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The Debate of God.


Rogue Theologian
The issue is not a question of choice between what you call 'spirit' and 'substance'. That you think it is has set your course in amber, and round and round you will go, first leaning to spirit, then to substance, then back again, ad infinitum, until you awaken to the absurdity of it all. The inner war between the flesh and the spirit is a completely concocted illusory scenario, but then projected outwardly into the world as the cause of untold human misery.

In terms of mind and heart Someone had to be First.
I believe that to be the Almighty.

Then deciding if He is Creator?....of course.
Spirit First.


Coincidentia oppositorum
I think you have me confused with someone else.

If you wish to answer...by all means do so.

Spirit first or substance?

Not believing in mind and spirit outside of this life?...that right?

Then you have answered.
Life is substance.
Death is final.
The grave and Eternal darkness follow.

Now....that wasn't so hard....now was it?
Also wrong. What else do you want to guess about me instead of honestly listening?

Never mind. Welcome to my ignore bucket.


Thou art That
In terms of mind and heart Someone had to be First.
I believe that to be the Almighty.

Then deciding if He is Creator?....of course.
Spirit First.

You are trying to define the Absolute with the limited mind in terms of arbitrarily concocted linear time superimposed over the universe. You are thinking 'first' and 'last' when the Absolute is neither.

Who is this 'He' you keep referring to?


Premium Member
[COLOR="DarkRed"]"...and the Word BECAME flesh..."....[/COLOR]

...making them one and the same!

...and yet there, in the very midst of total darkness, is light itself.:D

Yet one must experience the flesh as the word. In that sense the subtle is the source of the non-subtle -- in case some people are averse to the words spirit and matter.

There is no difference between the spirit and matter but it makes sense only ----. :)


Rogue Theologian
You are trying to define the Absolute with the limited mind in terms of arbitrarily concocted linear time superimposed over the universe. You are thinking 'first' and 'last' when the Absolute is neither.

Who is this 'He' you keep referring to?

The Almighty.
The term is self explanatory.

First in mind and heart.
Stands to reason....someone had to be First.

So I believe...(hi there!)


Thou art That
The Almighty.
The term is self explanatory.

The Almighty what? The Dollar?

More people came to see The Beatles than they did Jesus Christ in the manger, so are The Beatles 'The Almighty'?

First in mind and heart.
Stands to reason....someone had to be First.

God is neither first nor last. God is Timeless and has always existed. So where do you get 'first'? That's a bit ridiculous, don'cha think? And even if God were first, why is that so? Does God have such a big ego that that is important to Him? Silliness! Being God, why should He care who's first or last?

So I believe...(hi there!)

Hi there! And you believe because..........C:\....???????:shrug::D


Rogue Theologian
I will take that as a no.

And your question is not direct, it is loaded.
It is your springboard into denial and sermon.

I have no sermons...just the obvious 'loaded' questions.
Feeling as if the barrel is pointed at you?

I care not who you are.

Back to the singularity.


Thou art That
I have no sermons...just the obvious 'loaded' questions.
Feeling as if the barrel is pointed at you?

I care not who you are.

Back to the singularity.

...and now it's not only 'denial AND sermon', but 'denial OF sermon'! :biglaugh:

The 'singularity' came out of the 'no-thing-ularity'.


Admiral Obvious
I have no sermons...just the obvious 'loaded' questions.
Feeling as if the barrel is pointed at you?
You have a couple sermons, but the which came first sermon is your most used.

I am not sure which is the more amusing, your empty threats or your thinking your empty threats are threatening.


Thou art That
Back to the singularity.

...ah, fuzzy safety, warmth, and thumb-sucking security, provided by obscure dogma operating under the color of authority!:liturgy::tribal:

If I can't beat you up with religious beliefs, I'll do it with Holy Science!:fight:


Rogue Theologian
...ah, fuzzy safety, warmth, and thumb-sucking security, provided by obscure dogma operating under the color of authority!:liturgy::tribal:

If I can't beat you up with religious beliefs, I'll do it with Holy Science!:fight:

A shallow retort on your part.

Holy Science?.....sure.....Spirit first.....God as Creator....
The declaration...'I AM'

Holy science applied.

Such is Genesis.
Best to start at the beginning....don't you agree.


Thou art That
A shallow retort on your part.

A shallow retort to fit a shallow mind.

Holy Science?.....sure.....Spirit first.....God as Creator....
The declaration...'I AM'

Holy science applied.

Such is Genesis.
Best to start at the beginning....don't you agree.

You don't understand the statement you are using to support your premise.

"I AM" is a statement that comes out of the living present, where there is no history; where there is no time; where there is no memory; and where there is no first or last, simply because that which is first and last is, therefore, beginingless and endless. Yeshu said so himself:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

Revelation 1:8

If something is both first and last, then it is eternal.


Rogue Theologian
A shallow retort to fit a shallow mind.

You don't understand the statement you are using to support your premise.

"I AM" is a statement that comes out of the living present, where there is no history; where there is no time; where there is no memory; and where there is no first or last, simply because that which is first and last is, therefore, beginingless and endless. Yeshu said so himself:

"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

Revelation 1:8

If something is both first and last, then it is eternal.

And now you agree with me?