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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
You are backpedaling from your claim that “God created everything“.

Either your first claim is true, or it isn’t true at all. You are also “moving the goalpost”, here and there.

But if you are going to say God didn’t create “this” or didn’t create “that”, then the question would be “How would you know?”

It is funny how you can know what God can or cannot do, which is the arrogance of the believer.
I have never backpedaled from the truth that God created everything.
And I have not moved any goalposts. Sure, the evidence against evolution and billions of years keeps piling up, but there is yet more.

Biological enzymes are

So then what life did the first life come from?


The Lost One
I have never backpedaled from the truth that God created everything.
And I have not moved any goalposts. Sure, the evidence against evolution and billions of years keeps piling up, but there is yet more.

Biological enzymes are


you keep repeating the same things over and over again, about “evidence” against evolution and billions of years, and yet, you haven’t presented any such “evidence” against them.

plus, you keep saying the earth is 6000 years old, and the universe is 6000 years old…and, yet haven’t presented any “evidence” to support these claims.

so it is apparent to me that use the word “evidence”, but you don’t even understand what this word means.

Evidence is a physical thing that can be observed or detected, and i am not just talking about what you can “see” with your “eyes”. Observations also include using any instrument or any device that can -
  • observe or detect,
  • quantify,
  • measure,
  • compare & test, etc
…devices or instruments that do the observing for you, including things that you cannot see, hear, touch, etc, with your own senses.

There are many such devices that can do the observing & measuring for scientists (and for engineers), and here are few simple examples:
  • microscope can allow a person to observe substances that are too small to see without them;
  • telescope can allow astronomers to observe stars or galaxies that too distant for human eyes can see;
  • multimeter can detect electricity in circuitry or wires, as well as measure current, voltage, power, etc;
  • various medical imaging devices, such as ultrasound, x-ray, ct-scan, mri, etc, provide non-invasive means of examining and diagnosing patient’s medical conditions;
  • mass spectrometry imaging is a machine that can analyse and measure a sample of their distribution of different molecules;
  • antenna attached to some types of receivers (eg tv, radio, wi-fi router, mobile phone, etc) can detect radio signals (eg audio, tv signals, wi-fi signals, telecommunication signals, etc) from source of transmission; some devices are capable of detecting types of signals, or measure the signal frequencies, amplitude, wavelength, etc)
  • radars can be use to detect motions of crafts or vessels or vehicles, on land, air or sea, and can measure their distance, speed, or their elevations (for planes) or depth (for submarines) , etc

Any device, instrument or machine that not only detect, but can also measure or count, are all parts of observations that we call “information” or “data”. Data are also considered “evidence”.

Measurements are useful data that are required as part of evidence that are required when submitting any new hypothesis or changes to existing scientific theory, to the Peer Review.

So if a scientist submits his or her hypothesis for peer review, but there are no accompanying data to support the hypothesis, then the peers can automatically reject the hypothesis, because without data it would mean the author has no evidence.

This is why Michael Behe won’t submit his Irreducible Complexity paper to any peer-reviewed publishers, because Behe have no evidence-based data. That’s why Behe never submit anything relating to Intelligent Design to scientific journals, because he have no evidence & data that can “observe”, “measure” or “test” the so-called Intelligent Designer. Irreducible Complexity doesn’t even qualify as been a hypothesis, because the concept of Intelligent Designer is “unfalsifiable” concept.


The Lost One
I already said God is alive.
And always existed.

this is a matter of personal belief, as you have no physical evidence to support that God is even real.

Evidence as I said in my latest reply, required being able to observe the evidence. And if you have evidence, you can measure it and test it.

You cannot observe God. You cannot measure God. And you cannot test God. Therefore, you cannot have evidence of God.

The same goes with Intelligent Designer, you cannot observe, measure or test the Designer, therefore you have no evidence to support the Designer.

You really have no understanding of what is or what isn’t evidence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I already said God is alive.
And always existed.
Sorry, but you cannot have it both ways. To be alive means to have a beginning and a foreseeable end.

And you have never ever proved anything. You have only made failed arguments and then you admitted that you were wrong by running away from your arguments when you were challenged. You are lucky that loosing an argument does not prove the opposite of it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I'm glad you can admit that God created those who cause evil. Why would a loving God do that knowing what evil would harm so many people? Got any answers that actually get your God off the hook, like he couldn't foresee the future consequences of what he did by creating evil?
God did not make those persons sin. Once Adam sinned by willfully disobeying God, his offspring were born in sin. God allowed Adam to make his choice, and He will straighten it out for mankind one day. To put it somewhat in perspective, we can see from current events that people make choices, for example, getting even with enemies, which seem good to some, and seem not good to others. They make choices. That is why Jesus taught his disciples to look for God's kingdom, spoken of in the "Our Father Prayer." ("Let your kingdom come -- let your will be done on the earth as in heaven.") Adam made a choice, and we, mankind, suffer the consequences for a time. But it will not always be that way.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
God did not make those persons sin. Once Adam sinned by willfully disobeying God, his offspring were born in sin. God allowed Adam to make his choice, and He will straighten it out for mankind one day. To put it somewhat in perspective, we can see from current events that people make choices, for example, getting even with enemies, which seem good to some, and seem not good to others. They make choices. That is why Jesus taught his disciples to look for God's kingdom, spoken of in the "Our Father Prayer." ("Let your kingdom come -- let your will be done on the earth as in heaven.") Adam made a choice, and we, mankind, suffer the consequences for a time. But it will not always be that way.
God did not make those persons sin. Once Adam sinned by willfully disobeying God, his offspring were born in sin. God allowed Adam to make his choice, and He will straighten it out for mankind one day. To put it somewhat in perspective, we can see from current events that people make choices, for example, getting even with enemies, which seem good to some, and seem not good to others. They make choices. That is why Jesus taught his disciples to look for God's kingdom, spoken of in the "Our Father Prayer." ("Let your kingdom come -- let your will be done on the earth as in heaven.") Adam made a choice, and we, mankind, suffer the consequences for a time. But it will not always be that way.
f you understood the myth you would see that God set up Adam and Eve to fail.


