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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Anyone who does not worship their Creator, who does much evil, and refuses to accept the mercy of God with Christ crucified where should they go?
God is not a tyrant.
A person who is evil for whatever reason should not go to the same place as a person who does not bow down to your God and who is not evil

Those are two separate categories of people that you are deliberately bundling together to serve your own shoddy and reality-denying sophistry

Please, explain why he is not a tyrant. I think there is a great deal of evidence that he is

On what basis is he good, other than that he says he is good??????

But then evidence doesn't matter to you, does it?


Well-Known Member
A person who is evil for whatever reason should not go to the same place as a person who does not bow down to your God and who is not evil

Those are two separate categories of people that you are deliberately bundling together to serve your own shoddy and reality-denying sophistry

Please, explain why he is not a tyrant. I think there is a great deal of evidence that he is

On what basis is he good, other than that he says he is good??????

But then evidence doesn't matter to you, does it?
You get to go where you want.


Veteran Member
Suppose God hardens the hearts of the most wicked so they do not get saved at the last second?
Then he is an even bigger monster who also tampers with the free will of people.

Sorry man, there is no way to weasel out of this.
Your statement about "the saved" was the nail in the coffin of your whole "justice" argument.

You just admitted that your god cares not for goodness or evil.
Your god does not punish the wicked and reward the good.

Instead, your god rewards the gullible and punishes everyone else regardless of who they were, what they did or didn't do,... and does so indiscriminately.

Ghandi, who was not "saved" according to your beliefs, will receive the exact same treatment as a Hitler and Stalin.
Your god does not distinguish between them.

The reason is simple: he doesn't care they did in life. He only cares that they didn't believe.

It's pettyness top to bottom.
The opposite of "justice".

The god of your theology is a monster hundreds of times worse then all these dictators combined.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
You get to go where you want.
And I think someone can't explain why their God is not a tyrant as requested so has resorted to threats!

Thanks for effectively conceding that I'm right, and that it cannot be reasonably argued that your God is not a tyrant

Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? You may want to look it up
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Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Of course.
Your point?
That your God does not judge people on the morality of their character and deeds but on whether or not they grovel towards them

Which would make him immoral as he judges people on submission or lack thereof and not their morality

Which would make your bold claims that he is good undeniably false, as it would mean he doesn't care about morality, only submission

What kind of being would torture good people????? (and even evil people don't deserve torture)

I can answer that: an evil one

My point is that your god is evil


Well-Known Member
That your God does not judge people on the morality of their character and deeds but on whether or not they grovel towards them

Which would make him immoral as he judges people on submission or lack thereof and not their morality

Which would make your bold claims that he is good undeniably false, as it would mean he doesn't care about morality, only submission

What kind of being would torture good people????? (and even evil people don't deserve torture)

I can answer that: an evil one

My point is that your god is evil
If God judges people on the morality of their character all would be in hell.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
If God judges people on the morality of their character all would be in hell.

I know plenty of kind, loving and benign people who are infinity more moral than your evil lord and who unlike him would harm no one, why would they deserve eternal torture????? No one deserves that, only an evil being would do that to anyone

Why are you so misanthropic?
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Veteran Member
I don't believe I said God is in control, did I? I don't recall that.
But if you think that the world is getting better as time goes on, hey, that's up to you. I personally don't see things getting better. Murders on the street for no reason (you think God is responsible for that?), wars taking place, disease killing lots of people, and more. Besides, death is death, it's not life. FastStats According to your way of looking at things, we all gotta die sometime, right? That's evolution! Life starting by chance, leading to death for sure. :) Have a good one!
Oh, yes--I do not think that all science is bad. Please do get that straight, if you will, can, or want to. Thanks again.
Can you explain why you keep trying to tie "death" together with "evolution?"
What point are you trying to make? And why do you think "evolution" is responsible for death??
Do people not die under your belief system? Of course they do. So this doesn't make much sense.
It's so bizarre to me.


Veteran Member
I thought about your response and I will say it is ridiculous and you are not facing reality but making excuses. Humans die. That's the way it is now. Some die of disease, no matter solutions invented, they still die. Anyway, no more and have a good evening, bye for now.
What parts are ridiculous, in your opinion? Be specific. Explain yourself.
Point them out instead of just declaring them ridiculous and bailing out with your little "have a good evening" exit you try go make every time someone makes a good point against your claims.


Veteran Member
I actually didn't make the first statement about that. The poster said, if I recall correctly, he cannot say (or determine perhaps) if there is a God or there is not a God. I was just wondering how that works.
What do you believe? Do you believe there is a God or maybe there is not a God, or perhaps you don't know...? just wondering...
"I don't know" means the person doesn't know.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
If God judges people on the morality of their character all would be in hell.
So your god is an incompetent creator as well as cruel and unjust. :rolleyes:

Holding people to a standard that everybody fails is foolish in the extreme. That doesn't make failure a 'free will'* choice—otherwise at least some people would choose it—it makes it a design flaw.

* Ignoring the multiple logical problems with the concept itself, for the moment.


Well-Known Member
So your god is an incompetent creator as well as cruel and unjust. :rolleyes:

Holding people to a standard that everybody fails is foolish in the extreme. That doesn't make failure a 'free will'* choice—otherwise at least some people would choose it—it makes it a design flaw.

* Ignoring the multiple logical problems with the concept itself, for the moment.
But God gives mercy which many want no part in.


Veteran Member
No they have not sinned.
If they were to die before they did sin, they go to heaven forever .
And there is nothing better than that.
Interesting though that evolutionists are mostly for abortion which has killed over 2 billion innocent children worldwide since Roe v Wade in 1973. In fact it has been used to establish that they are not children in the womb.
Marx was into evolution as was Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Communism and evolution go together. That is another over 1 billion murdered and billions of more lives destroyed.
So the total is over 3 billion murdered and billions of more lives destroyed.
Sounds like you should be pro-choice too, from what you've said here.
All those fetuses get a pass straight to Heaven! Wonderful!

The rest of your post is just composed of more outdated, inaccurate PRATTs, as usual.

I do love when people defeat their own arguments though.