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The Coronation of Christian King Charles III


Well-Known Member
Am I to suppose that Constantine, by virtue of being the Emperor of Byzantium, cannot have been deluded? Also realize, that Constantine, very much like Octavian before him in the west, was a consummate politician. He knew which way the wind was blowing, and played that breeze for all it was worth. His nephew and successor Emperor Julian, a hero of mine, an Hellenist (anti-Latinist), a philosopher and an intellectual, and an avowed Hellenic pagan, wanted to utterly sever the Empire from the nascent and surgent Christianity but was murdered by a Christian plot while campaigning in the east before he could accomplish that. How different the world might have been if he had lived…
Constantine by means of force, combined both the Eastern and Western parts of the Roman empire. Constantine's convening of the Council of Nicaea was a political move to unite the religions of his empire to secure the empire from self-emulation. He succeeded in combining the crazy number of differing Christian sects with the gods of his Roman army. Apparently, the main god of his Roman army, Sol Invictus, won the day, and is worshipped every Sunday by most of Christendom.
There were also other pagan festivals now supported by the Roman church, as in the keeping the spring festival of Astarte/Easter, which was began during the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 A.D.. They also keep the Druid feast of the dead, in the form of all soul's day, Halloween.

Again, the only evidence for "Sol day" on 25 Dec post-dates Christmas on 25 Dec by a couple of centuries.

Easter/Astarte is even more made up, as is Halloween.

A mishmash of myths popularised by anti-Catholic polemics, Romantics and neo-pagans and lapped up by credulous folk online in the modern era.


Veteran Member
Sol Invictus means "unconquered sun", and was the sun god of Constantine and the Roman Army. Julius Caesar worshipped the Persian sun god Mithras. The Roman church worships Sol Invictus by keeping his day holy, as well as keeping the feast of Astarte/Easter as holy. As for gamma rays, which one can not see accept for the traces they leave, the same is for demons, which one cannot see, but their traces are left in the craziness they leave behind, such as anyone voting for Joe Biden.
This is now off-the-scale wacko.


Veteran Member
Again, the only evidence for "Sol day" on 25 Dec post-dates Christmas on 25 Dec by a couple of centuries.

Easter/Astarte is even more made up, as is Halloween.

A mishmash of myths popularised by anti-Catholic polemics, Romantics and neo-pagans and lapped up by credulous folk online in the modern era.
Quite. The Easter one is particularly ignorant and absurd, since Easter is called Paques, Pascua, Pasqua, Πάσχα (i.e. Pascha) etc. in the Mediterranean countries, i.e. the former countries of the Roman Empire, - which comes of course from Pesach, i.e. Passover.

So nothing at all to do any pagan festival, in those countries where Rome had influence.


Active Member
As for gamma rays, which one can not see accept for the traces they leave, the same is for demons, which one cannot see, but their traces are left in the craziness they leave behind, such as anyone voting for Joe Biden.
Well, as one who tends towards conservatism, I’ll throw you a “high five” for that. Even so, I don’t think that it’s the work of actual demons, but rather just demonic democrats! ;)


Well-Known Member
I wonder, are you a “Sabbath keeping Christian”, such as SDA or SDB member?
I am not a follower of the false prophet Paul, or the "worthless shepherd" (Zech 11;17), Peter, so therefore I am not a member of any so called "Christian" sect. I leave that designation to the followers of the "beast with two horns like a lamb", who was Constantine, along with his two Christ like leaders, Peter and Paul.


Well-Known Member
Well, as one who tends towards conservatism, I’ll throw you a “high five” for that. Even so, I don’t think that it’s the work of actual demons, but rather just demonic democrats! ;)
If you will notice in Revelation 16:13-16, it is the demons who coax the leaders, such as the present Progressive administration, and other tyrants, down the path to Har-Magedon, all under the support of the Marxist Progressive Democratic supporters, along with the support of those who think they will get a freebie out of the Democratic party, such as student loan holders. To become a "demonic democrat", you must first be possessed by a demon, or married or in an illicit relationship to a nutcracker.

Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.…


Well-Known Member

Ah, wasn’t aware of that. This was before “In hoc Signo Vinces”?
In hoc Signo Vinces was the message given to Constantine at the battle of Milvian bridge in 312 A.D., by Sol Invictus, the year before Constantine struck a coin in homage to Sol Invictus, and the homage was done in the form of the cross shaped banner of Constantine, as can be attested as by the Spanish Catholics conquering the Americas under such a symbol. Apparently Christian attacks at Jerusalem were lead by such banners during the Crusades.


