God.

You should know this better than me, since you are the one claiming to being a Jew while growing up, before your conversion to Jehovah’s Witnesses…or were you lying to us about the “Jewish” business?
Not all Jews stop working on the Sabbath. There are different branches of Judaism, some wear special garments, some separate men from women in the synagogue, other groups do not.. Sorry you got so upset.
Maybe you recall what Jesus said when he healed a man on the Sabbath. That can be found at the gospel of John chapter 5: "Now because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews began to persecute Him. 17But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.”


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The theories of billions of years and evolution have been refuted by all creation.

King James Bible, Genesis 2:4 -
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,