breaking the statutes of my local municipality
You misunderstand: I am not using the word 'rational' as the opposite of 'irrational', or insane; I am saying that the divine nature is non-rational. It does not think; it just is pure conscious essence, and is beyond the duality of 'rational/irrational', as it is beyond ALL dualities.
This is an ignorant style of teaching. Not discussing. You do not bother with support. You just try to tell me how it is. And when I ask you for explanation, its likely going to be some nonsense poetry about you pointing at the moon. I know that you are a fraud.
You are not in a position to teach. You are ignorant of the divine nature, yet allow yourself license to endless streams of meaningless drivel about it. There isn't anything that you think you know about the divine nature that you didn't read from some book, and mash (artfully I'm sure) into your "arational" world view that doesn't have to toil with the rigors of reason and logic.
Unfortunately the Truth you thought you found is not found by fooling yourself into believing you have "realized" it through your signature "arational" means.
Nyet! What do you suppose? That God 'reasoned' the world into existence? To what end?
I suppose that eons ago God allowed all of His children to find their own way when He allowed the universe to come into existence, allowing chance along with the free will of His children to shape it, never once interfering with the results so that when we reason our way back to where love comes from and what good truly is, we would also reason our way back to who we Truly are, united with Him along with our Brothers and Sisters here, forever.
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