Thou art That
And billions of copies designed to learn....produce unique souls with unique perspectives....
is not evidence to you the scheme of things?
Then evidence means nothing to you.
You are top of the line life form?...no One greater than you?
Life after death cannot happen and all of these souls crumble into nothing?
Whatever learning occurs is designed for this life, not a future one in a heavenly realm. Such learning would be useless and in the way. In fact, learning gets in the way of spiritual knowledge in this life as well. Yeshu said so when he tried to tell his audience they were mistaken to think they could find eternal life within the scriptures.
What you think of as the 'scheme of things' is still conjecture and belief, not necessarily truth. In other systems, the scheme of things is that you are God hiding within your present form in a cosmic game of Hide and Seek. The difference between your idea of the scheme and the one I presented is that yours cannot be verified until you die, while mine can indeed be verified fully and completely via of a spiritual awakening in this life.
I did not say there was nothing greater than me; I am saying that I (not the egoic self) am of the same essence of that which is greater, just as the drop of water is of the same substance as the greater sea.
'Soul' is also just a concept, as 'self', and "I" are. 'Life after death' occurs in the present moment, not in some future time and place. There is only this eternal present moment, as it has been, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, amen. All you know for certain is that you are here, now. The rest is all conjecture, speculation, and belief. Therefore, the suggestion is that if you are here, now, then you should BE here, now, and not live in the dead past, nor in some imaginary, non-existent future 'life after death'.
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