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The Coronation of Christian King Charles III


Veteran Member
Since we have been surrounded by nature and its processes all of our lives, we should think that occurrences happen naturally…in a natural manner and for natural reasons. Our assumption as humans should be that all things happen naturally, unless we have convincing evidence to the contrary..
What does it mean .. happen naturally?
How can a universe come into being "naturally"?


Well-Known Member
Sure…all Xianity is nonsensical. That goes without saying.
It is "sensical" to the "dragon"/'devil" upon whose authority the "beasts" (kings of the nations) stems from, and it is from the "beasts"/kings, such as Rome, that the churches (daughters of Babylon) sit. (Rev 13:4 & 17:3). For the "dragon" is the "serpent"/"devil" whose message is that one can refuse to heed the Word of God and "you surely shall not die", or in the case of the false prophet Paul, "we shall not all sleep/die", for the law has been nailed to a cross. Of course Paul and all his listeners are dead and or going to die (Jeremiah 31:30).

Revelation 17:3 And the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, where I saw a woman (Babylon the Great) sitting on a scarlet beast (7 kings) that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.


Active Member
How can a universe come into being "naturally"?
A simple question with an extremely complicated answer which I am unqualified to present. You might read this for a start:

You see, as one would expect of something as complex as the universe, the true answer is rather more complex than “creation by fiat of a god”. I’m not saying you will have to become a physicist to understand that point…


Active Member
It is "sensical" to the "dragon"/'devil" upon whose authority the "beasts" (kings of the nations) stems from, and it is from the "beasts"/kings, such as Rome, that the churches (daughters of Babylon) sit.
The “devil” (“Satan”/“Lucifer”), “demons” and “angels” (“fallen” or not) appear to exist no more than does “God”, which is not at all. The entire cosmology appears to be nonsensically held.


Veteran Member
You see, as one would expect of something as complex as the universe, the true answer is rather more complex than “creation by fiat of a god”. I’m not saying you will have to become a physicist to understand that point…
..but that says nothing about "why" .. that is about how it might have happened.
I do not compete with how G-d might have created the universe..
eg. by life evolving from a single cell or what have you

It still doesn't give an acceptable explanation for our existence. Spiritual explanations do.


Well-Known Member
The “devil” (“Satan”/“Lucifer”), “demons” and “angels” (“fallen” or not) appear to exist no more than does “God”, which is not at all. The entire cosmology appears to be nonsensically held.
Not according to the Roman emperor Constantine, who struck a coin in 313 A.D. in recognition of his god "Sol Invictus", for help in winning the battle of 312 A.D. for him. It is that same god, "dragon"/"devil", who Constantine recognized in the year 321 A.D. by changing the law for the day of rest to be on the day of the sun, Sunday, in recognition of his god, Sol Invictus, whose birth date is the 25th of December. It is the same church he set the dogma for in 325 A.D., the Roman Catholic church, which his kingdom supported, which still exist today, and a daughter of that church, in England, just crowned their new king last week. You may consider kings, and tyrants nonsensical, but as with Putin, and Xi, they surely exist, and they worship the gods of war and armaments, and they affect great masses of people. The U.S. has their own tyrant, in the form of an elderly, corrupt, incompetent, by the name of Biden, apparently with his own demons, as is the case with Pelosi, who had to hire someone to cast demons from her own house. You can say demons don't exist, but then again, you can say that craziness does not exist. In both instances you would be wrong. You can say alpha, beta and gamma rays don't exist because you can't see them directly, but they can kill you none the less.


Active Member
..but that says nothing about "why" .. that is about how it might have happened.
Ultimate questions of why things happen will probably never be answered. The question of why suggests purpose, and a purpose suggests an intelligence to have such a purpose. It is natural for human beings to insist upon a purpose for things. As a matter of fact, when I first became ann antheist, my first reaction was a crushing sense of the purposelessness of life.

Indeed, there need not and may not be a purpose for everything. Randomness plays a large part in the natural world, and nothing random is purposeful. That’s just a fact of life in this world that we have to accept.


Active Member
Not according to the Roman emperor Constantine, who struck a coin in 313 A.D. in recognition of his god "Sol Invictus", for help in winning the battle of 312 A.D. for him.
Am I to suppose that Constantine, by virtue of being the Emperor of Byzantium, cannot have been deluded? Also realize, that Constantine, very much like Octavian before him in the west, was a consummate politician. He knew which way the wind was blowing, and played that breeze for all it was worth. His nephew and successor Emperor Julian, a hero of mine, an Hellenist (anti-Latinist), a philosopher and an intellectual, and an avowed Hellenic pagan, wanted to utterly sever the Empire from the nascent and surgent Christianity but was murdered by a Christian plot while campaigning in the east before he could accomplish that. How different the world might have been if he had lived…
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Well-Known Member
And the relevant point I was getting at: he was tried, convicted and executed. Apparently, he did not have sovereign immunity (though at some points during the trial, Charles refused to participate in his own defense because he thought he did).
Daniel 2:21

21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

What Charles I Thought and actual Reality are two different things, Given that Charles I was Tried, Convicted and Executed is Proof that the Sovereign had No Immunity.

Elohim/God giveth and Elohim/God taketh away. Elohim/God took away Charles I Sovereign Immunity because of the King's Persecution of Devoted Puritans. Elohim/God Cut Off The Head of Charles I for Waging War Against Elohim's/God's Devoted Puritans!

