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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Admiral Obvious
Although I do not agree with everything @SavedByTheLord says, I appreciate many points she makes. Yet we all stand before God. He sees us before we die. He understands everything about us.
You condoning the bold empty threats not only does not surprise me, but also reveals that they are effective.
Tell me, is some who does good simply for hope of reward or fear of punishment really good?

And is your god really so easily fooled by those who believe simply out of fear?

Not much of a deity if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
You condoning the bold empty threats not only does not surprise me, but also reveals that they are effective.
Tell me, is some who does good simply for hope of reward or fear of punishment really good?

And is your god really so easily fooled by those who believe simply out of fear?

Not much of a deity if you ask me.
I do not believe out of fear but out of love for what Christ did for me.
However here is wisdom.

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. - Job 28:28

Esteban X

Active Member
Well when you die you will stand before God Almighty and you will condemned to everlasting torment in the lake of fire,
And no one has ever loved you more than Christ who was crucified for all your sins.
And I in love am telling you this.
As to stop being a Christian, there is no such thing, you are not nor ever have been saved.

As part of the amour of God which I have.

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. - Eph 6:16

As you rejecting the gospel of Christ and choosing eternal damnation for yourself and most likely for those that you know and love, here is that also.

15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? - 2 Cor 2:15-16

28 And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.
29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake; - Phil 1:28-29

Of all people that you have ever met, no one has shown such love for you than I have as I have told you the truth. And when you stand before God maybe God will remind you of that and tell you are without excuse.
Your God sounds like the classic abusive parent/partner/boyfriend. "You should be grateful that I care enough about you to hit you. You're worthless. You'll never do better than me and if you try to leave I'll make you suffer"
Is such a being really worthy of respect?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I do not believe out of fear but out of love for what Christ did for me.
Yeah and if you commit the terrible sin of not submitting to him then he will horribly torture you for all eternity

Doesn't sound like he loves you back...........

Considering his love is conditional on you grovelling towards him
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Well-Known Member
Yeah and if you commit the terrible sin of not submitting to him then he will horribly torture you for all eternity

Doesn't sound like he loves you back...........

Considering his love is conditional on you grovelling towards him
I worship the Lord.
When you die then you will know but then it will be too late.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I worship the Lord.
When you die then you will know but then it will be too late.
Sounds like the basis of an enormous scam to me............

You clearly worship him out of fear

It is clear there is no reason involved, that much is obvious

I'm glad your God doesn't exist, he is clearly wicked, egotistical, and deranged

Apart from fear of punishment why should anyone have anything to do with him at all??????

How would you answer that?
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like the basis of an enormous scam to me............

You clearly worship him out of fear

It is clear there is no reason involved, that much is obvious

I'm glad your God doesn't exist, he is clearly wicked, egotistical, and deranged

Apart from fear of punishment why should anyone have anything to do with him at all??????

How would you answer that?
Simple the Bible has been proven true so what it says is true.
I worship out of love for Christ.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Simple the Bible has been proven true so what it says is true.
Doesn't seem that way given how the various threads you have been active in lately have played out

All you have is a claim and anyone can claim anything about anything
I worship out of love for Christ.
Why do you love him?

He clearly does not love you if he would think nothing of torturing you for all eternity for the terrible sin of not believing in him

That is not love that is abusive

If he existed you would be in an abusive relationship
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Well-Known Member
Doesn't seem that way given how the various threads you have been active in lately have played out

All you have is a claim and anyone can claim anything about anything

Why do you love him?

He clearly does not love you if he would think nothing of torturing you for all eternity for the terrible sin of not believing in him

That is not love that is abusive

If he existed you would be in an abusive relationship
How would you know?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
How would you know?
If someone didn't believe that I existed or refused to worship me I wouldn't get angry and want them tortured for all eternity

That would be wicked and unreasonable

Your Lord is wicked and unreasonable

Good thing he is also not real
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Well-Known Member
If someone didn't believe that I existed or refused to worship me I wouldn't get angry and want them tortured for all eternity

That would be wicked and unreasonable

Your Lord is wicked and unreasonable

Good thing he is also not real
Anyone who does not worship their Creator, who does much evil, and refuses to accept the mercy of God with Christ crucified where should they go?
God is not a tyrant.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Anyone who does not worship their Creator, who does much evil, and refuses to accept the mercy of God with Christ crucified where should they go?
Down the pub for a beer? :shrug:

What's the connection between not worshipping some unjust and cruel 'creator' and 'doing much evil'?

God is not a tyrant.
Perhaps stop describing it as such, then?


Veteran Member
The word of God
Those that are never saved are placed in the lake of fire for ever.
That includes Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and a whole host of very evil people.

Well... actually, according to your VERY OWN WORDS here, it matters not if they are evil or not.
What matters is if they are "saved".

So it matters not at all who you were, what you did, how evil or good you lived your life.
Someone who never hurt a single fly his entire life, who fed the hungry, helped the sick, etc but who never became a christian, will burn in hell
Meanwhile, if Hitler in his last seconds sincerely repents and gets saved, he gets an eternity in heaven.

So spare me this "justice" nonsense. There is no punishment for "evil" in your theology.
In your theology, there is only reward for the gullible and "punishment" for everyone else - regardless of who they were and what they did or didn't do.

Those that are saved are in heaven forever.

And that would include any Hitler-style person if said person "gets saved" in his last seconds of life.
It would not include genuinely good people, people far better then yourself, who's only "crime" is not being a christian.

So your god does not punish evil nor rewards goodness.
Your god merely punishes disbelief and rewards belief.

This is not justice. This is plain pettyness.

All tears will be dried and the former things will pass away and there will be no more death or sickness or pain.
And your evil crimes will matter not.
So again, spare me your "justice" nonsense.


Well-Known Member
Well... actually, according to your VERY OWN WORDS here, it matters not if they are evil or not.
What matters is if they are "saved".

So it matters not at all who you were, what you did, how evil or good you lived your life.
Someone who never hurt a single fly his entire life, who fed the hungry, helped the sick, etc but who never became a christian, will burn in hell
Meanwhile, if Hitler in his last seconds sincerely repents and gets saved, he gets an eternity in heaven.

So spare me this "justice" nonsense. There is no punishment for "evil" in your theology.
In your theology, there is only reward for the gullible and "punishment" for everyone else - regardless of who they were and what they did or didn't do.

And that would include any Hitler-style person if said person "gets saved" in his last seconds of life.
It would not include genuinely good people, people far better then yourself, who's only "crime" is not being a christian.

So your god does not punish evil nor rewards goodness.
Your god merely punishes disbelief and rewards belief.

This is not justice. This is plain pettyness.

And your evil crimes will matter not.
So again, spare me your "justice" nonsense.
Suppose God hardens the hearts of the most wicked so they do not get saved at the last second?