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The Coronation of Christian King Charles III


Veteran Member
Isaiah 45:7

7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

The Evil/Bad Christians are the Earthly Christians. The Evil/Bad Christians are Real Earthly Christians. Elohim/God has given Evil/Bad Christians Dominion over the Earth through Jesus.
No idea what you're talking about, now.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't understand why you guys need a King.

We don't.

And if you do have a king as a figurehead, it seems to me that a simple vow before parliament would suffice. I really don't understand this enormous amount of pageantry that you guys felt was necessary.

I get it.

Historically, we didn't put a lot of thought into what it meant to be "kingly;" someone ruling autocratically was obviously the king and anything they did was therefore kingly.

These days, though, with the power of the monarchy curtailed, how the king express his "kingliness"? Ruling autocratically isn't an option any more, so the way they express "kingliness" is to have a bunch of trappings that are associated with kingship and the king just kinda grabs all of them.

... and they have to be elaborate, well beyond the means of anyone else, so that it's clear that the king is the only person entitled to be king.

It's like how the samurai adopted a rigid warrior code when they became bureaucrats and not warriors, or how American gun nuts will carry AR-15s and wear tactical gear as an expression of individualistic "frontier spirit" even though the frontier has been officially closed for more than a century.

The monarchy is hollow, therefore the monarchy needs pomp.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Matthew 16:13

13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

If you know Elohim's/God's Standard of what is a Real Christian, you can Judge whether or Not Henry VIII was a Real Christian. Otherwise, how do you separate Christian from Non-Christian, given that you don't know what a Real Christian is? It's Elohim's/God's Place to Judge.

I never said I don't use judgment personally. I'm just agreeing with you in saying that it's God's place to judge the souls of men, not mine.


No religious beliefs
Is the Personal Behaviour of Henry VIII that of a Real Christian? If Henry VIII was Really Devout in his younger days, how was able to Stray in his older days? Doesn't being Really Devout keep you that way throughout your entire life?
Does it? It doesn't seem so. Were those evangelists that behave immorally in their private lives and pocket donations intended for the church "Really Devout" at one time? Who can tell? What is a "Real Christian" anyway? Does anyone become perfect in their behavior from conversion or belief? That's not how I understand Christianity. Aren't we all sinners?


Well-Known Member
..that is what I always understood.
If Charles had publicly declared that he was no longer a Christian/Protestant, it
would not have been a workable situation for him to have become King.

In my view, it is ridiculous that an atheist would go through all the religious ceremonies
with pretense. :rolleyes:

However, being a Protestant Christian, does NOT mean that Charles would necessarily rule out Islam as being "false" ,
or whatever..
Don't you believe that a Real Protestant Christian asserts that Islam is a False Religion? Considering that Islam Rejects the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. These are among the Critical Reasons it's unthinkable for a Muslim to Ascend the British Throne. Members repeatedly asserting Falsely that an Atheist or a Muslim can Ascend the British Throne are Actually Disgusting and Insulting the British Establishment/Aristocracy.


Well-Known Member
Does it? It doesn't seem so. Were those evangelists that behave immorally in their private lives and pocket donations intended for the church "Really Devout" at one time? Who can tell? What is a "Real Christian" anyway? Does anyone become perfect in their behavior from conversion or belief? That's not how I understand Christianity. Aren't we all sinners?
John 6:27

27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

Yes Certainly, Real Christians Can Tell! When you are Really Devout you Get Elohim's/God's Seal! The Seal is Elohim's/God's Unbreakable Protection Against Evil! Those that Seemingly Strayed from Being Devout were Never Sealed!

You have asked Profound and All-Important Questions. A Real Christian is a True Follower of Yeshua/Jesus. The Real Yeshua/Jesus Saves From Sin. That means True Followers of the Real Yeshua/Jesus become Sinless and Perfect. You won't find any of the 2.2 Billion Christians in Christendom Claiming to be either Sinless or Perfect.
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Veteran Member
Don't you believe that a Real Protestant Christian asserts that Islam is a False Religion?
What is a "real Protestant Christian"?

Considering that Islam Rejects the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.
..but they do not reject Jesus.
..but the Jews do, and are forgiven by "Real Protestant Christians", and considered "the chosen ones".