Active Member
I am not a follower of the false prophet Paul...
I agree that Paul was quite more creative in his ministry than was warranted, creating in effect, his own Pauline religion. I can see that you are very unique in your faith; I have no problem with that, so long as you can accept my atheism. I admire your grasp of pertinent history.


Well-Known Member
I agree that Paul was quite more creative in his ministry than was warranted, creating in effect, his own Pauline religion. I can see that you are very unique in your faith; I have no problem with that, so long as you can accept my atheism. I admire your grasp of pertinent history.
The "pertinent history" includes ongoing historical events with respect to the actual unfolding of the historical unfolding of the "kingdom of God". The problem with respect to "Christians" is that they have been "deceived" in lock step with the prophecy of the "beast with two horns like a lamb", who was Constantine, and his two Christ like leaders, Peter and Paul. (Revelation 13:11-14). I would have to assume that your general "atheist" started out in a "Christain" environment, and they said hell no, this is really messed up. If they can stay on the right road without a road map, well good for them, but "many" such as the Marxist, make a point of there not being a God as part of their narrative. Well, they have just chosen a different god, in the form of Marx. Whether a Marxist or a Christian, the basis of their beliefs are marked with double minded hypocrisy, or in the form of the current Marxist Progressive Administration, straight out lies, and total lack of critical thinking.


Well-Known Member
Haha, are there any of those left in the world, and do they still wear the funny hats?
That's a good question. Have all Puritans been Killed Off by the Universal Roman Catholic Church?

Apparently there are a Few remaining:

Welcome to the Puritan Board

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion and scholarship in a confessionally Reformed context.

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion in a Confessionally Reformed Evangelical context. We are Evangelical because we protest the authority, truth claims and idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church. We are Reformed because we believe that men and women are dead in trespasses and it requires the power of God in salvation through Christ. Christ has broken the power of sin to enslave us and has purchased our faith so that, in Him, we rise to newness of life. We are Confessional because we believe that the Scriptures are clear regarding matters of life and salvation. Confessions are not the Scriptures, but they faithfully represent the core truths of the Scriptures and provide a unifying body of teaching that has stood the test of centuries.



Well-Known Member
It never ceases to stun me when I run across blatant bigotry on this board.
Bigotry is a Requirement and Badge of Honour for True Religionist. Half-Hearted/Half-Baked Religion is False Religion. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are Really Left-Hand Path Religions for Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom.

I would have been Persecuted by the Puritans being an Ultra Extremist Christians Gnostic. Apparently, the Puritans, the Only Real Protestants, Persecuted the Quakers because they Believe in Direct Personal Relationship With Elohim/God. Christians Gnosticism is all about Attaining Direct Personal Relationship With Elohim/God.

The Puritans Were Not Tolerant of Other Religions


Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός, romanized: gnōstikós, Koine Greek: [ɣnostiˈkos], 'having knowledge') is a collection of religious ideas and systems that coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the proto-orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions. Gnostic cosmogony generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity (sometimes associated with the Yahweh of the Old Testament) who is responsible for creating the material universe. Consequently, Gnostics considered material existence flawed or evil, and held the principal element of salvation to be direct knowledge of the hidden divinity, attained via mystical or esoteric insight.



Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Bigotry is a Requirement and Badge of Honour for True Religionist. Half-Hearted/Half-Baked Religion is False Religion. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are Really Left-Hand Path Religions for Elohim's/God's Earthly Kingdom.

I would have been Persecuted by the Puritans being an Ultra Extremist Christians Gnostic. Apparently, the Puritans, the Only Real Protestants, Persecuted the Quakers because they Believe in Direct Personal Relationship With Elohim/God. Christians Gnosticism is all about Attaining Direct Personal Relationship With Elohim/God.

The Puritans Were Not Tolerant of Other Religions


Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός, romanized: gnōstikós, Koine Greek: [ɣnostiˈkos], 'having knowledge') is a collection of religious ideas and systems that coalesced in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. These various groups emphasized personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) above the proto-orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of religious institutions.

First off, I am totally uninterested in discussing teh Puritans, since their movement died out quite some time ago.

Gnostic Christianity similarly died out, even if some elements remain.

But more to the point, a Christian is anyone who says that Jesus is the messiah who died for their sins. You have three branches of Christianity: Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox (eastern and oriental). They are all "real" Christians, and all Protestants are "real" Protestants ( meaning they accept the 5 solas).

