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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Debate 101 techniques prove evolution and billions of years are false,
What existed 1 trillion years before the Big Bang?

First prove that the term '1 trillion years before the Big Bang' is a meaningful phrase. In particular, show that there was time that long ago.
Satan plays you like a fiddle.

Where did the universe come from?

If the explanation is the Bing Bang with or without inflation, what was there before that?

If there was nothing before the Big Bang, then that breaks cause and effect. It also violates every law of conservation too.
No, it does not. Both 'cause and effect' (which is just the application of natural laws) and
energy conservation' assume that *time* exists.
So please prove there was time before the Big Bang to show your question is meaningful.
If there was something before that, what caused the thing that was before the Big Bang to come into being?

We do not know that there was anything before the Big Bang. We do not know that there was not. If you have *evidence* one way or the other, please let someone know.


Well-Known Member
First prove that the term '1 trillion years before the Big Bang' is a meaningful phrase. In particular, show that there was time that long ago.

No, it does not. Both 'cause and effect' (which is just the application of natural laws) and
energy conservation' assume that *time* exists.
So please prove there was time before the Big Bang to show your question is meaningful.

We do not know that there was anything before the Big Bang. We do not know that there was not. If you have *evidence* one way or the other, please let someone know.
What time is it now? Does time exists? What is time? Is it running backwards? What counts as existence?
Just dumb circular reasoning to evade the fact that yiu have no clue whatsoever as to the origin of anything.

I know of course and have proven that God Almighty created all things about 6000 years ago in 6 days.

What was the first living thing made of? Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
I know of course and have proven that God Almighty created all things about 6000 years ago in 6 days.


Veteran Member
What time is it now?

Whatever I decide it is.

Does time exists?

Only insofar as I allow it.

What is time?

The thing you waste by posting here.

Is it running backwards?

No. But approaching you slows it down.

What counts as existence?

Whatever I decide to be so.

Just dumb circular reasoning to evade the fact that yiu have no clue whatsoever as to the origin of anything.

I am the origin of anything and everything.
Prove me wrong. No assumptions allowed

I know of course and have proven that God Almighty created all things about 6000 years ago in 6 days.

This is incorrect. I created everything 5 seconds ago. Prove me wrong. No assumptions allowed

What was the first living thing made of? Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?
It was pasta.


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Now a circular reasoner may try to dispute the numbers I estimated for the calculation
You still don't understand what circular reasoning is. Hint: it has nothing to do with those numbers.
the odds are vastly against all the millions of chains of missing links still missing from the fossil record.
Au contraire. Science predicts it.
No monkey today is a relative of mankind.
This is what happens when one gets his science from a holy book.
Biblical kind produces Biblical kind and that is how it has always been.
This, too. There is no such thing as a "kind" in biology.
the odds are much worse when when considering there are no partially developed organs or functions in any living creature every.
And this. This is untrue, but even if it were correct or we stipulated to it, so what?
I did not make any assumptions as to how they are added
Sure you did. Like Hoyle and his junkyard tornado 747, you tried to set up the problems as a series of independent events.
Well I did say that you could use any number you would like.
OK. The chances of life existing on earth are 100%. The chances of a supernatural intelligent existing designer are vanishingly small. The chances of life arranging itself from nonlife are according to the laws of chemistry and thermodynamics are excellent. You do the math, but do it right this time.
I am here for you.
I thank you on behalf of the dozens of people who flock to your threads slack-jawed for a turn to show how you're wrong.
where did the finely turned, orderly laws of nature come from?
IANS prophecy fulfilled yet again. You are very predictable.

By the way, the physics is here, but not so much the god.

