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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You condoning the bold empty threats not only does not surprise me, but also reveals that they are effective.
Tell me, is some who does good simply for hope of reward or fear of punishment really good?

And is your god really so easily fooled by those who believe simply out of fear?

Not much of a deity if you ask me.
What "bold empty threats" are you talking about?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes you. The problem is that you keep forgetting that you are scientifically illiterate.

See? You just proved that you are scientifically illiterate again.
I don't think so but then I'm sure you think you are scientifically literate and I am not. Lol. so as my brother in law says, have a good one.


Well-Known Member
You've been given the evidence in abundance but you just ignore it, so people have got bored with posting it for you. What would be the point? It appears that your mind is closed tight and you dare not even try to think about it.

The fact that you still think you've proved anything here is evidence of a large disconnect with reality.
What evidence?
prove a single 1.
I have already refuted abiogenesis which refutes evolution.
I have already refuted the Big Bang.
Both refute billions of years.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
What evidence?
What's the point? I've already given you evidence, so have many others here. You ignore it, change the subject, or dismiss it with a laughable level of misunderstanding.

I have already refuted abiogenesis...
See? You have done no such thing and people have explained to you why. Yet you still maintain this silly blind faith that you have done this.

This basically demonstrates that you don't have enough grasp of evidence and refutation to even begin.

...which refutes evolution.
It wouldn't even if you had refuted natural abiogenesis. This shows even more ignorance of the way different theories, and the evidence for them, relate to each other.

I have already refuted the Big Bang.
Both refute billions of years.
No you haven't and no they wouldn't. :rolleyes:

There is simply no point in giving you real evidence with this level of total misunderstanding of the basics of logic, evidence, and science. Unless you're actually prepared learn why your statements are wrong in the way I've pointed out above, and to learn the basics, it would be a waste of time.


Veteran Member
What evidence?
prove a single 1.

Been there, done that.
Proved to be an exercise in futility.
There is no point in giving evidence to people who aren't even willing to learn what evidence is.

I have already refuted abiogenesis which refutes evolution.
I have already refuted the Big Bang.
Both refute billions of years.
Strange how these supposed falsifications have not shaken up the academic world in the relevant scientific fields.


Active Member
So what?
They were wrong.
So what? If it indeed ever turned out that the big bang theory was completely and utterly incorrect, then we would just take the data from all the research and try and find a better explanation. In fact, I am very sure that there are people who try to do just that, right now. That's just how science works.

And that new explanation will be flawed. It will be wrong. But it will be LESS WRONG than the old explanation. That's just how science works.


Well-Known Member
Been there, done that.
Proved to be an exercise in futility.
There is no point in giving evidence to people who aren't even willing to learn what evidence is.

Strange how these supposed falsifications have not shaken up the academic world in the relevant scientific fields.
Well they are abandoning the Big Bang big time


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Oh dear. This is the problem with not understanding anything about science and only reading the title of a (rather inaccurate and sensationalised) pop-science article. If you follow the various links to more detail, it's not nearly as radical as the headline suggests.

No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning
Cosmology from quantum potential

In fact this is all based on a fairly old paper that gets rid of the BB singularity (which pretty much no cosmologists think is real anyway) and potentially explains the acceleration of the expansion of the universe (dark energy).

The main big bang theory is actually about the history of the expanding universe since the supposed 'start' and that isn't questioned at all.

ETA: And, of course, it's only a proposal (one of many). There is no supporting evidence as yet.

0/10 Must try harder.
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Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
What evidence?
prove a single 1.
I have already refuted abiogenesis which refutes evolution.
No, you have not. And, no it doesn't.
I have already refuted the Big Bang.
No, you have not.
Both refute billions of years.
No, they do not.

That you seem think you have refuted these scientific descriptions based on flimsy evidence is just a sign that you understand NOTHING about these ideas.


Well-Known Member
No, you have not. And, no it doesn't.

No, you have not.

No, they do not.

That you seem think you have refuted these scientific descriptions based on flimsy evidence is just a sign that you understand NOTHING about these ideas.
They are fleeing



Well-Known Member
And why are so many people questioning the Big Bang?
Because the evidence refutes it.
At least the scientific community can and does evolve.

Learning is how scientific knowledge improves. Can you show an example of christianity evolving before it ends up dead?