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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Veteran Member


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
If God judges people on the morality of their character all would be in hell.
You can tell if there is something severely wrong with a person's moral reasoning if they judge all humans to be morally equal to Hitler, that is obviously absurd

You can't have been born that way, where does your moral reasoning come from, where did you learn to think like that?????


Well-Known Member
You can tell if there is something severely wrong with a person's moral reasoning if they judge all humans to be morally equal to Hitler, that is obviously absurd

You can't have been born that way, where does your moral reasoning come from, where did you learn to think like that?????
I never said morally equivalent to Hitler,
But a person will probably sin in their thoughts, words, and deeds about 100 times a day.
After 30 years, that is about 1 million sins.
So a 70 year old is 60 years from their youth, so has sinned over 2 million times. (100x(70-10)x365)


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I never said morally equivalent to Hitler,
But a person will probably sin in their thoughts, words, and deeds about 100 times a day.
After 30 years, that is about 1 million sins.
So a 70 year old is 60 years from their youth, so has sinned over 2 million times. (100x(70-10)x365)
But you said that good unbelievers are in the same category as Hitler. You yourself said that. You said they deserve the exact same treatment, which just goes to show your God couldn't care less about good and bad or right and wrong but is instead obsessed with power and control over humanity, which would make him a tyrant

And so who cares about sins? They are merely rule violations. It should not be the rule violations that count but the actual harm done to others. Harm should be what counts as bad, not rule violations

Which means that what you have just said means your moral system doesn't actually care about morality, only the power and control of your god

Further evidence that your moral system is merely a system of control and domination, a system that is obviously man-made

Which counts towards your god being a tyrant and your claims about him being false


Well-Known Member
But you said that good unbelievers are in the same category as Hitler. You yourself said that. You said they deserve the exact same treatment, which just goes to show your God couldn't care less about good and bad or right and wrong but is instead obsessed with power and control over humanity, which would make him a tyrant

And so who cares about sins? They are merely rule violations. It should not be the rule violations that count but the actual harm done to others. Harm should be what counts as bad, not rule violations

Which means that what you have just said means your moral system doesn't actually care about morality, only the power and control of your god

Further evidence that your moral system is merely a system of control and domination, a system that is obviously man-made

Which counts towards your god being a tyrant and your claims about him being false
Unbelievers are going to the same place.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
According to some, it seems that morality is an evolved concept.
Yes. Morality is part of being a social species. Morality develops in such a way that survival is increased. Either that, or the species changes to not be social.

Why you think evolution says we will die off is beyond me. The whole point is that changes occur to make survival more likely.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Unbelievers are going to the same place.

So it is unbelief that your god punishes, not evil

Which means he punishes good people

Which makes him a tyrant

Which makes him evil

Which is a fact which contradicts Christianity

Which means that Christianity is contradicted by the facts

Which makes Christianity false

Which means it is reasonable to reject it

That's the only reasonable conclusion and I see no reason to doubt it

Only threats which are as desperate as it is pathetic


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Suppose God hardens the hearts of the most wicked so they do not get saved at the last second?
Is there any biblical basis for such a notion?

I didn't know the Christian God practiced mind control, that one's new to me

Or did you just make that up yourself?


Well-Known Member
Is there any biblical basis for such a notion?

I didn't know the Christian God practiced mind control, that one's new to me

Or did you just make that up yourself?
God hardened Pharoah's heart.

17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. 18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. - Romand 9:17-18


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
God hardened Pharoah's heart.

17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. 18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. - Romand 9:17-18
Interesting, thanks for sharing

I can't help but find that rather sinister

I wouldn't want anyone hardening my heart


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
God hardened Pharoah's heart.

17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. 18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. - Romand 9:17-18

So free will is a crock, we're just pawns in a psychopaths game. You really know how to make Christianity less appealing. Well done, I didn't think it was possible.


Veteran Member
See. God is not a tyrant. You get to choose what you believe and where you go for ever.
Here's where you are wrong.

An honest person does not "choose" his beliefs.
To an honest person, beliefs are a compulsion based on reason and evidence.

I can't "choose" to believe that if I drop my keys, they will float mid air. Instead, due to the evidence, I am compelled to believe they will fall down to earth.
I can't "choose" to believe that santa is real.
Likewise, I can't "choose" to believe your god is real.

So really, your god punishes intellectual honesty.
Your god punishes those who don't kiss his feet.
Very tyrant thing to do.


Well-Known Member
So you don't know... you simply believe that. Probably because it is inconvenient for your silly "argument" to believe otherwise and for no other reason.
I showed that God does harden hearts as in the case of Pharaoh and from that passsage it says God does that to others.
As to Hitler, Stalin and Mao and others like them that is my personal belief.