This is a straw man argument. The conclusions of science follow the evidence to a conclusion and do not force evidence to fit a conclusion. That is what you are doing here.
Evolution starts the theory at the replicators, since this point in time, offers a good place for change from a solid base state, with evolution about ongoing changes from other base states. The problem is this starting point leaves out Abiogenesis, which we know had to happen before the replicators. Nobody will deny that.
Data is left out, to fit a theory, that purposely starts late and is not complete. This is no different from the gods of dice and card saying "let there be replicators and like magic there was evolution". This arbitrary starting point is not there for science fact, but for intellectual convenience. The fact is that starting point; replicators, also had a starting point, that will be describe by Abiogenesis, some day.
The theoretical analogy would be like meeting a new person at work and getting to know them for a many years. However, since you both stay professional at work, and do not socialize after work, like evolution, you will start the clock of inference and deduction, about them, not at their birth, but when you started to work together, as though that person magically appeared just for you; poof!
From that work starting point, you may draw the wrong conclusion about many things, since you need to ignore their first 25 years of life development; abiogenesis. This is why the model in still stuck using casino science and math. That approach allow you to fudge and coverup the incomplete and late t=0, time line of the theory.
A better theory would start from scratch, so it does not become dogmatic, like a science religion. The magic poof assumption into fully functional replicators at t=0, sounds like genesis mythology. This explains why evolution is the most combative area of science in terms of a war with religion. It is a religious war. Real science sees the t=0 of the replicators as starting too late, to be a sound long term science theory. Once Abiogenesis is done, the current theory of evolution, will be mothballed, since other factors will need to be added to get the full picture, before replicators. I did not hang onto this sinking ship, but I swam to an island to build a new boat.
I took a water approach to evolution, since water is needed for everything life does. It can't be replaced by any other solvent. Water is the continuous matrix within life, with the strongest secondary bonding forces. The organics are immersed in water and the water imposes its hydrogen bonding will, onto the secondary bonding of the organics; pack proteins and induce the conformation of the DNA.
Water is the eternal bookend of life. Water is the same now, as before the precursors of life started to appear for abiogenesis. The organics needed to change, to cooperate with the hydrogen bonding potentials of the timeless water and the second law. Carbon is well suited for this life of change, being able to form four primary bonds with many other atoms and even polymerize.
The vector of evolution is driven by the second law, with water forcing carbon to change and become more and more complex, with water always staying the same. Water is the terminal product of combustion of hydrogen and oxygen and is very stable, with very low energy in its primary bonds. It is the secondary or hydrogen bonds of water that can create a connected hydrogen bonding matrix that can move information and allow the integrated state called life.