Veteran Member
God did not make those persons sin.
Sorry, your God created everything, including the mechanisms that led to humans existing as they are. That includes an Eden that has a designed elelment that can result in it collapsing if the two humans don't obey. Of course if your God really wanted these two to obey, don;t you think they would have been created adequately obedient, and not easily tempted? Your God did it all. Stop trying to make excuses.
Once Adam sinned by willfully disobeying God, his offspring were born in sin. God allowed Adam to make his choice, and He will straighten it out for mankind one day. To put it somewhat in perspective, we can see from current events that people make choices, for example, getting even with enemies, which seem good to some, and seem not good to others. They make choices. That is why Jesus taught his disciples to look for God's kingdom, spoken of in the "Our Father Prayer." ("Let your kingdom come -- let your will be done on the earth as in heaven.") Adam made a choice, and we, mankind, suffer the consequences for a time. But it will not always be that way.
The stories are absurd. A literalist interpretation is not good for the God that supposedly is behind it all. He is either incompetent or a sociopath.
Fortunately none of this is factual. To interpret Genesis, and the rest of the Bible, literally has no basis in reasoned thought. But it is fun to watch believers squirm as their beliefs are criticized.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, your God created everything, including the mechanisms that led to humans existing as they are. That includes an Eden that has a designed elelment that can result in it collapsing if the two humans don't obey. Of course if your God really wanted these two to obey, don;t you think they would have been created adequately obedient, and not easily tempted? Your God did it all. Stop trying to make excuses.

The stories are absurd. A literalist interpretation is not good for the God that supposedly is behind it all. He is either incompetent or a sociopath.
Fortunately none of this is factual. To interpret Genesis, and the rest of the Bible, literally has no basis in reasoned thought. But it is fun to watch believers squirm as their beliefs are criticized.
Ask me about that in 6 minutes and you will prove that Genesis clearly declares that God created everything in 6 24 hour days


Veteran Member
Ask me about that in 6 minutes and you will prove that Genesis clearly declares that God created everything in 6 24 hour days
I'm not up in the middle of the night to respond to your ongoing nonsense, and incoherent claims.

Why can't God create everything in a fraction of a second? God really needs to rest on the 7th day? The 7 day reference in Genesis is understood to from the Babylonians who came up with 12 months and the 7 day week. The Jews adopted this, and surely intgrated this into their origin myth. Even the 12 disciples is thought to be related to the 12 months of a year.

Your position versus my position shows the difference in being indoctrinated in Christian extremist dogma versus academic knowledge. Your dogma won't help you navigate life in the 21st century outside of your church. If you continue you claim your dogma is true you will lose because it means you are getting science wrong.

Why can't you just acknowledge that ancient people didn't have knowledge that w take for grantd today and made up stories? Why can't you admit that you struggle to make these ancient stories make sence in the 21st century? You are obviously losing these discussion, and with your one sentence replies you seem aware that you have no compelling argument to offer the forum. At this point it seems you keep posting for the attention. Your desperation implies you don't feel very saved from anything.


Well-Known Member
I'm not up in the middle of the night to respond to your ongoing nonsense, and incoherent claims.

Why can't God create everything in a fraction of a second? God really needs to rest on the 7th day? The 7 day reference in Genesis is understood to from the Babylonians who came up with 12 months and the 7 day week. The Jews adopted this, and surely intgrated this into their origin myth. Even the 12 disciples is thought to be related to the 12 months of a year.

Your position versus my position shows the difference in being indoctrinated in Christian extremist dogma versus academic knowledge. Your dogma won't help you navigate life in the 21st century outside of your church. If you continue you claim your dogma is true you will lose because it means you are getting science wrong.

Why can't you just acknowledge that ancient people didn't have knowledge that w take for grantd today and made up stories? Why can't you admit that you struggle to make these ancient stories make sence in the 21st century? You are obviously losing these discussion, and with your one sentence replies you seem aware that you have no compelling argument to offer the forum. At this point it seems you keep posting for the attention. Your desperation implies you don't feel very saved from anything.
God could have created everything in a fraction of a second that is true.
But God wanted to set the 7 day week pattern which most of the world keeps. Why is that?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
God could have created everything in a fraction of a second that is true.
But God wanted to set the 7 day week pattern which most of the world keeps. Why is that?
Or perhaps it is the other way around. The ancient Hebrews adopted a seven day week from older cultures, such as the Babylonian one, you remember the Babylonian Captivity don't you? That was the likely period that the Septuagint was written. At any rate they needed an excuse for their seven day week and made one up.


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps it is the other way around. The ancient Hebrews adopted a seven day week from older cultures, such as the Babylonian one, you remember the Babylonian Captivity don't you? That was the likely period that the Septuagint was written. At any rate they needed an excuse for their seven day week and made one up.
The French tried a ten day week after their revolution. It failed.

The 7 day week is a memorial to God the Creator. There is no other reason why.