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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
It is a pity that you have no idea as to what is evidence and why and even worse you refuse to learn. He pointed out that this is obvious and named where we find the evidence for this. You cannot demand more than this since you are the one that refuses to learn the basics.
All of creation falsifies evolution and billions of years.

How did the giraffe get its long neck?

There was no reason for a longer neck as there was plenty of food at the ground and lower levels even up to 10 feet. A few giraffes that were a foot taller does not provide any survival advantage, as they cannot reach the upper vegetation.

And a longer neck presents all kinds of blood pressure and blood flow problems between a giraffe with head bent to the ground and a neck stretched up.
In fact, the giraffe has special valves in its neck to allow such, but how did they evolve?
That change is too complex to have evolved all at once and provides no advantage until all in place.
In fact, it would cause a real problem with survival if only partially formed.
So, God made the giraffe with the longer neck and the special valves.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
All of creation falsifies evolution and billions of years.

How did the giraffe get its long neck?

There was no reason for a longer neck as there was plenty of food at the ground and lower levels even up to 10 feet. A few giraffes that were a foot taller does not provide any survival advantage, as they cannot reach the upper vegetation.

And a longer neck presents all kinds of blood pressure and blood flow problems between a giraffe with head bent to the ground and a neck stretched up.
In fact, the giraffe has special valves in its neck to allow such, but how did they evolve?
That change is too complex to have evolved all at once and provides no advantage until all in place.
In fact, it would cause a real problem with survival if only partially formed.
So, God made the giraffe with the longer neck and the special valves.
More unsupported nonsense... And you forgot, you don't get to demand answers until you learn what evidence is and learn what the scientific method is. Are you ready to begin class?


Well-Known Member
More unsupported nonsense... And you forgot, you don't get to demand answers until you learn what evidence is and learn what the scientific method is. Are you ready to begin class?
So, I have refuted evolution yet again and you have no way of defending it.
Are you ashamed to even try to defend it?


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
So, I have refuted evolution yet again...
:facepalm: Nothing you have said has even come close. Your repeated claims to have done so are just comical.

Are you ashamed to even try to defend it?
Oh, that's rich, when you shamelessly run away from defending your position all the time! When people post answers to your absurd claims and ridiculous 'proofs', you can't handle it at all. I've never once seen you properly engage with what has been said.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Once again, we don't need to know specifics about that ancestor to know it existed. The chromosomes show it existed.
It does? Can you explain that? I'd love to read about that. Now if I have questions I hope you can understand the assertions well enough to explain what you believe.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
But the evidence shows otherwise.
I'd llike to mention that the Bible also says that one day can be considered as one thousand years in God's eyes: 2 Peter 3:8 says, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (King James Version) Therefore, the time element of a 'day' can be different in God's eyes than in our eyes of 24 hours each 'day.' That is another reason why I consider some evidence to be indicative of creation much longer than 6,000 years or so.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, your belief does not supersede. It simply ignores anything that contradicts what you have decided to believe. There is a difference.

Your belief does not supersede evidence. Instead, evidence should supersede and inform belief.
I believe the Bible is truthful. I do not agree that what is presented as evidence of certain scientific claims is always true. Anyway, as you know, science often changes its opinion about the evidence it talks about.