Well-Known Member
Seems like Charles picks and chooses. He certainly didn't take the Seventh Commandment seriously.
Exodus 20:14

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

By Prince Charles Breaking the Seventh Commandment Committing Adultery he Betrayed and Mocked Elohim/God. Do you Believe that Prince Charles Sincerely Repented from this Great Sin?

Princess Diana | Prince Charles admits cheating


Well-Known Member
Maybe not, that’s hard to assess, but I kind of favor the concept of social privilege to a certain extent, and so am not so sure they should be subject to prosecution, except by a special court of their peers. I will have to think about that… I do tend to have an elitist streak which clouds my thinking on such issues.

Keep in mind that generally, men (myself included) don’t want wealth simply for wealth’s sake (after all, how much caviar can one enjoy before he wants a simple slice of pizza…how much money can one man spend without satisfaction being subject to the rule of “diminishing returns”?) No, men want wealth in order to have social status, dominance, privilege, and power over others in society…power to have their own will realized over the will of others. As I say, despite being a naturally empathetic person, I could want nothing more myself!

EDIT: At least, that’s what my “id” tells me to want. My “superego” fights a losing battle against that desire.
Matthew 20:25

25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.

Your Honesty is much appreciated. Yes, there is a Hierarchical Structure in Society that Elohim/God Ordained. It's Certainly True and Reality that In the World Men want to have Power and Authority over others, as this is Natural.

But his “blood” (his genetic line) did (or, didn’t it?), and I think that is the basis for the argument of his legitimacy, that the reward for the valor of the forefather should be transmitted to the genetic (or “blood”) descendants thereof. (Actually, I don’t know enough about the history of the British monarchy to say that with any certainty, as I think the genetic line has changed a number of times since William, but the argument seems to be that the reward for William’s valor is somehow transmuted to all successive monarchs.)
Do you Believe in the Devine Right of Kings?

Oh, yes. I am definitely a materialist, wasn’t always, though. I once took God’s existence for granted, having been raised Roman Catholic and spending time as a more “fundamentalist” Christian before certain events in my life caused the reevaluation of my belief system which resulted in my current atheism. I have eschewed all aspects of the supernatural except those which can be demonstrated to possess some truth value. In fact, the reason I joined this site was with the intention of investigating the possibilities of non-theistic, non-supernatural religion. You wouldn’t know it, though. Of late, I’ve rather been punching holes in the claims of theists and being generally argumentative, probably because doing so has reflected my sour mood of the past couple of weeks. I need to stop all that, and get back to the task which I set for myself at the beginning. Problem is, I apparently cannot select a DIR of a religion that I do not practice in order to discuss ideas, which restriction I was not aware of initially.
Have you considered that Roman Catholicism is Really Materialism and, therefore, Really you have always been a Materialist being Raised in the Universal Church?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why you guys need a King. And if you do have a king as a figurehead, it seems to me that a simple vow before parliament would suffice. I really don't understand this enormous amount of pageantry that you guys felt was necessary. The idea that the King is head of teh Anglican church also seems to be hugely outdated, and I find it so odd that your ceremony incorporated so much Christianity. I also thought it was scandelous that people who were peacefully protesting were arrested.
The Coronation Ceremony is a Cristian Protestant High Church Ceremony. It is a Religious Christian Ceremony. Those peoples that Fail to Maintain their Traditions from one generation to the next Lose their Identity.

High church

The term high church refers to beliefs and practices of Christian ecclesiology, liturgy, and theology that emphasize "ritual, priestly authority, [and] sacraments".[1] Although used in connection with various Christian traditions, the term originated in and has been principally associated with the Anglican tradition, where it describes churches using a number of ritual practices associated in the popular mind with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. The opposite tradition is low church. Contemporary media discussing Anglican churches erroneously prefer the terms evangelical to low church and Anglo-Catholic to high church, even though their meanings do not exactly correspond. Other contemporary denominations that contain high church wings include some Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches.



Well-Known Member
Charles I was.

These days, they just settle out of court.

Princess Anne was the first member of the Royal Family to be convicted of a Criminal Offence. Apparently, the Princess asked to not be given any special treatment. Do you think that if the crime was more serious the Princess would have Waived the Immunity Privileges?

Sovereign immunity

Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution, strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts. A similar, stronger rule as regards foreign courts is named state immunity.

