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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It's just like a subject some might have trouble with understanding. For that a person might need a special teacher who can successfully help the student to learn. Not all teachers have that capacity.
I WAS one such teacher at one point. I held high positions in the church I belonged to. I’ve freed myself from such nonsense and it is truly liberating.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I WAS one such teacher at one point. I held high positions in the church I belonged to. I’ve freed myself from such nonsense and it is truly liberating.
My neighbor was like that also. Leader of a youth group in a local church. Then he decided he was homosexual and left the church. He was always a good neighbor.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I WAS one such teacher at one point. I held high positions in the church I belonged to. I’ve freed myself from such nonsense and it is truly liberating.
Once again, not everything in the Bible is easy to understand.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Once again, not everything in the Bible is easy to understand.
Most of it is trivial to understand, but just wrong.

You have admitted that faith, for you, supersedes evidence. At that point, you have admitted your belief is not rational, but merely what makes you feel good.

Sorry, but that is a poor way to discover the truth.

At least, that’s how I see it.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That actually sounds nothing like my experience.
I'm sure it was not. But he is one who came to mind. I attended many churches, but was never inclined to join any of them. Although I respected Jesus I couldn't figure what did he do wrong that they nailed him to a cross.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Most of it is trivial to understand, but just wrong.

You have admitted that faith, for you, supersedes evidence. At that point, you have admitted your belief is not rational, but merely what makes you feel good.

Sorry, but that is a poor way to discover the truth.

At least, that’s how I see it.
Let me clarify that. When I said my faith supersedes what is considered as purported evidence of a theory, it means I do not accept evidence as proof or verification of a theory if it contradicts what the Bible says. Thank you.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, that was not the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimps. The chromosomes give verification of *that* common ancestor.
Which makes me wonder. I don't know, you likely know more about the theory of evolution than I do, so this may seem like an elementary question, but did whatever the first organism was via abiogenesis, did it theoretically have genes?


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Which makes me wonder. I don't know, you likely know more about the theory of evolution than I do, so this may seem like an elementary question, but did whatever the first organism was via abiogenesis, did it theoretically have genes?

Most likely, but whether it used DNA or RNA for those genes is not known. What those genes encoded for is also not known. We know very little about those first organisms because of lack of evidence.

What we do know: it was single celled, had a bilipid membrane, used RNA in some capacity (probably both genetic and catalytic), and had at least some proteins. Past that, we really can't say much.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, that was not the most recent common ancestor of humans and chimps. The chromosomes give verification of *that* common ancestor.
While conjectures may be made, as far as I understand, humans and chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys and the like in the so-called ape category are said to have an Unknown Common Ancestor. I hope hope hope you will not tell me the common ancestor is known. puleeze, I'm almost begging you not to tell me that. But if you do it's known for an absolute (and I mean absolute without wavering forever) certainty -- ok, sorry but the offering of the opinion down a few more notches of credibility in my opinion.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Most likely, but whether it used DNA or RNA is not known. What those genes encoded for is also not known. We know very little about those first organisms because of lack of evidence.
ok, thanks. I can't say whether your opinion is true or not, but my mind is made up right now based on reason. In other words, evolution as natural occurrence is simply and absolutely impossible. Starting from the beginning.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
While conjectures may be made, as far as I understand, humans and chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys and the like in the so-called ape category are said to have an Unknown Common Ancestor. I hope hope hope you will not tell me the common ancestor is known. puleeze, I'm almost begging you not to tell me that. But if you do it's known for an absolute (and I mean absolute without wavering forever) certainty -- ok, sorry but the offering of the opinion down a few more notches of credibility in my opinion.

Once again, we don't need to know specifics about that ancestor to know it existed. The chromosomes show it existed.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Once again, we don't need to know specifics about that ancestor to know it existed. The chromosomes show it existed.
OK, I believe our discussion can be basically concluded because it seems from your comments that you are set to oppose anything in the Bible. I have a different viewpoint and I find scientific theories and statements to be open to revision often based on methodological changes and opinion as to data. So I am going to wish you a good evening, and thank for the discussion.