And why would you call it a god if it were constrained to finely tuned limits? So is man, who discovered and creates within those same parameters.
you are sure that is must have happened without God.
No, you are sure that a god was involved. The critical thinker is generally an agnostic atheist. No other position regarding gods isn't faith-based at least in part. You should know that by now, but you don't. But don't feel picked on. Most creationists can't distinguish between having no god belief and believing that gods don't exist. You tell them one and they invariably repeat back the other. I don't expect you to ever learn that if you haven't yet.
the fine tuned and orderly universe could never exist by itself.
No god appears to be needed or involved in reality. Nature appears to be up to the task without intelligent oversight. And there are no gods in sight, just the physical universe and its immutable laws, which organized reality from a hot dense state into the filaments of galaxies of solar systems like ours, where first life then mind arose under the direction of those laws. Gods aren't needed for any of it. What would be their part? Force organic molecules to make proteins? They do that blindly. To organize planets into spheres? Same answer. To push those planets around their stars? Ditto. To make water freeze and ice melt? Nobody needs to be there for that. The only "god" we need is nature and its laws, which appear to be unconscious and purposeless.
It is the only answer.
For you, a man of one book.
What was the first living thing and what features did it have?
More prophecy fulfilled. This is too easy.
Debate 101 techniques prove evolution and billions of years are false,
You don't debate. Hand-waving, perseveration, Gish galloping, and asking questions you can't answer as deflection aren't debate. Debate involves attempts at falsification of one of two mutually exclusive positions using the rules of inference applied to evidence. You don't do that. You post drive-by comments that get rebutted (that's debate), ignore the falsification, and repeat yourself (that's not debate). You're not even a part of the discussion if you function at that level. You and that behavior become the subject of it.
Satan plays you like a fiddle.
Yet it's you dancing through these threads like a marionette.

"Pull the string! Dance to that!"



Veteran Member
I know of course and have proven that God Almighty created all things about 6000 years ago in 6 days.
On what day did God create cancers that kill children? The Bible doesn't mention it, but you surely know the answer if your beliefs are true, yes?

If you dodge and insist it was Satan, then why did God create Satan with the power to crete cncers that kill children, and then do nothing to stop it? You have answers, yes? If you can't answer then why should we believe your other claims are true?


Well-Known Member
On what day did God create cancers that kill children? The Bible doesn't mention it, but you surely know the answer if your beliefs are true, yes?

If you dodge and insist it was Satan, then why did God create Satan with the power to crete cncers that kill children, and then do nothing to stop it? You have answers, yes? If you can't answer then why should we believe your other claims are true?
Sickeness and death are a result of the fall of mankind through sin.

What was the first living creature?
What caused the Big Bang?
Why can't you answer my many origin questions?
Have you met my challenge yet?
Can you refute my many infallible proofs that the Bible is the word of God and evolution and billions of years are lie?
What do you think about the attack on Israel? That is several Biblical prophecies being fulfilled in exact detail and timing.
The Bible describes the great heat needed to dissolve the universe. – 2 Pet 3
That is advanced science from the Bible before that was discovered in modern time.

What does your circular reasoning tell you and will you fulfill many prophecies?


Veteran Member
Sickeness and death are a result of the fall of mankind through sin.
Just as your God created it. Or was your God caught off guard and didn’t foresee what would happen? Your God, if omnipresent, knew the Fall would happen, and he designed it that way. God knew what Satan would do, and has let it all happen. If you get cancer and die it is God’s will and you should avoid doctors, right?

If your God is in charge then it’s accountable for all that happens. No excuses, no deflections on Satan, because God created Satan and knew what he would do. God is Satan.
What was the first living creature?
That’s been answered. Live with it.
What caused the Big Bang?
I suspect the internal instability of the singularity.
Why can't you answer my many origin questions?
I defer to experts. If they don’t have definitive answers yet then we wait.
Have you met my challenge yet?
Many of us have and you ignore them. Notice even you can’t meet your own challenge. That’s funny.
Can you refute my many infallible proofs that the Bible is the word of God and evolution and billions of years are lie?
You didn’t offer any to refute. You have made claims that are absurd and lack credibility.
What do you think about the attack on Israel?
It’s the ongoing battle within religions. Tragic. If more people were atheists and rational then more peace would be possible.
That is several Biblical prophecies being fulfilled in exact detail and timing.
None that you show are clearly in the Bible. You rely too much on assumptions and your own invented details.
The Bible describes the great heat needed to dissolve the universe. – 2 Pet 3
That is advanced science from the Bible before that was discovered in modern time.
What does your circular reasoning tell you and will you fulfill many prophecies?
You don’t understand what circular reasoning is. It’s funny how you never mentioned it until a critic pointed it out about how formed your religious beliefs. Now you use it in most every post. You obviously felt the sting of that critique and now try to reverse the pain. But we are critical thinkers. We follow evidence and use reasoning skills to make conclusions and resolve disputes. You are dogmatic and avoid skillful thinking. The inner conflict must be stressful. Tell us more about why you suffer for God?