Anne, Princess Royal

"...Anne is the first member of the royal family to have been convicted of a criminal offence.[147] In November 2002, she pleaded guilty to one charge of having a dog dangerously out of control, an offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, and was fined £500...."



No religious beliefs
Yes Certainly, Real Christians Can Tell! When you are Really Devout you Get Elohim's/God's Seal! The Seal is Elohim's/God's Unbreakable Protection Against Evil! Those that Seemingly Strayed from Being Devout were Never Sealed!

You have asked Profound and All-Important Questions. A Real Christian is a True Follower of Yeshua/Jesus. The Real Yeshua/Jesus Saves From Sin. That means True Followers of the Real Yeshua/Jesus become Sinless and Perfect. You won't find any of the 2.2 Billion Christians in Christendom Claiming to be either Sinless or Perfect.

OK. I assume you consider yourself to be one of these "real Christians"? Are you then claiming to be sinless and perfect? You never do anything wrong at all?

Quite a claim if so.


Well-Known Member
I never said I don't use judgment personally. I'm just agreeing with you in saying that it's God's place to judge the souls of men, not mine.
It doesn't appear that we are agreeing. When you use your own Personal Judgment to Judge that is Removing Elohim's/God's Objective Standard of Real Christian. The Reason why you have all the different Interpretations is that Christians are using their own Personal Judgment about Elohim's/God's Standard, otherwise they would all Objectively Agree.

For example, does Real Christian mean, Getting Baptised, Taking Eucharist, Doing Confession and Attending Church?


Well-Known Member
What is a "real Protestant Christian"?
Protestantism arose in opposition to the Papacy, therefore, a Real Protestant Christian, is one that Wages Total War Against the Pope and Roman Catholic Dogma.

..but they do not reject Jesus.
..but the Jews do, and are forgiven by "Real Protestant Christians", and considered "the chosen ones".
It appears that a Real Protestant Christian can have alliance with Muslims in opposition to the Universal Roman Catholic Church and this has happened throughout history.

Protestantism and Islam

"Protestantism and Islam entered into contact during the early-16th century when the Ottoman Empire, expanding in the Balkans, first encountered Calvinist Protestants in present-day Hungary and Transylvania. As both parties opposed the Austrian Holy Roman Emperor and his Roman Catholic allies, numerous exchanges occurred, exploring religious similarities and the possibility of trade and military alliances...."

"...Protestantism is a branch of the monotheistic Christian religion which originated in Europe in the early 16th century. It adheres doctrinally to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and other theological doctrines of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church, but split from the Western (Roman) Catholic Church as a "Protest" against ecclesiastical corruption, pastoral abuses and certain doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church...."

"...During the development of the Reformation, Protestantism and Islam were considered closer to each other than they were to Catholicism: "Islam was seen as closer to Protestantism in banning images from places of worship, in not treating marriage as a sacrament and in rejecting monastic orders".[1]. The dispute between Catholics and Protestants in a divided Europe opened the way for Islam to become a field of battle...."



Well-Known Member
OK. I assume you consider yourself to be one of these "real Christians"? Are you then claiming to be sinless and perfect? You never do anything wrong at all?

Quite a claim if so.
Matthew 7:13-14

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

I Do Not Commit any External Sins. No, I'm very far from Attaining Real Christianity. I Am Currently Transitioning from Children of the Devil/Satan to the Few hundred/thousand Elect Children of Elohim/God Attaining Real Christianity.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
It doesn't appear that we are agreeing. When you use your own Personal Judgment to Judge that is Removing Elohim's/God's Objective Standard of Real Christian. The Reason why you have all the different Interpretations is that Christians are using their own Personal Judgment about Elohim's/God's Standard, otherwise they would all Objectively Agree.

For example, does Real Christian mean, Getting Baptised, Taking Eucharist, Doing Confession and Attending Church?
I am not using my personal judgment to judge anyone. I am letting God sort that out. I am busy taking care of my own spirituality and needs. which FOR ME include (but are not limited to) getting baptised, taking the Eucharist, going to confession and attending church. Those are good disciplines for me. I don't know what King Charles needs or wants, or anyone else for that matter.


No religious beliefs
I Do Not Commit any External Sins. No, I'm very far from Attaining Real Christianity. I Am Currently Transitioning from Children of the Devil/Satan to the Few hundred/thousand Elect Children of Elohim/God Attaining Real Christianity.