History of the Puritans under King Charles I

The Independents Controversy, 1644

"...When the Puritans in New England set up their own congregations, in order to be admitted to the church, one had to be examined by the elders of the church, and then make a public profession of faith before the assembled congregation before being admitted to membership. The Independents supported the New England way and argued for its adoption in England. The result would be a situation where not all English people would be members of the church, but only those who had undergone a conversion experience and made a public confession of faith. Under these circumstances, one of the major reasons why the Independents favored congregational polity was that they argued that only other godly members of the congregation could identify who else was elect. The Independents condemned the suppression of the Separatists – on the basis that the state should not suppress the godly. They accused the Presbyterian party of wanting to continue the barbarous, "popish" persecutions of the Laudian bishops. For the first time, the Independents began to advocate a theory of religious liberty. Since they saw only a small minority of the community as actually "saved", they argued that it made no sense to have a uniform national church. Rather, each gathered church should be free to organize itself as it saw fit. They were therefore opposed not only to the Book of Common Prayer, but also to any attempt to reform the liturgy – they argued that in fact there should not be a national liturgy, but that each minister and each congregation should be free to worship God in the way they saw fit...."

Religion under Charles I | A Level History
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Well-Known Member
Yes, I know all about them; they were the first settlers in my part of the U.S., where their churches dominated until the large influx of Irish during the famine (must’ve galled them to see those Irish building Catholic Churches which dwarfed theirs, and seizing political power through sheer numbers). They didn’t only want to separate from the Catholics, but from the Anglicans and Merhodists, as well. They were quite radical minded people.
James 1:27

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Only the Extremely Radical are the True Devoted Followers of Elohim/God because you Must be Extremely Radical to keep yourself Unspotted from the World.
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Oldest Heretic
You don't know what you are talking about (not for the first time). It is utterly different. The monarch is not the religious head of the church. He or she is the Supreme Governor. The name was carefully chosen to show that the monarch is not responsible for religious matters of doctrine, tradition, ceremony etc. The job is to "conserve and maintain" the Church of England.
Exactly.... as @Estro Felino said he hold Temporal authority as supreme governor.

In the wider aspect, I do not believe that he holds to an exclusively Christian faith, but can see value in most faiths.
in recognition of his god "Sol Invictus"

The god was Sol, "Invictus" is an epithet applied to numerous gods but not part of their name.

Sol Invictus, whose birth date is the 25th of December.

No real evidence for that.

One year there were some festivities for Sol on 25 Dec (although likely post-dating Christmas on 25 Dec), but there were also festivities in August, October and November in earlier years.

It is the same church he set the dogma for in 325 A.D., the Roman Catholic church, which his kingdom supported, which still exist today, and a daughter of that church, in England, just crowned their new king last week.

It's like being back in the 17th C with folk railing against "the vileness of Popery" :D


Veteran Member
The god was Sol, "Invictus" is an epithet applied to numerous gods but not part of their name.

No real evidence for that.

One year there were some festivities for Sol on 25 Dec (although likely post-dating Christmas on 25 Dec), but there were also festivities in August, October and November in earlier years.

It's like being back in the 17th C with folk railing against "the vileness of Popery" :D
Or in modern day Northern Ireland: "Naow Popereiaegh!"


Active Member
Sol Invictus, whose birth date is the 25th of December.
No real evidence for that.
I am supposing that he means “the sun” is “reborn”, in a sense, on the winter solstice. (At least, I hope that’s what he means.) As for the rest of his post, I won’t even bother to reply…he equates a belief in demons to gamma rays to a belief in gamma rays (face palm).


Well-Known Member
No real evidence for that.

One year there were some festivities for Sol on 25 Dec (although likely post-dating Christmas on 25 Dec), but there were also festivities in August, October and November in earlier years.

There were also other pagan festivals now supported by the Roman church, as in the keeping the spring festival of Astarte/Easter, which was began during the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 A.D.. They also keep the Druid feast of the dead, in the form of all soul's day, Halloween.
It's like being back in the 17th C with folk railing against "the vileness of Popery" :D
I think the railing of the Roman Catholic "Popery"/Church, by Luther, was centered around the "Popery" trading forgiveness of sins for money, etc., which funds were used to build the basilica of Peter, whose was the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:16-17, which is still in practice today with requirements listed in their book of indulgences, which list such things of spending time adoring the "pagan cross", which cross adoration was inserted via the vision of Constantine with Sol Invictus at the battle of Milvian Bridge, in 312 A.D.

Here are some of the principal concessions of plenary indulgences within reach of most Catholics.Remain in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at least a half-hour.The participation in the Adoration of the Cross, on Good Friday.Spiritual exercises of at least three days.Those who make their first Communion or who assist at another’s first Communion.Praying at least five decades of the rosary in a church or chapel, or else in family, a religious community or a pious association.



Well-Known Member
I am supposing that he means “the sun” is “reborn”, in a sense, on the winter solstice. (At least, I hope that’s what he means.) As for the rest of his post, I won’t even bother to reply…he equates a belief in demons to gamma rays to a belief in gamma rays (face palm).
Sol Invictus means "unconquered sun", and was the sun god of Constantine and the Roman Army. Julius Caesar worshipped the Persian sun god Mithras. The Roman church worships Sol Invictus by keeping his day holy, as well as keeping the feast of Astarte/Easter as holy. As for gamma rays, which one can not see accept for the traces they leave, the same is for demons, which one cannot see, but their traces are left in the craziness they leave behind, such as anyone voting for Joe Biden.