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The Death Penalty


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Murder is unlawful.

Execution by the state is, by definition, lawful.

Execution by state of an innocent person is not intentional, therefore not murder.

So you could not compare the actions of the state wrongly executing someone and a murderer murdering someone.

That seems to be a transparent rationalization. Can you offer a better line of reasoning?
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Well-Known Member
I've never been an advocate of the death penalty. I don't think anyone has the right to take another person's life...since when did murder equate to justice?
I don't think the death penalty is a deterrent, but people must be responsible for their actions, if you live by the most basic rules of society the you need to be removed from that society. I think my idea of creating a "devils island" isolation for those who commit murder would be a good alternative to those objecting to taking a life. I personally would like to see the offender put to death by the same method he or she used to murder.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
I don't believe this to be true.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Texas's been killing an avg.inmate/week (or more) for 15 years. They've been hit with increasingly vicious natural disasters ever since resuming executions.
Yeah, Texas wants to teach Intelligent Destruction in weather classes. Those secular meteorologists are always trying to leave God out of the weather.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Yeah, Texas wants to teach Intelligent Destruction in weather classes. Those secular meteorologists are always trying to leave God out of the weather.

Try to stay on the topic please. This debate is about Death Penalty. Not religion vs science.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Dangerous thread for me, but I'll try to keep my cool this time.
Personally, I haven't made up my mind about the death penalty.
I'm ambivalent, myself. I do believe in it, but I don't have faith in our current system. So, I've decided that until some serious reforms get enacted, I can't support it in good conscience.

What do various religions say about the death penalty? I know Catholicism is definitely against it.
UU, as is so often the case, leaves it up to the individual. However, the vast majority (imx), interpret the First Principle (the inherent worth and dignity of every person), as incompatible with capital punishment.

My personal theology could be used to argue either side, but as I said, I believe it's acceptable.

What do you guys think (forgive the term "guys" I know many of you are ladies)?
No worries, I use "guys" the same way.


Well-Known Member
That seems to be a transparent rationalization. Can you offer a better line of reasoning?
Seriously... no state sets out to purposefully and knowingly execute innocent people.

Murderers, by virtue of being murderers, always do purposefully and knowingly murder innocent people.

The court system should do everything it can to prevent innocent people from being convicted.

Carrying out the sentences for convicts, however, should be consistent.

By the way... what happens if you have an innocent convict serve a life sentence... dies in prison... are you supposed to feel better knowing that he COULD have been exonerated because he wasn't put to death years earlier? That doesn't help anybody...

And then, you have some people that argue that life in prison is a worse punishment than death, because death is an easy out... so you'd rather have innocent people suffer longer than be put out of their misery (because if there are so many innocent convicts being released these days, makes you wonder how many innocent convicts AREN'T being released)?

The court system needs to change so that it convicts people properly.

Otherwise... "innocent until proven guilty" is meaningless, and you might as well presume that all prisoners are innocent. Which would mean we're locking up all kinds of people for no reason.

Because if we can never really know enough to put them to death for it... we shouldn't be sentencing anyone at all.


Well-Known Member
Some one can't add up... In no state in the above table were more whites executed than blacks. Yet Your totals show the reverse.

So Much for statistics. and propaganda

For cripes sake, you go by percentages, not just raw totals, blacks only make up about 15 percent of the nation, so they should only have about 15 percent of the nunbers executed than whites, if things were actually equal. They are obviously being discriminated against at all levels of the justice system.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
For cripes sake, you go by percentages, not just raw totals, blacks only make up about 15 percent of the nation, so they should only have about 15 percent of the nunbers executed than whites, if things were actually equal. They are obviously being discriminated against at all levels of the justice system.

Not when blacks commit 7 times more homicide than whites. File:Homicide offending by race.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. So of course the % of blacks executed is going to be more than the % of whites executed.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Here I will do the math for you. Since charts can be complicated for some people. Whites murder about 5 people per 100,000 population per year. Blacks murder about 35 people per 100,000 population per year. 35 divided by 5 = 7. Which means blacks commit 7 times more homicides than whites. Since 1976, 406 blacks were executed vs 659 whites that was executed, and you say that the death penalty discriminates against blacks?
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Well-Known Member
For cripes sake, you go by percentages, not just raw totals, blacks only make up about 15 percent of the nation, so they should only have about 15 percent of the nunbers executed than whites, if things were actually equal. They are obviously being discriminated against at all levels of the justice system.

if you want your numbers to mean anything, they need to be fairly applied.

If blacks are 15% of the nation... then blacks should be 15% of the prison population (unless more black people happen to commit crimes. Let's not be letting guilty people go just because their racial group has exceeded their prison population quota).

If you want to see what percentage of blacks are being executed, vs whites being executed, you need look at only the number of blacks and whites ON DEATH ROW.


Well-Known Member
Looking at these sources side by side

U.S. Executions Since 1976

I see an interesting picture emerge.

From 1966 to 1980, the murder rate nation wide very nearly doubled (from 5.6 to 10.2 per 100,000)

In this time, a grand total of four people were put to death.

1 in 1966
1 in 1977
2 in 1979

1980 was the peak of the nationwide murder rate. Nobody was executed in 1980.

And then, executions slowly increased from year to year... the murder rate kind of went back and forth, never again getting as high as it was in 1980.. then it fell in 1994 and kept on dropping till about 2001. At that point, the murder rate kept at a steady average of 5.5 per 100,000 (never above 5.7, never below 5.4)

1999 saw the most number of executions in any year... 98.

2000 saw a decrease in murder rate from 5.7 to 5.5 per 100,000... even with an increase in population by more than 8 million.

From 2001 till 2008, the average number of executions per year was 56.

Never more than 71, never less than 35.

Those years saw very nearly half the murder rate as 77-82, when executions per year were still in low single digits.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass
Blacks are convicted of homicide 7 times more than whites. Anyone who doesn't acknowledge the rampant racism in all levels of our justice system is naive or racist.
Yes, but I think it's also a mistake to assume that the percentages should be identical. Blacks have a much higher chance of living in poverty. Poverty breeds crime. Does it not make sense, then that blacks would be more likely to become criminals?

I don't think it's about race so much as class.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Yes, but I think it's also a mistake to assume that the percentages should be identical. Blacks have a much higher chance of living in poverty. Poverty breeds crime. Does it not make sense, then that blacks would be more likely to become criminals?

I don't think it's about race so much as class.

I don't think there's any basis for assuming the percentages should be identical.

I agree that socioeconomic status is more of a determining factor of criminal behavior than race.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I don't think there's any basis for assuming the percentages should be identical.

I agree that socioeconomic status is more of a determining factor of criminal behavior than race.
OK. But someone (too lazy to look it up) was saying that the percentages of convictions and executions should match those of population. I think that's just as naive as denying the institutional racism.

Racism is almost certainly a factor, but it doesn't wholly account for the discrepencies.