Well-Known Member
Just as your God created it. Or was your God caught off guard and didn’t foresee what would happen? Your God, if omnipresent, knew the Fall would happen, and he designed it that way. God knew what Satan would do, and has let it all happen. If you get cancer and die it is God’s will and you should avoid doctors, right?

If your God is in charge then it’s accountable for all that happens. No excuses, no deflections on Satan, because God created Satan and knew what he would do. God is Satan.

That’s been answered. Live with it.

I suspect the internal instability of the singularity.

I defer to experts. If they don’t have definitive answers yet then we wait.

Many of us have and you ignore them. Notice even you can’t meet your own challenge. That’s funny.

You didn’t offer any to refute. You have made claims that are absurd and lack credibility.

It’s the ongoing battle within religions. Tragic. If more people were atheists and rational then more peace would be possible.

None that you show are clearly in the Bible. You rely too much on assumptions and your own invented details.


You don’t understand what circular reasoning is. It’s funny how you never mentioned it until a critic pointed it out about how formed your religious beliefs. Now you use it in most every post. You obviously felt the sting of that critique and now try to reverse the pain. But we are critical thinkers. We follow evidence and use reasoning skills to make conclusions and resolve disputes. You are dogmatic and avoid skillful thinking. The inner conflict must be stressful. Tell us more about why you suffer for God?
Wow no science, logic or info in that post.

What was the first living creature?
What was the energy source for these reactions?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
What time is it now? Does time exists? What is time? Is it running backwards? What counts as existence?
Just dumb circular reasoning to evade the fact that yiu have no clue whatsoever as to the origin of anything.

I know of course and have proven that God Almighty created all things about 6000 years ago in 6 days.

What was the first living thing made of? Was it DNA? Was it RNA? Was it just proteins? Was it some mix?
It's like watching broken record expecting it to change itself.

Do you have anything beyond these predictable non-responses?

Do you like pets?

Do you go out?

What kind of hobbies do you have. I mean besides repeating things on the internet.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
You are making your rounds trying to recruit for Satan.
Fortunately for the rest of us, we have been able to resist your sad attempts.
It is interesting that you say this. I would think that the best way to make Christianity look unappealing is to do what we are seeing being done.

Close the mind. Repeat mantras denying science. Declare oneself the winner constantly. Treat others with such open and intense disrespect and disdain. It is quite the witness in my opinion. All that is missing so far is to attack other Christians. Or did I miss that already?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Sickeness and death are a result of the fall of mankind through sin.

What was the first living creature?
What are the names of the first people to run a race? You can't answer that, but people run races today.
What caused the Big Bang?
What caused the invention of the radio? We know the who and the how, but what was the cause? If you can't name it, does that mean we don't have radio?
Why can't you answer my many origin questions?
Why can't you answer the many, many, many, many questions asked of you?
Have you met my challenge yet?
There is no challenge.
Can you refute my many infallible proofs that the Bible is the word of God and evolution and billions of years are lie?
I think everyone has at least once. Do you want people to go round again. Twice the ride, half the price.
What do you think about the attack on Israel? That is several Biblical prophecies being fulfilled in exact detail and timing.
I think you would claim one of my cats farting was the fulfillment of prophecy. How long do you have to go before you realize you have gone nowhere?
The Bible describes the great heat needed to dissolve the universe. – 2 Pet 3
I join you in having no idea what this means or is supposed to mean.
That is advanced science from the Bible before that was discovered in modern time.
No it isn't.
What does your circular reasoning tell you and will you fulfill many prophecies?
I don't see anyone using circular reasoning except you. Your prophecies? Are you claiming divinity?


Well-Known Member
What are the names of the first people to run a race? You can't answer that, but people run races today.

What caused the invention of the radio? We know the who and the how, but what was the cause? If you can't name it, does that mean we don't have radio?

Why can't you answer the many, many, many, many questions asked of you?

There is no challenge.

I think everyone has at least once. Do you want people to go round again. Twice the ride, half the price.

I think you would claim one of my cats farting was the fulfillment of prophecy. How long do you have to go before you realize you have gone nowhere?

I join you in having no idea what this means or is supposed to mean.

No it isn't.

I don't see anyone using circular reasoning except you. Your prophecies? Are you claiming divinity?
No info in that post, just deception by circular reasoning.

Back to reality.

There is not enough forces to have formed the mountain ranges of the world through plate tectonics.

So what caused the mountain ranges?
They were raised up after the food and further formed when God divided the earth in the days of Peleg.
This proves that evolution and billions of years are false,