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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Veteran Member
I showed that God does harden hearts as in the case of Pharaoh and from that passsage it says God does that to others.

But it doesn't say why. That's your own invention.

As to Hitler, Stalin and Mao and others like them that is my personal belief.
Indeed it is.

Meanwhile, you completely ignored all of my posts where I pointed out to you that according to your very own statements, your god cares not for what evil or good people do. God in your theology cares only about what you believe.

So there is no "justice" in your theology like you claimed.
Genuinely good people who die while not being christians (even a specific type of christian) will receive the same treatment as a Hitler.
While people who've been psychopathic robbing raping jerks all their lives and "got saved" in their final minutes, receive eternal reward.

That's "justice" in your theology.

Give me a break.


Veteran Member
So your justice is that they get to do all that evil and just die and cease to exist.

I'm sorry, were you under the impression that Hitler had a nice life from his evil onwards?
Do you even know how he died and how he spend his final years?

Stalin wasn't much better. Completely paranoid and spend years in fear of being assassinated by the very people close to him.
They lived in isolation, afraid of the world and even their very own people.

Sure, theoretically it is possible to do evil and "get away with it". In reality, that rarely happens though.
Mostly people endure the consequences of their actions during their lifetimes. Be it by getting caught by authorities, by spending their lives in fear, by spending their lives on the run and / or in total isolation constantly having to watch their backs or fear the next beverage or meal is going to poison them,...

If you think a life of evil pays off, you should take a closer look at reality and actually see how such people have to live their lives.

Let's even go to "lesser" evils then the kinds of Hitler. Let's take a type of evil that is even somewhat romanticised in pop-culture: mafia dons.
You watch the godfather and alike and what do you see?

Mob bosses effing around, beautiful women at every finger, fancy cars, front row seats for any show etc.
Now look beyond the movie.

Count the number of mob guys that lived in freedom passed the age of 40. Either they are in jail or killed.
If neither, multiple hit attempts on their lives.
Constant running from the law.
Constant fear of some young ambitious mob guy coming after them to "take over".
Seeing your friends and loved ones go to jail or get hit.
Actually being the one who gets the order to murder your best friend.

These people did not live "happy lives". These guys by the age of 40 or beyond are all either broken, paranoid, dead or in jail.
Those that aren't and actually get away with it are an extreme minority.

Meanwhile, in your theology, your god doesn't care at all. All these guys have to do is "repent" and "accept christ as their lord and savior" and POOF, eternal bliss and all sins "washed away".

Meanwhile, genuinely good people who weren't christians get the Hitler treatment.


What a bad joke.

That is like atheist heaven.

Living and ending my life like Hitler or Stalin or most mob guys did... not exactly my idea of "heaven".


Veteran Member
Constantine was not saved.
In fact most who believe in Jesus Christ are not saved because they trust in works or believe in a false version of Jesus Christ.
But What punishment should happen to Stalin, Hitler and Mao?
Well, in your theology, Hitler Stalin etc will get the exact same treatment as all those genuine nice folks who were fooled into believing the "wrong version" of christ.

What justice?

Why do you ask what should happen to Hitler? Why Hitler? Since your theology doesn't differentiate between a Hitler with all his crimes and a genuine nice and good person who just happens to believe in the "wrong version" of christ?

You could also ask "what should happen to the nice bloke who happens to believe in a wrong version of Christ".

But you don't ask that question do you?
Off course not. That would expose the absolute moral bankrupcy of your theology.


New Member
why big bang ? christianity is dead due to not following the commandments like thou shall not kill, adultery, steal etc too they are doing gay marriages and still think that their priests imagination on big bang should go on.

but even their churchanity is dead.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I do not believe that it happens that much.
Probably limited to people like Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.
OK, so God mind-controls evil people so they cannot choose salvation even though salvation is supposed to be open for all humans, because Jesus died for all our sins

Sounds like unbiblical heresy to me

How many other Christians believe this?
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Active Member
Hang on... if the big bang theory is dead, then... how about all those religious stances that depended on it? How about "Ha, the universe started with the big bang, therefore the universe started, therefore god!!!111eleven" ??

Moreover, as I'm sure people have already mentioned in this thread, so what - even if the claim were true, which I absolutely don't believe simply on the grounds that some reputable publication would have covered it - science marches on, it always has, nobody needs to start throwing science out the window because a theory gets refuted.

That's just how science works.


Well-Known Member
Hang on... if the big bang theory is dead, then... how about all those religious stances that depended on it? How about "Ha, the universe started with the big bang, therefore the universe started, therefore god!!!111eleven" ??

Moreover, as I'm sure people have already mentioned in this thread, so what - even if the claim were true, which I absolutely don't believe simply on the grounds that some reputable publication would have covered it - science marches on, it always has, nobody needs to start throwing science out the window because a theory gets refuted.

That's just how science works.
So what?
They were wrong.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
why big bang ? christianity is dead due to not following the commandments like thou shall not kill, adultery, steal etc too they are doing gay marriages and still think that their priests imagination on big bang should go on.

but even their churchanity is dead.
So a person would have to be evil for his Christian beliefs to be correct? I do not understand.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Actually they haven’t. I lied haha

OK, so tell me what science you have accepted.
Clearly you are in to digital technology and internet, but what else?

If you read up about the early universe and how the first lights were emitted then you might warm to a bit of science. The first lines of Genesis are what Professor Cox quoted in his amazing series.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
What evidence is there for evolution and billions of years?
You've been given the evidence in abundance but you just ignore it, so people have got bored with posting it for you. What would be the point? It appears that your mind is closed tight and you dare not even try to think about it.

The fact that you still think you've proved anything here is evidence of a large disconnect with reality.