Are you familiar with the No True Scotsman fallacy? It is a way of reasoning that is fallacious, meaning that there are no true connections to the conclusion. It is sometimes called the Appeal to Purity. Here is one illustration how that fallacy would work:
Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge."
Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."

Your claim that mainline Protestants are not "real" Protestants is a clear use of this fallacy.


Well-Known Member
You are joking of course. What do you suppose mainline protestants are protesting against
There are no Jokes being made. This a Very Serious Religious thread.

What the Puritans were/are protesting about? Hear it from the Horses mouth:

Welcome to the Puritan Board

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion and scholarship in a confessionally Reformed context.

The Puritan Board provides Christian discussion in a Confessionally Reformed Evangelical context. We are Evangelical because we protest the authority, truth claims and idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church. We are Reformed because we believe that men and women are dead in trespasses and it requires the power of God in salvation through Christ. Christ has broken the power of sin to enslave us and has purchased our faith so that, in Him, we rise to newness of life. We are Confessional because we believe that the Scriptures are clear regarding matters of life and salvation. Confessions are not the Scriptures, but they faithfully represent the core truths of the Scriptures and provide a unifying body of teaching that has stood the test of centuries.



Active Member
Christians Gnosticism is all about Attaining Direct Personal Relationship With Elohim/God.
I think that the term “Christian Gnosticism”, along with “Jewish Gnosticism”, is utterly oxymoronic. Judaism and Christianity are “revealed faiths”, meaning that all knowledge about deity is arrived at by means of stories as relayed across time both orally and in scripture…the scriptures. In Gnosticism, knowledge of God’s existence and character are gained by direct experience, which places it at epistemic odds with revealed faith in an apparently irreconcilable way.
…a Christian is anyone who says that Jesus is the messiah who died for their sins.
Basically, yes… but knowledge about this is gained through sacred stories as have manifested in scripture and oral tradition (actually, vice-versa, to place them in chronological order). The epistemology of the Abrahamic faiths, Islam included, is mythical (based upon a tradition of mythos: of story both oral and scriptural), while that of Gnosticism is directly experiential. This seems to represent an unbridgeable gap between them.
I think that the term “Christian Gnosticism”, along with “Jewish Gnosticism”, is utterly oxymoronic. Judaism and Christianity are “revealed faiths”, meaning that all knowledge about deity is arrived at by means of stories as relayed across time both orally and in scripture…the scriptures.

That doesn't seem to reflect the history of those religions at all.

It might be the position of some Protestants (by no means all), but that would have been a religious innovation rather than a return to a more traditional perspective.

Much of the Bible wasn't even written to be scripture (e.g. the Gospels and Epistles), let alone written to be the sole and definitive means of explaining God.


Active Member
It might be the position of some Protestants (by no means all), but that would have been a religious innovation rather than a return to a more traditional perspective.
Not at all, this is true in Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy as well, only in Catholicism as much authority is given to extra-Biblical scripture, oral Church tradition and Papal theological infallibility, which are specifically what stand in contraposition to the Protestant doctrine of sola scriptura.
Much of the Bible wasn't even written to be scripture (e.g. the Gospels and Epistles), let alone written to be the sole and definitive means of explaining God.
Sure, but the question is, what is considered exclusively authoritative for doctrine in the religions as they are. In Judaism, that is oral tradition leading to Tanakh and Talmud explicating the Torah, in Christianity it is writings and traditions as noted above, in Islam it is Qur’an and the oral-leading-to-scriptural Hadith. These are where the ultimate and exclusive authority lie in the Abrahamic faiths, and they necessarily involve mythos (“stories”) at their core. The direct, immediate experience of God, which lies at the heart of Gnosticism, has no authority, and is denied in these faiths, despite people’s obvious longing therefore, such as is seen in the various Catholic “apparitions of Mary” which always shamed me as a young Catholic boy. That is why all these “apparitions” have never been validated by the Vatican, where they are viewed as possible but questionable and unauthoritative (I view them as nonsense). It is also why Universalism (and Unitarian-Universalism) are not viewed by Christians as being “Christian faiths”.

To be a member-in-good-standing of one of these Abrahamic faiths, one must accept the absolute, exclusive authority of the extant scriptures. My becoming an atheist was, rather than being a renunciation of God, basically a renunciation of the Bible as a source of doctrine, faith or belief; which left open the possibility that there might be a God which exists, but eliminated the possibility that I can know anything about that God. That is why I call myself “atheist, but not antitheist”.
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